• eqo.com – Instant Messaging and Skype on your cell

    eqo.com is a Vancouver, BC based mobile services company that has just gone from Startup to well-funded with a 9 million dollar series B round of funding, which actually included real live Canadian Venture Capital firms Ventures West, Growthworks and the BDC. Their round A was primarily subscribed by BDC Venture Capital from what we understand.

    The news was all over the place this morning.

    Their app is built for cellphones and gives you access to your AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Jabber, GoogleTalk and Skype contacts, and it goes as far as allowing you to make actual skype calls right from your mobile.

    The Mobile App sector has had the most momentum of all the software niches in Canada for some time now and still seems to be inherently more sexy to investors than web startups and seems to be on par with BioTech for pulling in funding (that needs some research).

    As for Eqo, you can bet that Canada and our carriers are not their primary target market, but it’s great to have them here and kicking butt. We’ll follow up when we hear more from them.

    Contact Eqo

  • Resources

    Our full series on Angel Investors by Craig Hayashi

    Canadian Angels & Venture Funds
    Corporate Angels – Toronto, Ontario
    Maple Leaf Angels – Toronto, ON
    Toronto Industrial Angels – Toronto, ON
    Toronto Life Science Angels – Toronto, ON
    Reseaucapital.com – Montreal, Quebec
    Vancouver Angel Network (VANTEC) – Vancouver, BC
    Angel Forum – Vancouver, BC
    Alberta Deal Generator – Edmonton, AB
    Calgary Enterprise Forum – Calgary, Alberta
    First Angel Network Association – Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Kingston Angel Network – Kingston, Ontario
    Ottawa Angel Alliance – Ottawa, Ontario
    Purple Angels – Ottawa, Ontario
    Saskatchewan Angel Investor Network – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
    Winnipeg Angel Organization – Winnipeg, Manitoba

  • devshop.com – online software project management

    Devshop.com is a hosted project management application for software projects. I took Devshop for a test drive a few months ago at the beginning of their beta and found it to be straightforward, but took a pass on it because it felt like it was focused on larger projects. It seems that Devshop is a legitimate competitor to most major project management software, and at 24$US per seat per month, it is priced well, although that could definitly add up for larger teams.

    There would be a good reason to pay for Devshop however, and that is their approach. Devshop focuses first on requirements and also focuses on time estimation and actively measuring progress against the project schedule. Devshop also brings the entire development team in to the same enviroment, so you don’t have to worry about updating MS Project files or emailing spreadsheets between team members.

    Their “squash the risk” approach, which addresses the most real need of project managers, is what will help make Devshop successful. I think that being focused on Software Development, and only Software Development means that Devshop can keep innovating features that affect their niche audience directly, rather than a lot of the bloat that you get from more general purpose project management vendors.

    Devshop is based in Ottawa, Ontario, and they have 5 employees. They were founded in September 2005 and their software went in to public beta just over a year later. To date, Devshop has been funded to the tune of $200, 000 and they are currently looking for angels to top off a second round of funding.

    Considering what they have done with the small investment they have taken so far, and the fact that 2000 customers totaling over 7000 users are using Devshop already, while it is still in beta, is a pretty good sign of things to come.

    Depending on their plans, I would also think that Devshop will have some pretty attractive exit opportunities. Everyone from Borland to Sun and Microsoft will need a tool like this in their back pocket and will be willing to pay to scoop up the market leader.

    Contact Craig Fitzpatrick

  • yourteamonline.ca – social software for sports teams

    Yourteamonline.ca is a Saint John, New Brunswick based startup that is building an online sports team management app, which first launched in November 2006. YourTeamOnline allows coaches and teammates to share game plans, schedules, statistics, photos, videos and information with eachother in a central place.

    YourTeamOnline generates revenue by providing targetted advertising space to (presumably) both local and national advertisers. Knowing how important hockey is in most Canadian communities, I can see how yourteamonline could become a huge hit, but it will probably also fly under the radar of most people. With over 550,000 minor hockey players just in Canada, there will be a lot of opportunity to grow in the coming years if yourteamonline executes properly.

    It’s also important to note that most local advertising is still limited to newspapers, radio and TV. Very few sites can offer targetted advertisement to the minor hockey aged kids and parents in small canadian communities. If Yourteamonline can sell those ads, I think they could do very well.

    YourTeamOnline only has 2 employees right now, but have recently taken on seed funding in order to develop their business further, and they are currently seeking Round A funding in the first part of 2008.

    With 282 teams already using YourTeamOnline, they are off to a great start and I will be watching their progress in the last half of this year.

    Contact Chris Nadeau

  • Contact

    StartupNorth is a project to review Canadian startups and to build a community of users who are passionate about building great companies in Canada.

    Written by Jevon MacDonald and Jonas Brandon.

    Want to get profiled? Have an idea? Get in touch!

  • Welcome to StartupNorth

    Startupnorth is a project to profile and promote Canadian startups. Stick around and we’ll bring you the best we can find.