Toronto Startup Heatmap

Joe Greenwood is directing a new project that pulls together data to track Ontario’s startups. One of the first data sources to be tapped was the StartupNorth Index, which in conjunction with MaRS client data has been crunched into a heatmap of 670 startups across Toronto. Not surprisingly, the ideal office is inexpensive, accessible by transit, and close to good coffee. How can you help fill in this map? Build an amazing startup of course.


8 responses to “Toronto Startup Heatmap”

  1. Boris Mann Avatar

    This is awesome! Under what license are you releasing the StartupIndex data? Would love to run #WeAreYVR off of this.

    1. davidcrow Avatar

      Hey Boris,

      From reading the footer in the above image, it is Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License

      Though the site hasn’t been updated to reflect this yet.

      1. Boris Mann Avatar

        That’s on that image — are you saying that is the license now for the StartupNorth Index, too?

        EDIT: read that again — yes, it is, and you’re going to put a link on the Index soon. woot!

        1. davidcrow Avatar

          I believe that we are moving to a CC – Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 2.5 Canada license. I’m waiting for confirmation from @jonasbrandon and will put it on the site as soon as confirmed.

          1. Jonas Avatar

            Confirmed! The public index data is Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike.

  2. maxxphillippe Avatar


    Great post, very cool product. 

    As an aside, my understanding is that Joe Greenwood is the Project Director of the
    ReSRC project, which is based at MaRS. MaRS is funded, in part, by the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation (formerly MRI).


    1. Jonas Avatar

      Thanks for the clarification!

  3. William Mougayar Avatar

    I may have missed this, but where is the online, clickable version that includes the names of the 670 companies? Why make it a secret. Let it all out. 

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