Tag: services

  • Shutterborg launches

    shutterborg Earlier this week ReadWriteWeb covered the launch of Waterloo based Shutterborg. Shutterborg is the work of Jason Miller at developIT who specializes in design and development of web applications and RIAs. Shutterborg is built using JMDWiki and ameobaOS in PHP, Javascript against a MySQL database.

    Shutterborg is a basic online word processor. It lacks many of the features of it’s online competitors Google Docs, Zoho, and Buzzword. ReadWriteWeb hits the button about the key feature and its’ best uses.

    However, Shutterborg, a new online word processor does one thing really well which makes it a unique tool in this space: it lets you open any URL on the internet and edit it like an Office document.

    …the "Open from Web" option that is presented to you upon launch is a pretty clever invention. Here, you can enter in any URL on the internet to open an exact replica of that web page, with the CSS and images intact. You can then edit it as you desire which could obviously lead to some humorous creations.

    Shutterborg look  like an interesting self-promotion tool for developIT. It is an interesting execution and implementation of an AJaX application. It shows the strength and flexibility of the development frameworks used by developIT. Shutterborg also looks like a great proof-of-concept rich editing application for small businesses and non-technical users that need the familiarity of a word processor for editing web content. Great work by a small design firm to garner some online press and traffic of tools that will be useful in attracting and retaining clients.