Tag: incubators

  • Impact National Conference & Impact Ventures

    Impact Entrepreneurship GroupImpact_blog_redlogo started life as a student group designed to help promote entrepreneurship as a career path. It was started by Kunal Gupta, now the founder & CEO of Polar Mobile. It started as a conference for students, “a one-day event in Kitchener, Ontario attracting 150 delegates”. It is still primarily a conference/event machine for student entrepreneurs. However, with the creation of Impact Consulting and now Impact Ventures (see below) this is changing very quickly.

    The next INC_logoImpact National Conference is happening November 20-21, 2009 at the Westin Harbour Castle on Queens Quay in Toronto. The conference features some interesting speakers including some familiar faces: Andy Nulman, Sunjay Nath, Ali Asaria, Jordan Banks, Saul Colt, Austin Hill, Mike McDerment and others. It looks to be a great conference with a great list of speakers in Toronto.


    What is most interesting to me is the announcement of the Impact 2010 Programs, including Impact Ventures.

    Many talented youth with innovative ideas steer away from an entrepreneurial path due to the numerous challenges, including funding and guidance, which they inevitably face; Impact Ventures was created to remove these obstacles. Impact Ventures strives to provide youth entrepreneurs with the seed funding, advisory services, workspace tools, and strategic resources they need at the crucial idea stage to create a successful business. Based on the successful Y Combinator model used in Silicon Valley to bring the next generation of ideas to life, Impact Ventures will help propel new startups to achieve their business objectives.

    The selection process consists of an application form and an interview; there is no business plan required. During the pilot, three to four ventures showing the most opportunity for growth and long term sustainability will be chosen for the first batch. This three-month program will bring these budding entrepreneurs to Waterloo, the technology hub of Canada, to present them with all the components each entrepreneur needs to help build their venture.

    Components for each selected Venture:

    • $15,000 in seed funding for an average of 6% stake in the company
    • Mentors available for hands-on help as well as advise
    • Advisory services including Legal, Accounting, Banking and more
    • Office Space in Waterloo to create an environment of collaboration
    • Themed weeks where experts related to starting a business will provide their insights and advice
    • Consultants to help a new company fill gaps in its initial organization

    Impact Ventures is dedicated to the implementation of the entrepreneurial spirit amongst Canadian youth and values the independence of each entrepreneur. We are not interested in controlling the direction of the company as we trust in the entrepreneurs to make the best decision for their company. We believe in a non-regimented and friendly atmosphere where you are allowed to develop your startup with little interference, numerous resources and advice when you need it. Impact Ventures is set to revolutionize the startup industry by giving entrepreneurs an excellent spring board that will launch them to their success.

    I’ve been talking with members of team creating Impact Ventures including Taimur Mohammad and Ray Cao since my post "Incubators, accelerators and ignition” back in April 2009. It looks like the Impact team has taken up the challenge and will be using their network of advisors, past members to help guide and mentor new companies. It also looks like they’ll be providing funding and consulting services to help kick start these early ventures.  There is a Waterloo residency requirement, which potential a detractor for many students actually enables students in the VeloCity program a formalized incubation phase beyond their residence. For many non-University of Waterloo students this provides students access to the ridiculous support network available in Waterloo (I’m looking at you TechCapital and Communitech and BarCampWaterloo). This is something that is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

  • Hustle ventures

    I’ve been thinking that we need to create a local incubator, and I’ve started to wonder where this fits in Jevon’s vision of saving VCs in Canada. And it’s an easily understood way to go about deploying small amounts of capital and managing the risks associated with the investments. There are folks beginning to do this in Vancouver, and Montreal. They provide entrepreneurs with capital, education, mentorship, promotion mechanism, market development, among other offerings. They are angels, VCs, and others hustling to find deals, to help their portfolio grow and be successful. Most of all we need to lead by example. We need to build real companies like Well.ca, FreshBooks, DayForce, Rypple, PlentyOfFish, ElasticPath, Idee, and others. The focus needs to be, not on raising money, but on finding customers and solving problems for the marketplace. There is money is available to help companies once they’ve found a customer, when they need to do marketing, additional product development, etc.

