Just Launched: BumpTop Multi-Touch for Windows 7

BumpTop has just launched Multi-Touch for Windows 7. This is on the heels of forming partnerships with some of the largest graphics card makers in the world including: HIS, PowerColor, and SAPPHIRE, who are now distributing BumpTop by bundling a free copy with their graphics cards.

Cool, huh! Heck, I’d attend a Windows 7 House Party to give BumpTop Multi-Touch a whirl.


4 responses to “Just Launched: BumpTop Multi-Touch for Windows 7”

  1. frogpad Avatar

    This can then use a Multi Touch user interface. This video is of the complete and patented Multi touch user interface SoftFrog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te9O8HavQpQ

  2. frogpad Avatar

    This can then use a Multi Touch user interface. This video is of the complete and patented Multi touch user interface SoftFrog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te9O8HavQpQ

  3. UX freak Avatar
    UX freak

    BumpTop was originally presented at the 2006 ACM CHI conference in … Montreal 🙂

  4. UX freak Avatar
    UX freak

    BumpTop was originally presented at the 2006 ACM CHI conference in … Montreal 🙂

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