StartupNorth is a year old! How did that happen?

It is hard to believe that its been a year since we started writing StartupNorth. It was a hairbrained idea that has grown bigger and has given us more opportunities to connect with other startups than we could have imagined. It really has been a great ride so far.

More than anything, we wanted to start building a startup community. We didn’t try to create a “startup culture”, or “prime the ecosystem”,. we don’t try to create synergistic deals or jumpstart any fancy commercialization of innovation. We just write about what’s happening and try to stir the pot ourselves every so often. The truth is though, we take our cues and inspiration from every comment you make and every email you send us. I can’t tell you how many bad days have turned around because of an email from someone with a great idea and a truckload of enthusiasm.

To celebrate, Jonas and I are going to go grab a drink on Thursday. We will be upstairs at the Imperial Pub on Dundas street. It’s not the most glamourous location, but you can bet the beer will be cold, the people friendly, and it never does get too busy.

So, if you are in town, let’s say 7:30 or 8pm. Come by for a beer and say hello. Here is the Facebook Event Page


20 responses to “StartupNorth is a year old! How did that happen?”

  1. Ryan Brooks Avatar

    That’s great, but something is missing. What are your plans for the upcoming year?

  2. Ryan Brooks Avatar

    That’s great, but something is missing. What are your plans for the upcoming year?

  3. Libin Pan Avatar

    Happy Birthday! And Congratulations! See you guys in the party!

  4. Libin Pan Avatar

    Happy Birthday! And Congratulations! See you guys in the party!

  5. Rob Avatar

    Congrats Guys – looking forward to meeting you next week at CIX.

  6. Rob Avatar

    Congrats Guys – looking forward to meeting you next week at CIX.

  7. Varun Mathur Avatar

    Congrats to both of you ! StartupNorth is one of my must-read blogs. Thanks for the good work ! πŸ™‚

  8. Varun Mathur Avatar

    Congrats to both of you ! StartupNorth is one of my must-read blogs. Thanks for the good work ! πŸ™‚

  9. […] our ever-growning online media titanship to raise a glass or two. And y’all are invited [eh]. Jevon has the details: To celebrate, Jonas and I are going to go grab a drink on Thursday. We will be upstairs at the […]

  10. […] our ever-growning online media titanship to raise a glass or two. And y’all are invited [eh]. Jevon has the details: To celebrate, Jonas and I are going to go grab a drink on Thursday. We will be upstairs at the […]

  11. Joseph Thornley Avatar

    Congratulations guys. One year!
    I won’t be in Toronto on Thursday. So I can’t join you. But I’ll be there in spirit. Party on.

  12. Joseph Thornley Avatar

    Congratulations guys. One year!
    I won’t be in Toronto on Thursday. So I can’t join you. But I’ll be there in spirit. Party on.

  13. Rami Avatar

    Happy birthday, keep up the good work.

  14. Rami Avatar

    Happy birthday, keep up the good work.

  15. heri Avatar

    Jevon, Jonas, congratulations!

    It’s a great achievemnet you’ve done here. Looking forward for what you guys will be doing next πŸ™‚

    Can’t go to the party though, but I am cheering you virtually πŸ™‚

  16. heri Avatar

    Jevon, Jonas, congratulations!

    It’s a great achievemnet you’ve done here. Looking forward for what you guys will be doing next πŸ™‚

    Can’t go to the party though, but I am cheering you virtually πŸ™‚

  17. Mark macLeod Avatar

    Congrats! Will hoist a beverage in your honour from Montreal…

  18. Mark macLeod Avatar

    Congrats! Will hoist a beverage in your honour from Montreal…

  19. […] as if the next week+ isn’t packed enough. With StartupCamp Toronto 2, CIX and our slightly more easy going Thursday plans, Mark Kuznicki has taken it upon himself to throw the biggest party of the year yet: […]

  20. […] as if the next week+ isn’t packed enough. With StartupCamp Toronto 2, CIX and our slightly more easy going Thursday plans, Mark Kuznicki has taken it upon himself to throw the biggest party of the year yet: […]

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