BlitzWeekend: Launch a Startup in a Weekend

We were going to make a post about BlitzWeekend, but what’s better than information straight from the source? Here is a guest post from Heri, a co-organizer of BlitzWeekend, with all the details.

BlitzWeekend (organized by Heri Rakotomalala, Denis Canuel, and Mehdi Akiki) is coming to Montreal this February. We are inviting teams of designers, developers, and entrepreneurs to build a startup in 2 days, from Saturday morning to Sunday evening. BlitzWeekend is inspired by StartupWeekend, but there are some key differences. Where StartupWeekend attempted to get over 60 people introduced and working together on one project in one weekend, BlitzWeekend teams and projects should be setup before the event. We will be providing the space and other necessities, but it?s up to each team to find a project and to organize themselves.

For new entrepreneurs, we offer an opportunity to go through all the stages of a startup: finding talented partners to collaborate with on an idea, writing a business plan, building and deploying the product. Teams will have an opportunity to present their final product at the end of the weekend and receive feedback from other participants and a panel of experienced entrepreneurs and investors.

blitzweekeend-website.jpgIf you are already involved in a startup, it is also an opportunity to build our your existing product. 48 hours is ample time to create a Facebook / Open Social app or a widget to distribute your content to blogs. You can also view it as a challenge to test new technologies you haven?t had time yet to try out. Think of BlitzWeekend as your R&D lab.

We expect most of the teams to focus on web applications, but BlitzWeekend is also open to teams working on innovative mobile applications, desktop software, games, etc. If all you really want to do is hack some hardware, then so be it!

We will be limiting attendance for the event to 50 people, which should make for about 10 teams. We?ll open registration as soon as we secure the venue. For now, you can join the Facebook group, and post about your potential ideas and team members. Of course, we will also be updating the blog.

See you in Montreal this February!


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