• National Survey of Canadian Angel Group Activity

    Snow Angel by Syymza

    Today, the National Angel Capital Organization (NACO) released statistics regarding Canadian Angel group investment activity in the Investment Activity by Canadian Angel Groups: 2010 Report.

    This study looked at the ‘visible’ portion of the Angel investor community – those that are members of Angel groups – as it is almost impossible to survey the entire Angel community. Different countries estimate the visible Angel community represents between 3% (US) and 12% (United Kingdom). Understanding this,  the findings presented below represent only a fraction of the actual Angel investment across Canada. They do, however, provide us with the most accurate snapshot of the activity in the community that we have today.

    Significant findings of this report include:

    • 90% of companies funded by Angel groups in 2010 were new, not follow-on.
    • Angel groups collectively received around 1,850 business plans. 14% were considered in detail, 32% received investment.
    • Angels groups invested CAN$35.3 million in 88 deals; an underestimate as some groups did not report the amount invested.
    • Co-investors were involved in 58% of investments and invested at least a further CAN$29.4 million.
    • Angels invested in a wide range of industries but with a strong technology focus: ICT sector (43%), Life Sciences (18%), and Clean Tech (16%).
    • 74% of funded businesses had revenue in 2010.

    Download a copy of the full report here: http://www.angelinvestor.ca/2010_Investment_Activity_Report.asp