Tag: pushlife

  • 2011, The 1 Billion Dollar Year??

    Edit 1 – Techvibe just put together a more comprehensive list than mine – http://www.techvibes.com/blog/techvibes-comprehensive-list-of-canadian-tech-acquisitions-50-and-counting-2011-06-08. It is an even a bigger year than I thought!

    Edit 2 – I have been corrected that the Coradiant acquisition was more likely $100m-$150m. Updated below. Bigger than I thought! Glad to see I was “under-reporting”

    Interesting first 6 months to 2011. Check out this list of exits:

    Radian6 – $326mm
    Coradiant – $100mm (guess – this one has been tougher to size, some searching shows them to be around 100 employees with 10mm revenue?? That Akamai partnership feels pretty strategic though…)
    Pushlife – $25mm
    Tungle – $20mm (guess off of last raise/valuation)
    PostRank – $15mm (consensus guess from asking around)
    CoverItLive – $10mm (big guess)
    tinyHippos – < $1mm (4 employees)
    About $495mm. Give or take $25mm depending on my math.

    Firstly, this is a perfect example of how VC exit math works and the power of a fundmaker like Radian6.

    But get this, we are exactly 6 months in and almost half way to…. well… July/August/December all kind of suck for doing deals… buuuutttt… maybe… maybe if I utter the amount… people will dream and we could maybe dreamily hit 1 BILLION DOLLARS in returns this year. Wow, 1 BILLION. Thats nine 0’s.

    The Net Value of All Exits for 2011?? (by Adam Crowe, some rights reserved)

    We’d need another big mama ala Radian6, and another 4 $20-$30mm exits. I could hazard a guess at a few companies that could exit for $20mm+ today and now, but the big, big question is, where will the big exit come from?

    Kobo Books (@kobo)

    They just raised $50mm. Not sure about the valuation, but we could size it at say $150mm – $300mm (I’d go higher because they are very young and having a $50mm raise means they have a vertigo inducing growth/revenue curve). And lets not forget the mainstream press chatting about an Apple acquisition. This could be a high 9 figure to billion dollar plus exit if something happens.

    Freshbooks (@freshbooks)

    They state over 2mm users on their home page. Lets say 10% are paying customers and they pay on average $30/month (looking at their pricing plans). 200k * $30/month * 12 months = $72mm in annual revenue. Even at 5% freemium conversion they are at $36mm. Thats a big customer base and a big chunky, sticky subscription revenue base.

    Would love to hear from folks. What other startups do we have hanging about that could do a big exit? Am I missing any of the 2011 exits to date?

  • Pushlife acquired by Google

    Details are still emerging but it sounds like another Toronto company has been acquired by the GOOG. We’ve been hearing that the purchase price is close to $25MM, hopefully that’s Canadian Dollars this week and not US Dollars.

    The Pushlife web is currently down. But you can see 10 employees listed on the Company Page on LinkedIn including CEO and Founder Ray Reddy. Ray (@raymondreddy) hasn’t updated his Twitter since December 2010.

    t1m's Tweet

    This makes Pushlife the 3rd Toronto company acquired by Google (Bumptop and SocialDeck being the other two).