    The gap that is identified is at the very earliest stage of the investment pipeline. There are less entrepreneurs starting fundable companies. This is because there have been less successful startups that spinout human capital, culture and ideas. The lack of Fairchildren means there are less successful individuals that have earned their pedigree and training at a successful startup. Basically, there is a bunch of stuff that can be best learned by doing it for another startup (success or failure). It’s not only about technology, it’s about finding customers, raising money, building products, doing business development, developing personal and professional networks, learning how to do sales, etc.

    But we’ve had a dearth of these startups? Maybe not, but there has definitely been a dearth of Fairchildren from these companies. Definitely not enough to create a viable, self-sustaining ecosystem of entrepreneurs and angel investors in the technology space. And this has left a gap in the very early-stage entrepreneurs and funding creating early-stage technology ventures. This gap may have longer term repercussions, the most easily identifiable is in the declining number of early stage investment in Ontario.

    Who is motivated to create an environment with early stage deals, educated entrepreneurs and culture of educated risk taking? Who is going to do the hustling to make these ventures happen?

  • Incubators, accelerators, and ignition

    I am still curious about startup incubators. Mostly because I think that they do a great job focusing attention and driving buzz around the startup activities in a community. ReadWriteWeb has a great summary of seed fund incubators, including:

    I keep wondering why there isn’t an tech incubator in Toronto. We have a Fashion Incubator, a Food Business Incubator, a Research Centre with Advisory Services for entrepreneurs, 2 great universities with business and engineering schools located downtown with active student entrepreneurship groups: Rotman New Ventures Group and StartMeUpRyerson, entrepreneur focused events like StartupEmpire, Founders & Funders, Dicovery09, TiEQuest, Impact Conference and a few active seed investors (Scott Pelton and Roger Chabra at GrowthWorks, Rick Segal at JLA Ventures/Blackberry Fund, Derek Smyth at Edgestone).

    Maybe we don’t need an incubator. But LaunchBox and DreamIt have been successful in building the local communities in Washington, DC and Philadelphia respectively. And there are local entrepreneurs heading to Y Combinator, there is a need and a desire for the benefits these programs bring for the entrepreneurs and the community.

    All of these programs provide:

    • A cohort
    • Mentorship & Networking
    • Training
    • Funding
    • Timelines
    • Attention

    I wonder if the best Toronto specific program would include a distributed community approach to access the available resources. There is a strong community and a strong series of events that could facilitate a similar program locally. The community of entrepreneurs can find a way to build a similar program informally using many of the existing events and activities.

    A Cohort

    This is easy enough to define, however, potentially difficult to recreate in a distributed manner.

    Y Combinator, LaunchBox, TechStars, Capital Factory all use an application process and timelines to define a cohort of companies. The number of companies is defined by the amount of available resources:

    • Available funding
    • Mentor availability
    • Training spots

    The process should be easy to replicate from the above mentioned incubators. Plus all applicants must present their idea using Ignite format or a demo at a DemoCamp style event. The goal would be to help identify the best prospects, create excitement to find potential funding or at least to fine them the appropriate first mentors.

    Having a shared space helps to begin to build shared experiences. Like grad school, where everyone shares the triumphs and challenges because of the close proximity. It’s not dependent to have a shared office space, but common meetings, shared mailing lists, badges of honour, and shared timelines can help entrepreneurs feel part of something that is bigger. As the program evolves it becomes a shared pedigree, much like an alumni program. You can see this developing from the Y Combinator cohorts, i.e., YC Summer 08, TechStars 08 etc.

    Mentorship and Networking

    There are a great number of individuals engaged in the community with varying levels of success and experience. Many of these folks would make great mentors, they just need to be asked and engaged. Here is my list of folks that need to be involved (in no particular order):

    There are mentors in Toronto. It’s just a matter of finding the right people based on the company and problem space. The question is how to compensate a m

    entor/advisor will need to be addressed at some point. But I think that at this early stage, most mentors should be doing this to help young entrepreneurs. Compensation is something that each of the new school incubators solves with their funding equation. Not always possible during these early stages, most mentors can look to programs like TiE or CYBF which are volunteer driven programs. The goal should be to provide time-limited direction and guidance based on domain expertise. The CYBF program requires that mentors meet with a startup for “ a minimum of 4 hours per month”. This is one lunch a week. It also limits the number of startups that each mentor should engage with.


