Our friends Philippe Telio (@ptelio), JS Cournoyer (@jscournoyer) and Alistair Croll (@acroll) have pulled together a spectacular festival in Montreal for startups. They launced today at AccelerateMTL and the speaker list includes great folks:
- Sean Ellis
- Howard Lindzon
- Dave McClure
- Tara Hunt
- Count me in on Plancast
- Register Now »
This is just the tip of the iceberg. A fantastic group of entrepreneurs, marketers, advisors and investors converging on Montreal at the very beginning of the Just for Laughs comedy festival (which looks to be happening July 14-31, 2011).
It is great to see the availability of capital being deployed by Jacques Bernier and the Teralys Capital team start to propagate out into the culture building events. The creation of YearOneLabs, Real Ventures, AccelerateMTL, NextMontreal, Notman House are all directly or indirectly beneficiaries of the capital available in Montreal. It might feel like these changes, conferences and programs happen overnight, but it has been a 5-7 year campaign from a dedicated group beginning with Montreal Startup, John Stokes and Austin Hill. This group has been laser focused on building a culture of high tech entrepreneurship and the necessary infrastructure from education, funding, investment, talent, culture, media and events to support the current and next generation of entrepreneurs. It is really a feat and accomplishment that has made Montreal a hotbed for new companies.
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