StartupCamp Toronto – December 6th

Update #5: All tickets are currently sold out. We plan to release any remaining tickets this coming Friday at 2pm ET.

Update #4: 4 Service Provider tickets remain. Some people have been asking why we service providers are expected to purchase a sponsorship. The basic reason is that we have a very limited amount of tickets available, and in our experience (and we did ask for advice on this): tickets can be snatched up by service providers pretty quickly. Instead of shutting them out completely, we chose to offer a limited amount of spots to the most serious and dedicated of the group.

We will not let this event grow to the size of a FaceBookCamp or a DemoCamp. Because of the format and intent of startupcamp, startups will not benefit from a large group. Please feel free to drop us a note if you have any questions.

Update #3: Student tickets are now sold out.

Update #2: Guru tickets are now sold out.

Update: The Entrepreneur Round 1 tickets have sold out. We will be releasing a second round soon as well as doing a re-release of any tickets which were claimed by people not involved in startups. Stay tuned for updates about the second release of tickets.

If you aren’t able to get a ticket for Startupcamp, please remember that there is Democamp just a few nights before which has less of a startup focus.

startupcamplogo_small.pngI am extremely happy to announce that we will be holding StartupCampToronto on December 6th.

After we had such a great time in Waterloo, we knew the time was right to do it right here in Toronto.

We are simply announcing the event now and intend to fill in a lot of the blanks over the next few weeks. We have put together a small group to work out the details and that has been coming together nicely.

There are loads of great startups in Toronto and even more future entrepreneurs with great ideas and a great work ethic. Building a startup in Toronto is no picnic, and we think the best thing to do is to create an opportunity for those who are committed to their startups to share with and help each-other.

The format will be relatively simple. There will be 5 pitches by existing or soon-to-be startups. Each pitch is limited to 5 minutes and it is expected to cover the extent of your existing business plan. This may change, but it is the format right now. It worked extremely well in Waterloo a few weeks ago.

Entrepreneur, Student and Guru tickets are now available here. And of course, we aren’t charging for admission, but we are limiting the amount of tickets available.

We will email updates to ticket holders and post updates on the wiki.

Note: We have created specific ticket types in order to make sure that there is enough space for Students and Entrepenurs. If you are a consultant, web developer, lawyer, accountant or other type of service provider, we have created a special type of sponsorship opportunity for you. Please purchase the type of ticket that describes you accurately. We will be checking tickets and re-releasing any which are invalid.

We aren’t doing this to be jerks, we realize that a lot of people are excited about startups, but our focus is on helping existing startups who need advice now.


36 responses to “StartupCamp Toronto – December 6th”

  1. […] MacDonald  will be holding StartupCampToronto on December […]

  2. […] MacDonald  will be holding StartupCampToronto on December […]

  3. […] just announced the first Toronto StartupCamp – December 6. I had so much fun at the Waterloo StartupCamp, I can’t wait to attend the […]

  4. […] just announced the first Toronto StartupCamp – December 6. I had so much fun at the Waterloo StartupCamp, I can’t wait to attend the […]

  5. Jesse Rodgers Avatar

    Not sure where I would fit in the ticket set up (organizer of BarCampWaterloo and StartupCampWaterloo) but I would like to attend… Maybe Guru? Sold out though. Damn.

    Are you going to implement some of the feedback suggestions from StartupCampWaterloo?

  6. Jesse Rodgers Avatar

    Not sure where I would fit in the ticket set up (organizer of BarCampWaterloo and StartupCampWaterloo) but I would like to attend… Maybe Guru? Sold out though. Damn.

    Are you going to implement some of the feedback suggestions from StartupCampWaterloo?

  7. Jeremy Wright Avatar

    Guess I’m not coming, since there are no more guru or entrepreneur spots (and “Fabtastic Dudes” isn’t a category) 🙁 🙁 🙁

  8. Jeremy Wright Avatar

    Guess I’m not coming, since there are no more guru or entrepreneur spots (and “Fabtastic Dudes” isn’t a category) 🙁 🙁 🙁

  9. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Hah!. We will be releasing some more tickets when we prune the list of people who signed up in the wrong categories.

  10. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Hah!. We will be releasing some more tickets when we prune the list of people who signed up in the wrong categories.

  11. […] that was quick. After announcing the event just this morning, it looks like we’ve* sold out the first block of tickets already. Don’t expect too […]

  12. […] that was quick. After announcing the event just this morning, it looks like we’ve* sold out the first block of tickets already. Don’t expect too […]

  13. David Crow Avatar

    This is awesome!

