- Reading: Startup Genome Report http://bit.ly/kNGKDk recommended by @sgblank #mustread #
- RT @wmougayar: Why New York City’s tech scene is thriving http://eqent.me/iWf3c0 #community #hype #culture #people #diversity #
- RT @vcsangels: Silicon Milkroundabout: How London Startups Took Hiring Back Into Their Own Hands http://bit.ly/mkJDfK #community #
- RT @newsycombinator What Does The Business Guy Do Pre-Launch? http://j.mp/mpmMqY #
- RT @Carnage4Life: Quora on aspects of PayPal's culture led to reputation as a well of entrepreneurship http://b.qr.ae/lvLBoq #PaypalMafia #
- The community is the framework – happy to be part of a rocking community of entrepreneurs across Canada #
- New job posted: Product Manager / Savvica / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/m1GUHj #
- The Economics of Carbonite http://bit.ly/jLqSsQ by @dcahill8 #SaaSmath cc: @startupcfo @bostonvc #freemium #mustread #
- New job posted: MySQL Database Developer / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada ($1,000 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/k1x0Go #
- New job posted: CTO – Chief Technology Officer / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada ($1,000 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/lWa7SF #
- RT @vcsangels: Silicon Milkroundabout: How London Startups Took Hiring Back Into Their Own Hands http://bit.ly/mkJDfK #community #
- RT @newsycombinator What Does The Business Guy Do Pre-Launch? http://j.mp/mpmMqY #
- New job posted: PR Specialist / XMG Studio / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/inVNXi #
- RT @aprildunford: blog post: Startup vs. big company politics http://bit.ly/jClKN1 #startup #prodmgmt #hr #
- RT @dharmesh: There should be only two job titles available in a startup: "Builder of Stuff" and "Seller of Stuff". #
- RT @aprildunford: You don't get (stuff) you don't ask for http://bit.ly/iwUHhl Love, love love this post #startup #
- Is there a peak age for entrepreneurship? http://tcrn.ch/knYldR by @adeoressi @founding | >35… #gumpyoldfolks #
- New job posted: Lead Architect / RIGHTSLEEVE / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kjf0RF #
- New job posted: Senior Developer / Piccsy / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/ihfCQc #
- YCombinator is 6 years old and worth $4.7B http://bit.ly/iZxuuQ I hope my kids are that capable #
- RT @Jordan_Banks @JamieShulman @andrewchen: Why it’s smart for consumer startups to grow first and make money later http://bit.ly/ifof0B #
- RT @fastdrvr: @brasandranties: five simple (ha!) steps to pursuing an entrepreneurial career http://onforb.es/kswdp4 #
- New job posted: Sr PHP Engineer / a well-funded web startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kIOKZ0 #
- New job posted: Sr Web UI/Experience Designer / a well funded web startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/k2Ey1h #
- RT @suziedingwall: Gaming the OETF: Should VCs use OETF to bolster their current portfolios? OR should new investments get priority? #
- RT @Jason: Best way to get a meeting w/me is to send a URL/screen shot of something awesome. Sending biz plan or 10 paragraph pitch? Nope. #
- RT @startupcfo: Introducing @founderfuel http://ow.ly/593ga #
- disappointed lack of gender diversity with accelerator/incubator mentors http://bit.ly/mTCc9s only @deblanda listed cc: @aprildunford #
- New blog post: @GrowLab + @FounderFuel Launch http://bit.ly/mTCc9s #montreal #vancouver #startups #
- RT @leilaboujnane oh hey @chrisarsenault i hear you guys are now an exclusive boys club http://bit.ly/lfkZRk disguising as an accelerator 🙂 #
- RT @MaRSDD @erinbury: 5 Reasons to Join a Startup After Graduating http://bit.ly/kfQ3IL by @ericstromberg #
- RT @bwertz: Application deadline for @growlabs is approaching fast – calling all entrepreneurs out there to apply: http://bit.ly/kXm81s #
- Reposting a #mustread post for startups – New blog post: A Startup Marketing Framework (Version 2) by @aprildunford http://bit.ly/mFNCyD #
- RT @CVCACanada: February 2, 2011 – Waterloo's VeloCity: creating the next-generation of entrepreneurs http://eqent.me/lcs7Iw cc: @uwvelocity #
- Wondering when @Facebook @LinkedIn @Twitter @Groupon will start sniffing around Canadian Startups http://bit.ly/k1j5cL #
- RT @saif_ajani: This goodbye note is awesome RT @TechCrunch: Facebook VP @Chamath forms New Fund http://tcrn.ch/k4NiAr #mustread #
- New job posted: Product Manager of Community Products / Uken Games / Toronto, ON, Canada ($500 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/lxNeRE #
- RT @startupcfo @SREDfund: Appealing an SR&ED claim. Read if u have a web startup in Canada http://bit.ly/jnyCAm /via @smartrmobi #
Week in Review
PostRank acquired by Google
Ilya has confirmed today that PostRank has been acquired by Google.
