StartupCamp Toronto – More Details

We are VERY excited to announce the line up for StartupCamp Toronto. But first, a big thank you to our sponsors. And not just because we couldn’t have put together this event without them.

These folks are in the business of making startups successful, without them a startup’s chances drop significantly… and then we’d have nothing to write about! So get to know these guys and gals at StartupCamp.

Presenting Companies
The five presenting companies have been chosen, thanks for all your votes! Drum roll…

Albert Lai, who has started more companies than you have fingers, will be kicking things off with some thoughts on the state of the Canadian startup scene. If we get a few beers in him, Albert might even give us the inside track on his latest venture.

StartupCampToronto1 will be held at No Regrets, which is located at 42 Mowat Ave in the West end of the city. Parking is free in their lot starting at 6pm, and the King and Queen Street streetcars will get you there from downtown as well.

More Tickets!
Now that the details are worked out, we have put the last set of tickets up for grabs. This batch is for Startups and Gurus only. Service Provider sponsorships are also still available.

There’s an After Party… AND EVERYONE IS INVITED!
We really hated having to turn people away… so we decided to throw an after party at No Regrets! Everyone is invited. Doors open at 8:30pm. The after party is about more than free flowing beer (there will be plenty)… over a dozen startups will be giving demos all night!

An incredible, but secret, announcement…
Woah, have to keep a lid on this one. We have a huge new announcement to make at StartupCampToronto, you won’t want to miss this. Whether you just have an idea, or have been slaving away at your startup for years, something is about to happen in Canada that you want to know about.


18 responses to “StartupCamp Toronto – More Details”

  1. Albert Lai Avatar

    I have also failed more times that you have fingers and toes, and made more stupid mistakes than you have blood cells, and hopefully just as many lesson to share. =)

    As for the beers… haha… won’t be necessary, asian gene. I only require 2 to roll. =P

    The other problem is, it the inside track may not be worth the label thats on the beer bottle either. πŸ˜‰

  2. Albert Lai Avatar

    I have also failed more times that you have fingers and toes, and made more stupid mistakes than you have blood cells, and hopefully just as many lesson to share. =)

    As for the beers… haha… won’t be necessary, asian gene. I only require 2 to roll. =P

    The other problem is, it the inside track may not be worth the label thats on the beer bottle either. πŸ˜‰

  3. […] Head on over to StartupNorth for all the details. […]

  4. […] Head on over to StartupNorth for all the details. […]

  5. Ali Avatar

    Killer suspense. Can’t wait!

  6. Ali Avatar

    Killer suspense. Can’t wait!

  7. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Hah, I promise to /try/ not to disappoint Ali πŸ˜‰

  8. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Hah, I promise to /try/ not to disappoint Ali πŸ˜‰

  9. […] very happy to have been selected to present at the inaugural StartupCamp Toronto on December 6th. StartupCamp is a special forum for […]

  10. […] very happy to have been selected to present at the inaugural StartupCamp Toronto on December 6th. StartupCamp is a special forum for […]

  11. Flo Avatar

    InvestMate is also very excited to present, but more importantly, happy to meet all the cool people behind the various startUps.

    Thank you StartupNorth πŸ™‚

  12. Flo Avatar

    InvestMate is also very excited to present, but more importantly, happy to meet all the cool people behind the various startUps.

    Thank you StartupNorth πŸ™‚

  13. Leila Boujnane Avatar

    Congrats on getting this off the ground!

  14. Leila Boujnane Avatar

    Congrats on getting this off the ground!

  15. Ari Avatar

    Sounds like its going to be a great event – excited to meet you all!

  16. Ari Avatar

    Sounds like its going to be a great event – excited to meet you all!

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