Tag: devops

  • TechTalksTO Underground

    Tech Talks TOAlong with the team at FreshBooks, StartupNorth is proud to support TechTalksTO. TechTalksTO previous put together a series of speakers at the Gladstone Hotel on West Queen West that feature some great talks about technology for Toronto developer community. We’re very happy to be a Sponsor and Media Sponsor of their upcoming conference event on August 13, 2011. It’s a great group of front-end, back-end and devops focused entrepreneurial technologists.

    What a great way to spend a Saturday before flying out to GrowConf later in the week.

    The Details

    When: Saturday, August 13, 2011
    Where:  Toronto Underground Cinema, Spadina Avenue.
    What:  All-day conference + After-Party

    Speaker Lineup

    After Party

    One of the best parts about our previous TechTalksTO events were the unofficial gatherings afterward. They were always a great opportunity to network and have some great conversations. We enjoy it so much, we figured for this event, we’d make it an official part of the day so your ticket will include admission, food, and drinks at the exclusive after-party Saturday evening to be held at a nearby establishment.


    Tickets are available NOW! Alas, due to the size and scope of this undertaking, we have to charge actual money for tickets for this one but we think you’ll totally get your money’s worth. Tickets will be priced at $150, including admission to the after-party, which will also get you a couple of drinks and some food. We also plan to have some food and drinks available throughout the day at the conference venue.

  • The Presentation That Changed How I Think About Tech Ops

    [blip.tv http://blip.tv/play/AYGMoH8C]

    I started my career in teleco, so I learned a very old school style of managing tech ops. 99.999% availability, planned everything, control-room style networks, etc. 10-levels of permissions & sign-offs to change anything. So imagine me, coming from this world, building a new tech ops stack and processes, and I stumbled across the above presentation from John Allspaw at Velocity. The idea of doing 10+ deploys/day, coming from a world of big releases and maintenance windows, completely blew my mind away. This presentation and ideology has morphed into what is now known as “devops”, which I think is really the only way for a startup to operate their service.

    Stumbling around the internet back in the founding days, I found some other tech ops resources & people that helped me a lot in changing my view.

    @netik – John Adams who heads up ops at Twitter. He presents often and you can find a lot of his materials on how Twitter handles tech ops topics. This is one of his more recent presentations: http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/05/twitter-ops-clouds-scale/. (I’m amazed that Twitter continues to rely on MySQL as its backbone (so do we at Peek, but obviously at a fraction of their scale))

    http://codeascraft.etsy.com/ – Etsy’s notes on deploying and engineering, note that John Allspaw is now at Etsy. Their one-click deployinator tool is intriguing.

    @vvuksan – Vladimir has a great blog http://vuksan.com/blog/ with dense information, especially around gathering data and stats.

    @cgoldberg – Corey Goldberg has generated a ton of tools for performance testing and understanding the capabilities of your software.

    On top of a lot of the information provided above, I’d suggest a few other practices for your initial tech ops infrastructure.

    Decouple from your hosting provider

    You should only ever require an instance (virtual or physical) + a base OS build from your hosting provider. If you depend on them for more, you make it difficult to switch providers. So if they have an embarrassing outage, you won’t be able to do anything about it. To be more specific in Amazon this means you should always use “raw” AMIs, such as the Canonical Ubuntu AMIs, and then add on the software you need via Puppet, Chef, and your favourite config & deploy tools. If you did this, it would have meant launching a new server in RackSpace would have taken about 20 minutes, and you would have avoided the whole Amazon outage.

    Favour tools, automation & culture over process & documentation

    Personally, I think wikis are bad, nobody reads them (or remembers logins to them). With the time you could write a procedure in a wiki, you could have probably built a ruby or bash script that did whatever you were explaining. So if you install apache or ejabberd or something, don’t take notes on installation, setup a script in Chef or Puppet, so next time it takes 2 minutes to setup. Everything should be one click/command tools or scripts.

    Own your own hardware brother

    At some point Amazon and the cloud will stop making sense. This post called Petabytes on a Budget does a great job on outlining why that is the case. Eventually with enough scale, the cost of expertise < cost of cloud.

    One last note, a pitch for a product I rely on a lot. If you need an app to wake you up late at night in your tech ops world when things go wrong, I'd take a look at Toronto's own PagerDuty.com. We used them to replace a $2500/month service we had with a $50/month service Pagerduty offers. (I have no connection to them other than liking their product)

    I’d love to hear some thoughts from others on how they run their infrastructure.