Sunday Startup Roundup

Sundays seem like as good a time as any to round up what’s been happening in the Canadian startup scene in the last week.

We blogged about getting funded and the sale of R|Mail to NBC Universal. On top of all that, iUpload has decided to move it’s executive and sales operation to the US.

Mark McQueen interviewed Rick Segal to get his thoughts on Friends and Family rounds, Angels, strong teams and more. While that was going on, Suzie at Venture Law Line broke the iUpload news and has been looking back on funds that have come and gone in Canada’s VC scene.

To top it all off, Sean Wise has just published his new book WISE WORDS which is described as

Collecting the best columns from his first years at the Globe, this book cover topics relevant to: founders, funders and those that service the entrepreneuiral ecosystem.

Including: How to create an Elevator Pitch; How to pick a partner; The Art of Business Jui Jitsou; Networking to Survive and 14 questions every investor asks on the first date This tome provides the inside track on funding and growing your business.

Jui Jitsou!? Sounds serious. The last time I took Jui Jitsou, I think I was swinging by a rope and trying to kick a guy holding a big bag or something.

If anyone picks up this book, and wants to write a review, let us know! We’ll be happy to link to it or post it. You can get a preview here.

I am sure there are a lot of things we missed, but we need your help to keep track of all this stuff, so I am attaching a contact form so you can give us the dirt on what you have been hearing. New venture firm in town?, have you met a new startup, or are you starting a new company? Let us know.


2 responses to “Sunday Startup Roundup”

  1. Para Cook Avatar

    A very interesting article. I have been invloved for the last 4 years in business and I have seen some interesting ideas invloved with start ups that people in Canada were not interested by US people jumped on. These were small deals of under 1 million but were interesting. I decided to look at the frustration of business from an owners perspective on my blog which basically will be a bit of a history of what I have experienced and seen. Nothing associated with hot rumors or news but rather a way of letting off steam and on ideas. I have been following for a while what you have been writing and it makes sense. Even now dealing with some US people, when they want to do someting they act while here in Canada we form a committee. A generalization, yes I know but a very broad brush stroke. Cheers

  2. Para Cook Avatar

    A very interesting article. I have been invloved for the last 4 years in business and I have seen some interesting ideas invloved with start ups that people in Canada were not interested by US people jumped on. These were small deals of under 1 million but were interesting. I decided to look at the frustration of business from an owners perspective on my blog which basically will be a bit of a history of what I have experienced and seen. Nothing associated with hot rumors or news but rather a way of letting off steam and on ideas. I have been following for a while what you have been writing and it makes sense. Even now dealing with some US people, when they want to do someting they act while here in Canada we form a committee. A generalization, yes I know but a very broad brush stroke. Cheers

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