The launch of AideRSS, the precursor to PostRank, was one of the first things we covered here on Startupnorth, so we are happy to see such a great outcome for the team.
We are extremely excited to join Google. We believe there is simply no better company on the web today that both understands the value of the engagement data we have been focusing on, and has the platform and reach to bring its benefits to the untold millions of daily, active Internet users. Stay tuned, we’ll be sure to share details on our progress in the coming months!
Of course, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for all the help, feedback, and support we’ve received from our community over the past four years—thank you all, you know who you are, and we truly couldn’t have done it without you!
Ilya also notes that the team will be moving to Mountain View as part of this acquisition.
A Startup Marketing Framework (Version 2)
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by serial entrepreneur and marketing executive April Dunford who is currently the head of Enterprise Market Strategy for Huawei. April specializes in brining new products to market including messaging, positioning, market strategy, go-to-market planning and lead generation. She is one of the leading B2B/enterprise marketers in the world and we’re really lucky to be able to share here content with you. Follow her on Twitter @aprildunford or RocketWatcher.com. This post was originally published in January 4, 2011 on RocketWatcher.com.
Back when I was running my consulting business I published a marketing framework that I used as a tool to explain to startups the types of things that I could help them with. I thought it would be useful for startup marketing folks as a guide and I think it has been – it continues to be one of the most popular posts on this site.
Since then, I’ve gotten a lot of smart feedback on the framework and I’m also back to working inside a company again so I thought it would be interesting to revisit the framework.
As I explained earlier, this framework doesn’t intend to cover Product Management (thePragmatic Marketing Framework does a good job of that) but rather the intention was to look at it from a purely marketing point of view. This Framework makes the assumption that you have a product in market, you feel fairly confident that you have a good fit between your market and your offering and you are ready to invest in lead generation. If you aren’t there yet, there is a lot here that you won’t need to (and more importantly, shouldn’t) worry about yet. Lastly, my background is more Business to Business marketing so like everything else on this site, this has a B2B slant to it. That said, I think most of it is very applicable to a B2C startup.
Market Knowledge
Segments – Based on your interaction with early customers, these are the segments that have the most affinity for your offering and are the target of your marketing efforts. These need to be well defined and very specific. I’ve had folks ask me where buyer/influencer personas fit and I include those here as part of what you need to understand about your segments.
Market Needs – From your experience with early customers you will be able to articulate the unmet needs in the market related to your segments (and beyond).
Key Points of Value – These are the most critical key differentiated points of value that your product offers. This is not a long list of features but rather small number of key attributes that customers in your segment love about your product. This is important for startups in particular to understand the real essence of why people buy your solution and it has a big impact on messaging, campaigns, sales strategy, etc.
Competitive Alternatives – These are the alternative ways that prospects in your segments can attempt to address their needs without your product/service. These may be competitive offerings, features or pieces of solutions in other spaces or the always fearsome “do nothing”.
Business Strategy
Business Model – This describes how the company makes money from the offering.
Sales Process and Strategy – The sales strategy is how the company will sell the product (including the channels if applicable). The Sales Process is the detailed step by step process that a prospect goes through on the way to becoming a customer. It’s important to note that this process starts long before a prospect interacts with a sales person and starts in the information gathering phase.
