It was a good week for Canadian startups, especially Club Penguin, who are in talks with Sony for at least 500 million. Not bad for a company from Kelowna, B.C. and that is less than 2 years old. Making millions and living in Kelowna — I don’t want to hear these guys complaining about startup life.
Ourfaves was also profiled on techcrunch. Ourfaves is sort of like a beefed up Pursudo and not quite Yelp. Google still seems to beat them all.
It appears that Mesh is a sell out show again this year. Despite a slip up in my Startup’s Guide to Mesh post where I called it a “small time conference”, I am a Mesh-booster now.
Sean Wise posts about why some deals don’t get done on the Dragon’s den. He cites the following as reasons that the Dragon’s don’t invest in one business or another:
- Valuing what you have too much.
- Not offering the Dragons a significant equity position.
- Asking for too much cash
- Not having sales
- Not wanting to run the business.
Those reasons are on par with a “it’s not you, it’s me” during a highschool breakup phonecall. Rather than pretending there is some formula, and one startup fits the formula and one doesn’t, why not just admit it’s all their gut and remind ourselves She just ain’t that in to you.
Oh, and we missed it a few weeks ago, but Communicopia won a Webby award for Nothing but Nets. That is cooool.
I am sure I have missed a whole slew of things — so please send in or comment below with whatever you’ve got to share.
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