I hear from a lot of would-be entrepreneurs that they are just waiting for the right idea, or that they want to do more research on their idea, or that they need to “flesh out” their idea in order to get started.
Stop lying to yourself.
The big idea isn’t coming. You don’t have the big idea. You aren’t going to come up with the BIG idea.
Building a great company isn’t about a single big idea. It is about stringing together a slew of small ideas, insights and facts in a stream of execution.
Instead of worrying about whatever your terrible idea is, you need to start learning to do what needs to be done.
See, the wonderful thing about doing stuff is that no matter what, whether you are right or wrong, you are learning more and more about your business. By sitting back and thinking about things, pondering how something might work, dreaming about a great result, etc, you aren’t learning anything. You are just wasting time.
So start with something small. What is the first small task you can complete to get you on the road to building this startup? Writing a line of code, cold-calling some potential customers, wireframing a design. The list goes on.
That reminds me. I have been planning on taking up running this summer. I have yet to step foot on the pavement in my gym shoes. Uhg.
Start now or forever hold your peace.
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