Market Strategy – The market strategy is a higher level view of how the company plans to scale in the market from early adopters to a broader market, including the segments to be targeted and in what order. (in Crossing the Chasm, this would be the description of your lead pin and the adjacent pins)
Partner Strategy – This box is new from the last version of the framework. I had previously included indirect sales channels in “Sales Strategy” but there are more reasons to partner than just sales (sometimes it’s for marketing purposes, or to provide services for example) and since Marketing is usually responsible for this at a startup I thought it needed to be included.
Outbound Lead Generation – On the original Framework I simply had one box for “Lead Generation”. I’m deeply involved in Lead Generation with my current role (something I was less focused on as a consultant) and I started to think that such an important set of tasks deserved to be dissected a bit. Onbound Lead Generation in this framework is the plan including budgeting and task execution for lead generation tactics that involve “pushing” marketing messages out to an audience. This includes traditional marketing tactics such as events, advertising, telemarketing and traditional email marketing.
Inbound Lead Generation – This box is similar to the above box except that it includes that set of tactics that you are running that are focused on attracting prospects to you (rather than pushing messages out to prospects). This includes blogging, social media marketing, content marketing, and organic search tactics.
Retention and Engagement – The plan and budget for tactics aimed at retaining existing customers (really important for SaaS offerings) and engaging existing customers both for retention but also for improving customer satisfaction, cross-selling and up-selling.
Visibility – This is the bucket for all tactics related to ensuring that non-users of the product can observe that others are using it. This includes product features that encourage people invite their friends or display to a person’s network some facet of using the product, referral incentives, website badges, shareable content, reviews and awards, customer testimonials and success marketing, etc. (I talk about this in Startup Marketing 101)
Messaging – This includes the company messaging, product value proposition, company and offering stories, responses to common questions, objection handling and reassurances for perceived risks.
Marketing Content – In the original version of the Framework, I had a single box called “Content Strategy”. I believe that the importance of content is growing to the extent that I think this deserves more attention. Marketing Content should still be planned out in a content strategy that will lay out what content will get created and for which purposes. This will include blogs, video, podcasts, whitepapers and ebooks, research and data analysis, press releases, shared presentations, and anything else that is informative and helpful to prospects.
Customer Content – This is a new box I added that is specifically focused on building a plan for content for customers (as opposed to prospects). The purpose of this content is customer retention and engagement (and it’s not an accident that this box sits next to that one in the Framework). Again, for SaaS type businesses, I believe that retention is increasingly important and marketing should be putting more energy and effort into “marketing” to their existing customer base.
Media/Influencer Outreach – Actions, programs and tactics related to working with reporters, analysts, writers, bloggers and other influencers.
Optimization & Market Learning
Funnel Optimization – The ongoing process of tracking and analyzing each stage of the sales funnel with the goal of making incremental improvements. (I did a post on some B2B metrics that I track to look at funnel)
Results Tracking – This was ROI Tracking in the last version but I broadened it out to Results Tracking. Obviously for each item of marketing spend, tracking the return on that investment with the goal of doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t is still something every startup marketer needs to do but there are other metrics that you will be tracking as well that aren’t necessarily “ROI” numbers per se so I broadened this one.
Customer Learning – The ongoing process of meeting with customers and testing the assumptions you have about their needs, environment, information sources and influencers, competitive alternatives, market trends, etc., capturing that information and feeding it back to the rest of the organization.
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by serial entrepreneur and marketing executive April Dunford who is currently the head of Enterprise Market Strategy for Huawei. April specializes in brining new products to market including messaging, positioning, market strategy, go-to-market planning and lead generation. She is one of the leading B2B/enterprise marketers in the world and we’re really lucky to be able to share here content with you. Follow her on Twitter @aprildunford or RocketWatcher.com. This post was originally published in January 4, 2011 on RocketWatcher.com.
GrowLab & FounderFuel Launch
Some rights reserved by Stig Nygaard
Jake: Here’s the plan: we put the band back together, do some gigs, earn some bread, bang! We’ll have 5,000 bucks in no time.