    First a celebration that somebody is doing this. We’ve had a lot of startup DNA in the TorCamp/DemoCampToronto blog. But it is fantastic that you guys are taking the lead.

    Secondly, this is not DemoCamp. This is for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. AWESOME!

    Thanks Jevon and Jonas.

  14. David Crow Avatar

    This is awesome!

    First a celebration that somebody is doing this. We’ve had a lot of startup DNA in the TorCamp/DemoCampToronto blog. But it is fantastic that you guys are taking the lead.

    Secondly, this is not DemoCamp. This is for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. AWESOME!

    Thanks Jevon and Jonas.

  15. […] I was in Vancouver, Jevon, Jonas and co-conspirators over at StartupNorth announced and quickly sold out StartupCamp Toronto1. For those curious about how this “community thing” works, notice how the model is the […]

  16. […] I was in Vancouver, Jevon, Jonas and co-conspirators over at StartupNorth announced and quickly sold out StartupCamp Toronto1. For those curious about how this “community thing” works, notice how the model is the […]

  17. John Philip Green Avatar

    Should be a lot of fun! Great idea.

  18. John Philip Green Avatar

    Should be a lot of fun! Great idea.

  19. Ari | Avatar

    I love the idea, but can’t help but feel it would be quite unfortunate if the founder of the next youtube/google/etc… was not allowed to come to the meeting because they hadn’t had their epiphany yet.

    (Disclaimer: I am working on a startup, but it’s not Google or Youtube sized)

  20. Ari | Avatar

    I love the idea, but can’t help but feel it would be quite unfortunate if the founder of the next youtube/google/etc… was not allowed to come to the meeting because they hadn’t had their epiphany yet.

    (Disclaimer: I am working on a startup, but it?s not Google or Youtube sized)

  21. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Ari: I understand what you are saying, completely. However, the format of this event is such that it requires audience participation to work. We gave away student tickets for people who aren’t experienced in the startup world, but other than that we need to have people in the audience who can offer credible advice/feedback.

    The other thing is that there is a submission process for presenting companies, so if you have the next Google and you submit it, you can still get in. It is up to the audience, and they can vote for ideas or established companies,. it’s up to them.

  22. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    Ari: I understand what you are saying, completely. However, the format of this event is such that it requires audience participation to work. We gave away student tickets for people who aren’t experienced in the startup world, but other than that we need to have people in the audience who can offer credible advice/feedback.

    The other thing is that there is a submission process for presenting companies, so if you have the next Google and you submit it, you can still get in. It is up to the audience, and they can vote for ideas or established companies,. it’s up to them.

  23. Ari | Avatar

    Thanks for the reply Jevon – I understand the predicament you are in, as I have noticed some other “truly open” events get watered down by having too diverse an audience in attendance. Although I value the input of outsiders’ viewpoints, I understand why you made the decision you did –

    Cheers again on taking the initiative to get this event going –

  24. Ari | Avatar

    Thanks for the reply Jevon – I understand the predicament you are in, as I have noticed some other ?truly open? events get watered down by having too diverse an audience in attendance. Although I value the input of outsiders? viewpoints, I understand why you made the decision you did ?

    Cheers again on taking the initiative to get this event going –

  25. steve Avatar

    Can someone take the time to video+audio record the meeting and post it to the web?

  26. steve Avatar

    Can someone take the time to video+audio record the meeting and post it to the web?

  27. […] Thursday the 6th, I’ll be at StartupCamp Toronto to present my startup It’s been a while since I’ve been in Toronto and I […]

  28. […] Thursday the 6th, I’ll be at StartupCamp Toronto to present my startup It’s been a while since I’ve been in Toronto and I […]

  29. Lee Dale Avatar

    Is there a waiting list for this? I’m totally late, I know, but it’s literally in my backyard. No “neighbour” tickets available?

  30. Lee Dale Avatar

    Is there a waiting list for this? I’m totally late, I know, but it’s literally in my backyard. No “neighbour” tickets available?

  31. […] glad to announce that I will be presenting Defensio at StartupCamp Toronto this coming […]

  32. […] glad to announce that I will be presenting Defensio at StartupCamp Toronto this coming […]

  33. […] StartupCampToronto has been announced after the success of StartupCampWaterloo. The concept is essentially that 5 startup’s get 5 mins each to pitch the audience on their company and get feedback. Kinda like a Dragon’s Den with the audience as the Dragon’s… […]

  34. […] StartupCampToronto has been announced after the success of StartupCampWaterloo. The concept is essentially that 5 startup’s get 5 mins each to pitch the audience on their company and get feedback. Kinda like a Dragon’s Den with the audience as the Dragon’s… […]

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