Tag: stocktwits

  • Lunch with Howard Lindzon on Nov 4, 2010

    Howard LindzonOur friend Howard Lindzon is back in Toronto on November 4, 2010. He’s having lunch with entrepreneurs.

    Who: Howard Lindzon
    When: November 4, 10:45am to 1:00pm
    Where: POD 250 in the Podium Building, 350 Victoria St at Ryerson University

    This is an open brown bag lunch. Come hang out with Howard.

    Don’t know who Howard is? Seriously? He’s a rockstar. He’s crazy. And he’s an interesting guy as both an entrepreneur and as an investor. We had him at StartupEmpire back in 2008, he spoke at Mesh in 2009. He’s a native Torontonian who lives in San Diego. He’s just raised a $4MM C round for StockTwits.

    He’s here looking to meet entrepreneurs. He’s going to share his experiences getting acquired by CBS, about raising money, and about building a compelling media outlet for investors (ps I love StockTwits it’s really a great example of what a modern Bloomberg looks like). The part that I love is that as Howard said “they can read about my successes, I’m going to talk about my failures”. This is awesome! I continually do a lot of things wrong, and I can’t wait to hear about the craziness of Howard’s mistakes. Because seriously his successes are awesome and that only means bigger fail and lessons learned.

    Thanks to Karthik (@soravanahalli), SIFE, and William Mougayar (@wmougayar) at Eqentia for helping to make sure we take advantage of having world-class folks like Howard available.