Seems like I’ve been talking a lot about incubators, accelerators, catalysts, spark plugs, igniters and other programs designed to engage, educate and enable early-stage, emerging technology entrepreneurs. In the past 7 days, we’ve now seen the launch of new incubator/accelerator programs in both Vancouver and Montreal. The are 2 new programs both focused on bringing together the best talent, access to mentors, capital and networks beyond what many founders are capable of doing on their own. (Full disclosure: I am a mentor for FounderFuel).
Vancouver » GrowLab
GrowLab has risen out of the ashes of BootupLabs. It includes a spectacular founding team that includes a group of people many of whom I call a friend, and even more importantly they are a group I deeply respect. The group includes:
- Boris Wertz (LinkedIn, @bwertz)
- Deb Landa (LinkedIn, @deblanda)
- Leonard Brody (LinkedIn, @lbrody)
- Jason Bailey (LinkedIn, @superrewardsceo)
- Michael Tippett (LinkedIn, @mtippett)
The deadline to apply to the GrowLab program is June 15, 2011. Accepted startups and founders spend 3 months in Vancouver and 1 month in San Francisco with an intense mentorship program. The program also includes office space in both cities plus up to $25,000 in seed funding.
Montreal » FounderFuel
The FounderFuel is a new accelerator program with support from the team who started Montreal Startup and Real Ventures. It is a accelerator program that has been seeded with Cdn$2MM and has put together a great mentorship group that includes 85 entrepreneurs, executives, VCs, angels (and me). Ian Jeffery is the General Manager and the Partner at Real Ventures responsible for making FounderFuel work. I first encountered Ian as a competitor to his startup TinyPictures (I was running product at Ambient Vector/Nakama back in 2006). Ian successfully raised a big chunk of money and then proceeded to execute and eventually sell Radar to Shutterfly. I agreed to be a mentor just to personally ensure I get access to the team of mentors. It is ridiculous! The list includes >84 phenomenal leaders, executives, investors, entrepreneurs and people from Montreal and around the world. A sample of the awesome mentors (sorry for every I am leaving out):
- Patrick Lor (LinkedIn)
- Alistair Croll (LinkedIn, @acroll)
- Marc Alloul (LinkedIn, @MarcAlloul)
- Mike Shaver (LinkedIn, @shaver)
- Mark MacLeod (LinkedIn, @startupcfo)
- Howard Gwin (LinkedIn, @howardgwin)
The deadline to apply to FounderFuel is July 1, 2011. Instead of a 4 month program, the FounderFuel program is “12 intense weeks”. It is also a cohort based program that provides $10,000/startup + $5,000/founder in exchange for 6% equity. The program provide access to mentors, office space in Notman House, and access to a culture and ecosystem that has bred success in the past.
One Observation
My one observation about both of these programs is that Debbie Landa was the only female listed. It is a really difficult and sad state. There are great number of female tech founders and leaders in Canada. I am disappointed not to see:
- Leila Boujnane (@leilaboujnane), Idee Inc.
- Suzie Dingwall Williams (@suziedingwall), Venture Law Associates
- Maggie Fox (@maggiefox), Social Media Group
- Tara Hunt (@missrogue) & Cassandra Girard, Buyosphere
- Kristine Matulis (@kristinematulis), Firstround Marketing
- April Dunford (@AprilDunford), RocketWatcher
- Amber MacArthur (@ambermac), MGImedia
- Gosia Green (@heygosia), LearnHub
These programs need to do better on encouraging diversity and actively seeking out different viewpoints. The good news is that it is easily rectified.
Consider Applying
The deadlines for GrowLab and FounderFuel are approaching quickly. If you are interested in what hopefully is a world-class incubator/accelerator program you should definitely give careful consideration to these.
