After my first post about PlanetEye and the teddy-bear response it garnered from their VC and co-founder Rick, I am not really predisposed to writing much about PlanetEye.
Well, that was back in September and their new CEO, Butch Langlois, was just getting settled in. Without speculating about how much money PlanetEye has gone through getting off the ground or how long it has taken, I’ll just say congratulations. The progress under Butch has been impressive to everyone, and the product looks great.
When I asked Scott Pelton why he joined Rick in funding PlanetEye, he was candid. He said “do you think that cameras will someday come embedded with GPS location and that it will be a big deal?”.
I think that day is coming. It might be a little ways off, but with GPS chips the size of your fingernail out there, it won’t be too long. And yes, I do think it is going to be a big deal.
The fact is, two Canadian VCs took a big bet on the future and did more than most Canadian VCs do: they followed a vision.
Sites like Panaramio (which integrates with Google Earth) offer a similar pictures-on-a-map experience, but do not have the travel focus that will either make, or break, PlanetEye.
So, a tip of the hat to Scott and Rick and their firms, Growthworks and JLA. I hope this one goes all the way.
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