LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online

learnhub_logo_100×48.pngJonas and I dropped by the Savvica offices today for the launch of LearnHub.com. LearnHub is the first site from Savvica since their funding in the fall of 2007. We previously covered the return of Savvica’s founders, John and Malgosia, back to Toronto after a year in San Francisco. Savvica is based in Toronto and recently took significant investment from Indian e-learning company Educomp.

LearnHub TeamLearnHub is in many ways the evolution of their first product, Nuvvo, which was a much more traditional learning management system. LearnHub on the other hand has a lot more social networking functionality and the “community” model feels a lot more engaging.

Users can connect with other people, can join communities and can help build courses in those communities by bundling tools such as “Debates”, “Lessons”, “Tests” and “Discussions”. There is also an explicit “Authority Ranking” in LearnHub that rewards users who participate more regularly and in more ways.

Once you have built a course, you then have the option of charging for it. LearnHub becomes a marketplace for online courses where experts in a subject area can quickly and easily build courses and then make money by charging for them. There is a lot of potential here if LearnHub can get enough exposure and adoption inside the right communities. They then also have to attract a mass audience who will pay for these courses.

By running their own support site as a community on LearnHub, Savvica is eating its own dogfood. The support site gives the best demonstration of how a community can be structured and how the different components of the community can be used differently.

In talking to the John and Malgosia, it became obvious that this is just the beginning of their long-term strategy. Without giving away the secret sauce, I can say that I was happy to hear that their revenue model was much more mature than you might assume up front.


26 responses to “LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online”

  1. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online […]

  2. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online […]

  3. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online | StartupNorth (tags: learning learnhub startup toronto canada education elearning community) […]

  4. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online | StartupNorth (tags: learning learnhub startup toronto canada education elearning community) […]

  5. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online | StartupNorth […]

  6. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online | StartupNorth […]

  7. Pema Hegan Avatar

    Congratulations to Malgosia, John and rest of the team. LearnHub looks great, and it was built in record time!

  8. Pema Hegan Avatar

    Congratulations to Malgosia, John and rest of the team. LearnHub looks great, and it was built in record time!

  9. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online | StartupNorth […]

  10. […] LearnHub.com launches – Teach and Learn Online | StartupNorth […]

  11. ali asaria Avatar

    The more I play with LearnHub, the more I am impressed. John and Malgiosa really know what they are doing. This site, in terms of look and UI, is unlike anything I’ve seen that has come out of Canada. Great job.

  12. ali asaria Avatar

    The more I play with LearnHub, the more I am impressed. John and Malgiosa really know what they are doing. This site, in terms of look and UI, is unlike anything I’ve seen that has come out of Canada. Great job.

  13. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    I agree Ali — it kinda grows on you once you get the hang of a few things.

  14. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    I agree Ali — it kinda grows on you once you get the hang of a few things.

  15. heri Avatar

    i get lots of “inspiration” from learnhub.

    it’s a titanic project. feels like a webiste that has 3years+ in maturity. not sure if they are the most productive people or they work 24h/7 days a wekk.

  16. heri Avatar

    i get lots of “inspiration” from learnhub.

    it’s a titanic project. feels like a webiste that has 3years+ in maturity. not sure if they are the most productive people or they work 24h/7 days a wekk.

  17. […] based Learnhub.com, who we have profiled before, is making a big announcement […]

  18. […] based Learnhub.com, who we have profiled before, is making a big announcement […]

  19. Guest Avatar

    Studying isn’t easy but if you keep at it you will reap the reward. Everyone should keep learning and not stop.

  20. ???? Avatar

    Studying isn't easy but if you keep at it you will reap the reward. Everyone should keep learning and not stop.

  21. ???? Avatar

    Studying isn't easy but if you keep at it you will reap the reward. Everyone should keep learning and not stop.

  22. ClubPenguinCheats Avatar

    John and Malgiosa really know what they are doing. This site, in terms of look and UI, is unlike anything I’ve seen that has come out of Canada.

  23. ClubPenguinCheats Avatar

    John and Malgiosa really know what they are doing. This site, in terms of look and UI, is unlike anything I've seen that has come out of Canada.

  24. […] We are now live… right on our (agressive) schedule! StartupNorth got the scoop. […]

  25. […] We are now live… right on our (agressive) schedule! StartupNorth got the scoop. […]

  26. mercedes car seats Avatar

    The more I play with LearnHub, the more I am impressed. John and Malgiosa really know what they are doing. This site, in terms of look and UI, is unlike anything I've seen that has come out of Canada. Great job.

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