- GrowLab Deadline: June 15, 2011 » Apply to GrowLab
- FounderFuel Deadline: July 1, 2011 » Apply to FounderFuel
DemoCamp with Howard Lindzon – June 9, 2011
Some rights reserved photo by Andrew Louis (@hyfen)
DemoCampToronto # 29 – The Dirty Details #dct
- Date:
- June 9, 2011
- Time:
- 6:30 – 9 PM EST
- Location:
- Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, 55 Dundas St W, Toronto, ON
- Register to attend:
Keynote Speaker – Howard Lindzon
Howard Lindzon is co-founder and CEO of StockTwits® – a social network for traders and investors to share real-time ideas and information. StockTwits was recently named “one of the top 10 most innovative companies in web” by FastCompany and one of the “50 best websites” by Time magazine.
Mr. Lindzon has more than twenty years experience in the financial community acting in both an entrepreneurial and investing capacity. With a unique vision for starting and successfully managing innovative companies, he is the Managing Partner of Social Leverage, a holding company that invests in early stage web businesses. Howard continues to manage a hedge fund he started in 1998.
He created Wallstrip, and more than 400 original web video shows, which was purchased by CBS Corp. in 2007. He is an active angel with many success angel investments including: Rent.com, (purchased by Ebay in 2005 for $415 million), Golfnow.com (purchased by Comcast in June 2008), and Lifelock (lead investors include Bessemer Venture Partners and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers). Mr. Lindzon’s new media and internet business investments also include: Limos.com, Blogtalkradio.com, Buddy Media, Ticketfly, Assistly, Bit.ly and Tweetdeck.
Mr. Lindzon received an MBA at Arizona State University and an MIM from The American Graduate School of International Management.
We are looking for amazing entrepreneurs & demos
The goal at DemoCamp has been to provide a platform for local companies to launch, get product or pitch feedback, to establish a presence for recruiting, to help with PR and social media awareness. We try to get a group of highly connected and apparently highly cynical entrepreneurs, developers, designers, marketers, investors and others in a room to watch entrepreneurs in a safe environment. It’s something between a graduate seminar and a show. The goal is to demo your product and get feedback about your demo, your design, your market, etc. You decide. (It’s a work in progress, but it’s a social event).
We’re also looking for up to 5 startups or entrepreneurs to demo a new technology. Selected presenters get 5 minutes to show us the best of their application and then ask the audience for feedback, coaching, and insight from a highly connected cynical crowd. You get market advice, technology advice, pitch/presentation advice. Startups seeking advice should apply to demo.
We need a few sponsors to help cover the cost of food and travel. If you are looking for coverage in the newsletter, blog and at the event ping me at david at davidcrow dot ca for details. Sponsorships start at $500.
Week in Review
- RT @jevon: Six Key Principles of a Successful Acquisition Strategy, Part 1 http://j.mp/mvN3uY by @mavolpi #
- Looking for sample pitch decks? Send the best and the worst examples #
- RT @truejebus: Experienced Django Developer Wanted (full-time, Halifax) http://ow.ly/50hkY #
- New blog post: The Art of the Pitch http://bit.ly/iAZtds #startup #pitch #examples #
- RT @PerspecSys Founder & CTO presenting @Cloudexpo closes $8M Series A Financing with Intel Capital http://fb.me/tPwc1MvC #waterloo #
- RT @JonathanAbrams It's been a long day, the final lean startup diehards in Montreal. #sllconf http://twitpic.com/51p95d #
- RT @KatherineHague Just registered for Democamp 29 which is coming up June 9th. http://bit.ly/mokCzK #
- RT @MarkRuddock: 7 Types of Entrepreneurs; which one are you? http://j.mp/iTeJIN #
- The BDC closed their VC office in Atlantic Canada years ago "not enough good deals" – Now this: http://bit.ly/k97McG — Will they reopen? #
- RT @davidcrow: @startupcfo explaining cohort analysis http://bit.ly/ka9eEB & http://bit.ly/lNJtmb #SaaSMath #mustread #
