Grow – A Conference – Aug 19-21, 2010

Grow 2010
Our friends at C100 and Bootup are bringing Dealmaker Media to Vancouver for a great event in August. If you don’t know Dealmaker, you should. It’s run by a Canadian, Debbie Landa. They produce 2 of the most valuable events for startups in Silicon Valley and Los Angeles – check out Under the Radar for a list of events and companies.

Dealmaker MediaThey are producing an event, Grow 2010, in Vancouver on August 19-21, 2010.

The event is a 3 day event with an invite-only Day 1 to connect Canadian founders with the best and brightest from Silicon Valley and across CAnada. Days 2 & 3 feature great speakers and the opportunity to build unique lasting relationships.

 If you’re an entrepreneur and you missed MeshU in Toronto (and it’s really too bad, this was one of my favourite events of the past 2 years), you should attend Grow 2010. Buy your ticket today and it’s $185, if you miss the super early bird (or as I like to call it the just getting in from a late night), you can grab an early bird ticket for only $230. This is unbelievable! Add in an approximately $700 flight it’s possible to do this for less than $1500. It’s worth the opportunity to meet the companies, build the connections, and help grow your company.

We’ll be coordinating shared hotel rooms for entrepreneurs from Toronto, Montreal, Waterloo, Ottawa, Halifax and anywhere. If you’re not local to Vancouver we’ll help you find a shared room to manage your costs. Add a comment if you are attending and we’ll try to help you find a roommate.


11 responses to “Grow – A Conference – Aug 19-21, 2010”

  1. Dan Martell Avatar

    David, ever since I attended LeWeb in Paris I've been thinking how awesome it would be to get a similar group of people to Canada and Debbie's delivered. It's going to be a crazy awesome event and I'm bringing my A game and will insure Canadian startup founders get face time with the right people.

    Thanks for the support!


  2. Dan Martell Avatar

    David, ever since I attended LeWeb in Paris I’ve been thinking how awesome it would be to get a similar group of people to Canada and Debbie’s delivered. It’s going to be a crazy awesome event and I’m bringing my A game and will insure Canadian startup founders get face time with the right people.

    Thanks for the support!


  3. startupcfo Avatar

    I'll be there along with a good contingent from Montreal

  4. Mark MacLeod Avatar

    I’ll be there along with a good contingent from Montreal

  5. Schwabe Avatar

    This is shaping up to be a high quality event, can't wait !!

  6. Schwabe Avatar

    This is shaping up to be a high quality event, can’t wait !!

  7. dannyrobinson Avatar

    Awesome David. Happy to hear that you'll be coming out. Make sure you reserve some time to hang out. Also, I'm happy to offer up desks and wifi at Bootup to any out of town'ers. We're an easy walk from the convention centre.

    1. David Crow Avatar


      I’m planning travel later this week. I think I’ll fly out Monday morning and stay until Saturday.

  8. dannyrobinson Avatar

    Awesome David. Happy to hear that you’ll be coming out. Make sure you reserve some time to hang out. Also, I’m happy to offer up desks and wifi at Bootup to any out of town’ers. We’re an easy walk from the convention centre.

  9. dannyrobinson Avatar

    Awesome David. Happy to hear that you’ll be coming out. Make sure you reserve some time to hang out. Also, I’m happy to offer up desks and wifi at Bootup to any out of town’ers. We’re an easy walk from the convention centre.

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