MediaScrape – Will Montreal give us another Capazoo?

TechCrunch is asking some questions about Montreal-Based MediaScrape. I don’t know anything about them, but it seems like they are either stretching the truth or things aren’t as simple as they seem.

Being an aggregator of video (letting other people pay for all that pesky production and things like reporters) doesn’t seem like a terrible idea on first blush, but the execution in the case of MediaScrape feels little amateurish. That said, things like “Related Videos” and a handful of other features are useful and relevant.

Anyone know anything about this company? (UPDATE: I think Heri lays it all out well. I look forward to seeing MediaScrape grow)


10 responses to “MediaScrape – Will Montreal give us another Capazoo?”

  1. Tyler Cavell Avatar

    Hi, I self-funded and founded MediaScrape in the summer of 2005. The site was largely based on my thesis from the London School of Economics where I recieved a Master’s and also from my Master’s at the University of Southern California. Both of my papers were focused on: increasing diversity, competition and localism in broadcast media. My solution? Travel the world to sign broadcast agreements with leading news broadcasters around the world and integrate these broadcasters into Google Maps on a web site. I spent over a year signing agreements and another 7 months coding and setting up the site with my partner, Openface Internet Inc. Now that I have been able to raise some significant financing, I am looking for people to work on branding, user interface, etc. I look forward to hearing from people who are interested in joining the MediaScrape team as we endeavor to move to the next level.

  2. Tyler Cavell Avatar

    Hi, I self-funded and founded MediaScrape in the summer of 2005. The site was largely based on my thesis from the London School of Economics where I recieved a Master’s and also from my Master’s at the University of Southern California. Both of my papers were focused on: increasing diversity, competition and localism in broadcast media. My solution? Travel the world to sign broadcast agreements with leading news broadcasters around the world and integrate these broadcasters into Google Maps on a web site. I spent over a year signing agreements and another 7 months coding and setting up the site with my partner, Openface Internet Inc. Now that I have been able to raise some significant financing, I am looking for people to work on branding, user interface, etc. I look forward to hearing from people who are interested in joining the MediaScrape team as we endeavor to move to the next level.

  3. heri Avatar

    mediascrape is just playing a lil’ bit with the numbers. also, i am not sure being featured on TC was one of his goals.

  4. heri Avatar

    mediascrape is just playing a lil’ bit with the numbers. also, i am not sure being featured on TC was one of his goals.

  5. […] have been questions by a few industry observers, but I guess it’s mainly because is not from your typical […]

  6. […] have been questions by a few industry observers, but I guess it’s mainly because is not from your typical […]

  7. […] across an embarrassing update about MediaScrape, which Heri and Mathew Ingram both covered well. When we first posted about MediaScrape, Tyler Cavell, the founder, responded in a much more succinct way than he did to TechCrunch’s […]

  8. […] across an embarrassing update about MediaScrape, which Heri and Mathew Ingram both covered well. When we first posted about MediaScrape, Tyler Cavell, the founder, responded in a much more succinct way than he did to TechCrunch’s […]

  9. […] have covered MediaScrape a few times, and when I mentioned they might be the next Capazoo, their CEO came through with a great reference […]

  10. […] have covered MediaScrape a few times, and when I mentioned they might be the next Capazoo, their CEO came through with a great reference […]

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