- k-Factor http://bit.ly/ltpUiR by @jradoff plus Virality 101 http://bit.ly/iIz0uz by @yeeguy cc: @startupcfo #SaaSMath #
- New job posted: iOS Enginerr / Enthrive Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/l9U2rd #
- RT @jaafer: @startupcfo Canadian company's rocking #tcdisrupt here's the PR: http://bit.ly/lEFtXj #
- New job posted: Java/Grails Developer / ECHOage.com Inc. / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/lBxVHA #
- RT @chrisarsenault @startupcfo: @CVCACanada – Capital Rants – Attracting foreign entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/ku6B46 #cvca11 #
- RT @ExtremeVP: Entrepreneur DNA http://bit.ly/m0Ii1H #
- Peter Thiel's "20 Under 20" http://tcrn.ch/kwA8vX includes 2 Canadians @gskurek @roseicollistech #congratulations #
- RT @Pitch_Doctor Canada and Attracting foreign entrepreneurs http://bit.ly/mm9ilP #
- RT @CVCACanada: Vancouver welcomes new early-stage, startup accelerator: GrowLab http://eqent.me/iiADTQ @robertslewis @techvibes #
- RT @sonsryan: congrats to @deblanda @bwertz @lbrody @mtippett @superrewardsCEO on the launch of Growlab! http://bit.ly/mOuN4e #yvr #startups #
- New job posted: Facebook Developer / BNOTIONS / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kjRx8t #
- New job posted: Senior Java Developers! / Pre-launch Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/m9LmJV #
- New job posted: Java Developers! / Pre-launch Startup / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/kZntY7 #
- New job posted: Server Developer Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/iJcQ3f #
- New job posted: Quality Assurance Co-Op / Kik / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/l6tGMH #
- I'm wondering what @bmann and @dannyrobinson think http://bit.ly/lWKC6l #incubator #bubble #
Incubators, incubators, every where
Some rights reserved by jurvetson
Is there an incubator bubble? Perhaps it’s an incubator arms race. When I wrote Incubators, Accelerators, and Ignition in 2009 there were not a lot of Canadian based incubators (the now defunct BootupLabs was the only one listed in the ReadWriteWeb article).
Incubator Index +18
There has been a rise of support for early-stage entrepreneurs across the country. Yesterday’s announcement of GrowLabs in Vancouver along with the launch of Foundery, Multiplicity Accelerator in Toronto, FlightPath in Edmonton, YearOneLabs in Montreal. There are existing players including Extreme Venture Partners, Mantella Venture Partners, Wesley Clover, Innovacorp and Real Ventures/Notman House. The are university incubators like UW Velocity, MEIC, LeadToWin, Ryerson’s DMZ, Next36. There are Communitech, WavefrontAC, CoralCEA, MaRS, NBIF among others.
There are companies like Jet Cooper, Teehan+Lax incubating people and ideas (Rocketr & TweetMag). There are new programs like the Under 20 Thiel Fellows that had 2 Canadian students: Gary Kurek (LinkedIn, @gskurek) & Eden Full (LinkedIn, @roseicollistech).
There is competition from YCombinator, TechStars and 500Startups – Andrey Petrov YC10 (@shazow), BackType YC08 – Christopher Golda (LinkedIn, @golda) & Mike Montano (LinkedIn, @michaelmontano), Rewardli 500Startups- George Favvas (LinkedIn, @georgefavvas) & Jean-Sebastian Boulanger (LinkedIn, @jsboulanger); A Thinking Ape YCW07 – Eric Diep (LinkedIn, @ediep), Kenshi Arasaki (LinkedIn, arasakik) & Wilkins Chung (LinkedIn), InPulse YCW11- Eric Migicovsky (LinkedIn, @ericmigi), Vanilla Forums TechStars09 – Mark O’Sullivan (@navvywavvy) and others.
There has been an explosion of support for existing organizations, there has been a rise of a new breed of incubator/accelerator/catalyst.
How does an entrepreneur evaluate an incubator?
Some rights reserved by Chris Devers
Do you pick the incubator? Or does the incubator pick you? This is a business decision. It’s somewhere between chosing an investor and a service provider and picking where to go to graduate school. There are implications for incubators about which startups they choose to help. Their reputation, alumni and talent pool are determined by the people they let in.
