Coradiant acquired by BMC software

On the heels of yesterday’s acquisition of Tungle, BMC Software has announced today that they have acquired Montreal’s Coradiant, which was co-founded by Year One Labs partner Alistair Croll. We are happy that Montreal has managed to win something in the last few days.

The price is currently undisclosed, but the back of the napkin calculation tells me this was a monster one. Probably not as large as the recent Radian6 exit, but sources put this acquisition well in to the 9-figures territory.

This has been a long time in the making as Coradiant’s founding goes back to 1997 when Alistair Croll and Eric Packman founded NetworkShop.


3 responses to “Coradiant acquired by BMC software”

  1. Roger Chabra Avatar

    Great win! Congrats to the team and to Alistair. And congrats to our VC friends at Grandbanks Capital.

  2. […] According to Network World, BMC has purchased Montreal's Coradiant, a maker of software for improving end-user experience and tracking Web application performance. Terms of the deal were not disclosed but StartupNorth places it in the nine figure range. […]

  3. Dianabol Avatar

    looks like a cever buy for BMc.

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