    A program should take advantage of the existing training opportunities and create a few new opportunities.

    The active programs that happen in Toronto include:

    • MaRS Entrepreneurship 101 – an approximately 32 week program that runs October to May. Best part all of the previous training videos available on Vimeo.
    • MeshU – business, management, technology and design for entrepreneurs. Some good stuff.
    • StartupEmpire – happened last year, we’ll try to make it happen again
    • Founders Lunch – run by John & Gosia at LearnHub. Great way for entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No funders or others around.
    • Founders & Funders – a monthly opportunity to connect with other founders and the people that fund companies. This will include invitees from Toronto, Montreal, Waterloo, Vancouver, Boston and Silicon Valley.
    • Refresh Events – interesting mix of technology, marketing, entrepreneurship and design training lectures at the Centre for Social Innovation
    • This training coupled with a weekly dinner program with a guest speaker from the local community. The weekly dinners will serve as a coming together point for the cohort, but also as a great introduction to the cohort. There is the question of cost. But obviously it might be limited by the resources and the size of the cohort. There will be lots of pho, dim sum, and pizza.


    Every time I try to run the numbers it doesn’t make any sense to run this as a fund. The fund is too small to operate on the fees and the carry. And unfortunately, I don’t know a single individual that is willing to use $10M and try this as an investment thesis. Or a group of angels that need this for dealflow and risk reduction. There are some funds (GrowthWorks, JLA/BlackBerry Fund, ExtremeVP, iNovia Capital, TechCapital) that are doing seed stage funding in Canada. It is extremely difficult to run an early-stage fund of this nature and make the numbers work for operations and to compensate a staff to run it.

    There is an opportunity to create a Farm Team Fund (FTF) that assume a zero IRR and start funding these early stage entrepreneurs. The funding is a big challenge. We need to make sure both the extremely early capital and the follow on capital is available to help these companies sustain until profitability. 


    • Capital Factory = 10 weeks
    • TechStars = 12 weeks (May to August)
    • Y Combinator = ~12 weeks (June – August)
    • Seedcamp = 1 week + 12 weeks
    • LaunchBox = ~12 weeks (May 18 – Aug 5)

    Looks like 3 months is the magic number. That makes the 32 week program (October to May) for MaRS Entrepreneurship 101 program too long. The program needs to be focused on generating successful companies and entrepreneurs quickly.


    What are the premier potential  events in Toronto? DemoCamp? Mesh? OCE Discovery? Are any of these events equivalent of Demo or TechCruch50 or Y Combinator Demo Days?  What is the event that attracts press, later stage investors, potential acquirers to find out about these companies? How do we highlight the great startups that are happening?

    This is the one thing missing from the local ecosystem. A killer launch event. Currently if you want real attention, you are probably launching at a US event. In Vancouver, there is LaunchParty which turns out is cofounded by the team running BootupLabs which were part of the BarCampVancouver, DemoCampVancouver and NorthernVoice teams. It’s one moDemoCampToronto is a good starting point, however, it was designed as a monthly gathering for the local entrepreneurial technologists and designers to share what they are working on. It is a good local event for driving attention, attracting and hiring talent and getting that first sanity check.

    What’s next?

    It’s possible for local entrepreneurs to replicate many of the features of the new school venture creation programs. The funding challenges related to a zero IRR can make this a challenge, but Rick and others have stepped up to the plate to bring attention to bear and hopefully solve this for early-stage entrepreneurs. It would be a lot easier to start with an application and funding process, the $6,000-$30,000/founder isn’t a lot of money, but it does help pay the rent and food bill during the 12 week dash.

    Are there a group of young entrepreneurs that want a program? Are you looking for a 12 week startup program in Toronto?