There is no magic formula and rationalization or justification can make any decision sensible. But when I advise entrepreneurs, I want them to think about:
- Pedigree & Reputation
- What are the exits? Who are the alumni? What do others think about the program? One of the big reasons that YCombinator has become so successful is the success of it’s alumni. It has been reported that the YCombinator portfolio is worth almost $3B. They have an strong history of helping companies succeed like crazy. Think about this in terms of post secondary education. What is your opinion of a computer science graduate from: Carnegie Mellon University, MIT, Stanford, UWaterloo, Slippery Rock University? The quality of the education might not be any different. But you need to consider the external optics of an incubator program, just like you do in picking a school.
- Alumni, Mentors and Advisors
- Who do you have access to? Does the pedigree or alumni network change your access to people? Think about YCombinator grads, they get access to Yuri Milner and Ron Conway and $150,000. That’s something most of us don’t have access to. What doors and connections that aren’t available to you today can be enabled by attending an incubator. Who are the mentors what have they built? For example, look at the great talent behind GrowLab – Debbie Landa (Dealmaker Media), Boris Wertz (Abe Books), Michael Tippett (NowPublic), Leonard Brody (NowPublic) and Jason Bailey (SuperRewards). These are some people with impressive histories of building, promoting, operating and selling startups. You need to think about your vertical, your customers, the connections to potential acquirers, etc. Are the people connected with the incubator beneficial to me.
- Culture
- You need to make sure that the culture is something you can work in. I can only describe the culture of places I’ve seen, but I look at Extreme Venture Partners and Mantella Venture Partners in mentoring, motivating and growing entrepreneurs. What is important to you? I watched the Like A Little video on TechCrunch Cribs, and there is no way I could live through that again. There’s nothing wrong with the culture, it’s amazing (disturbing), but I could not do it because my stage in life just would not allow it. My advice is that you visit the incubator, meet the people that are in residence, ask questions, observe, form an opinion.
- Funding or equity stake
- What do you have to give up? Equity? A board seat? How does it compare to other incubators? How much will you benefit from the network and pedigree, from the connections and mentors? This is a decision about do you believe the costs match the benefits? Do you have to move? How long can you survive on the capital?
- Free stuff
- This is a funny thing. What do you get for participating? SwagBag? Press? Boardroom for customer meetings? Hosting? Design services? Legal services? Templated documents? Do you get to attend StartupSchool? Do you get press coverage at your demo day? Do you get coffee? Dinner every other week. You’re in it to get the best deal to help your startup grow.
Do you need an incubator?
I’m curious about the feelings and opinions about incubators from:
- Scott Pelton (@spelton) – GrowthWorks has previously invested in BootupLabs. Scott has worked with companies from incubators including Bumptop. Does having an incubator change your opinion or evaluation of young companies?
- John Philip Green (@johnphilipgreen) – John has started LearnHub, been part of the early or founding teams of companies in Silicon Valley and now the leadership team at CommunityLend.
- Leila Boujnane (@leilaboujnane) – Leila is a pillar of the community. She is the founder of Idee & TinEye. She advises startups and hosts events like HackDays.
- Ryan Holmes (@invoker) – Ryan is a founder of HootSuite, he is also an advisor at GrowLab. Wasn’t HootSuite incubated at Invoker? What is the role of the incubator or companies in organic growth of new ideas? How should entrepreneurs evaluate an incubator vs being an employee versus something else?
- Evan Prodromou (@evanpro) – Evan is the founder of Status.net and has raised seed money from MontrealStartup and continued to build an amazing product. I’m curious about his opinion on starting in an incubator.
- Patrick Lor – Patrick cohosts DemoCamp in Calgary. He is on the board at Fotolia. He is an active angel investor. To the best of my knowledge outside of his involvement in SIFE he is not affliated with an incubator.
- April Dunford (@rocketwatcher) – April is the best B2B Marketer in the world! I just said it on the Internets so it must be true. April has worked with lots of startups including NexJ and Janna. I wonder what her advice to a startup considering an incubator would be.
- Rob Lewis (@robertslewis) – A drunken rumor says that Rob is starting his own media incubator in Toronto (possibly with ExtremeVP). And since Rob is a W Media Ventures portfolio company, I don’t want to see any puff PR pieces on TechVibes about GrowLab companies.
