Blognation Canada is here

I had heard rumors it was coming, and now it’s here, Tris Hussey is now writing Blognation Canada for the London, UK based Blognation conglomorate.

All the new national and regional blogs that are popping up in Canada are, we think, reflective of how quickly the Canadian tech scene is gaining pace, and there are going to be some exciting announcements really soon as well.

Let’s hope that as the US Economy starts to grind to a halt, we can pick up the slack here.


6 responses to “Blognation Canada is here”

  1. Tris Hussey Avatar

    Thanks David … Canada will finally get the attention it deserves in the Web 2.0 world!

  2. Tris Hussey Avatar

    Thanks David … Canada will finally get the attention it deserves in the Web 2.0 world!

  3. Omar Ismail Avatar

    To be totally honest, I think Canada’s tech/web industry has been kicking ass for a while now. It’s the media that just hasn’t given us the proper attention yet, and THAT is what is slowly changing. StumbleUpon, Plenty of Fish, NowPublic, Kevin Ham’s domain empire, Getty Images (or whatever stock photo site was based in Calgary, I forget now), etc are all major players in the web.

    Blogs such as StartupNorth are helping to spread the awareness, just wished you guys updated a little more 😛

  4. Omar Ismail Avatar

    To be totally honest, I think Canada’s tech/web industry has been kicking ass for a while now. It’s the media that just hasn’t given us the proper attention yet, and THAT is what is slowly changing. StumbleUpon, Plenty of Fish, NowPublic, Kevin Ham’s domain empire, Getty Images (or whatever stock photo site was based in Calgary, I forget now), etc are all major players in the web.

    Blogs such as StartupNorth are helping to spread the awareness, just wished you guys updated a little more 😛

  5. Craig Saila Avatar

    Good to see, too bad for the About page though: (at this writing it’s filled with “greek text”)

  6. Craig Saila Avatar

    Good to see, too bad for the About page though: (at this writing it’s filled with “greek text”)

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