- Chris Arsenault (@chrisarsenault) – One of the Jacques’ Mafia and an incredible investor. He has portfolio companies like Chango that have been incubated at Mantella VP. Are incubated companies better?
- Danny Robinson (@dannyrobinson) – Now running BCIC and I’m curious at his opinion about what is rising out of the ashes of BootupLabs and his thoughts on the incubator business model.
More importantly, what do you think about this new bumper crop of incubators?
Don’t Overpay Developers
The cost of an engineer is inflated right now. Informally, I poll salary expectations each semester from Waterloo co-ops. 2-3 years ago it was $65k-$70k. Last year/this year its $95k (the base Google, Facebook new grad offer). On top of that lots of engineers are able to source funding for their own social-mobile-cloud startup, more incentive not to join your own startup. Its not even a North American phenomena, in India I know technology managers making $120k+, in China I know guys turning down $100k offers now. There’s really no such thing as low cost development anymore.
So, whats a startup looking to build product to do?
“Ideally, to protect against inflation, you want a royalty on someone else’s sales so you don’t have to invest any more capital—you license it to them and you make money as their volume grows.” Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway AGM, April 30th 2011
Don’t build new stuff and overpay inflated development costs if you don’t have to. Find partnerships so you can sell more product to your customers. Find more channel to resell your product. And so on. Maybe its time for more hustle and less hack??? (I’m a hacker, so writing this hurts a little bit).
Hack/Reduce Toronto
We are pleased to be supporting Hack/Reduce Toronto. The rise of real-time computing, distributed sensors and big data have provided the ground work for development of a way to distributed the processing of these emerging large data sets across a cluster of computers. There are lots of Toronto and global companies leveraging the processing and analysis of large data sets to discover unique relationships in their data (Backtype, Postrank, BuzzData, Attachments.me, Google, and others. This is a wonderful opportunity for technical cofounders to get experience leveraging Map/Reduce, Hadoop and the shared expertise of local experts with some hands-on learning about big data.
What is Hack/Reduce?
Hack/Reduce is a free one-day big data hackathon. The goal is to extract valuable information from large datasets and learn how to work with big data. The event brings together Developers, Companies, Entrepreneurs and Students interested in Big Data.
- Free access to Amazon EC2 clusters that can be scaled up according to your needs.
- Pre-loaded datasets (participants are encouraged to suggest datasets)
- Introduction to Hadoop and Map/Reduce and the infrastrucure
- Support from Hadoop and Map/Reduce experts
- Food and drinks
At the end of the event, participating teams and developers get to present what they have done, what they learned and what problems they faced. It’s an opportunity to develop something great, learn Hadoop MapReduce and meet people interested in big data.
Who is it for?
Developers, researchers and students in big data or interested in working with big data. The best thing is if you have something you want to get done that requires a lot of computing power. Alternatively, you can come to learn to use Hadoop. Basically Hack/Reduce is about developers, working with new people, pizza, unlimited computing power and large data sets.
Who is involved?
Get Involved
Smart or Lucky? What Differentiates Successful Technology Companies?
I will be on a Focus.com panel tomorrow discussing whether it is better to be smart or lucky.
I know which one I would pick. What do you think is more important? Share your answer of on Focus.com before the panel.
Join us for a roundtable teleconference moderated by Judith Hurwitz, author of the newly published Smart or Lucky? How Technology Leaders Turn Change into Success, with panelists Chris Selland, Jevon MacDonald and Jeff Nolan. We will discuss approaches and recommendations on how to win in competitive technology markets.
Creating successful technology companies that stand the test of time is never easy. No matter how smart an entrepreneur is timing is everything. Having the right idea and right execution at the time when the technology infrastructure is in place and the market is ready can be the difference between success or failure. But even this lucky isn’t enough. A successful technology company needs to have a well defined growth strategy that takes into account changing customer needs. The failure rate is indeed high but there are techniques and strategies that can help turn great ideas into sustainable companies.
Updated to include proper link.