- @rayluk: Lead to Win: An open source Business Accelerator #
- @startupcfo: Post: The startup funding gap – Angel to VC #
- @sgblank: Selling with Sports Scores – How I learned to stop talking and listen to customers at steveblank.com #
- @dondodge: Why VCs say no 99% of the time…and we do too when we invest. #
Category: Week in Review
Weekend Reading
Weekend Reading
- @rayluk: New post: Bullsh!t, Next Slide or the big lie of startup projections http://www.flowventures.com/blog/index.php/2009/06/19/bullst-next-slide/ #
- @sgblank: Epitaph for an Entrepreneur – Family and Startups
http://steveblank.com/2009/06/18/epitaph-for-an-entrepreneur/ # - @andrew_abou: Murphy Balance of Power Equations
http://blog.techcapital.com/2009/06/17/power-equations/ - Interactive Ontario announced that the 3rd edition of GameON: Financing is happening October 27 -28, 2009 in Toronto.
- @davecoleman Mobile Payments coming to Canada care of our telco’s http://www.itworldcanada.com/a/Daily-News/119107a5-46fd-46fd-aea8-24c15f2544c6.html #
Weekend Reading
- LAST DAY to apply for ExtremeU — If you have an idea, don’t miss this chance. http://www.extremevp.com/university.php #
Weekend Reading
- @rww: “The Capital-Raising Ladder” http://www.readwriteweb.com/readwritestart/2009/06/the-capital-raising-ladder.php (This is part 11 of the Startup 101 – How to Build a Startup book)
- @dondodge: "How to get funding from VCs and Angels" http://dondodge.typepad.com/the_next_big_thing/2009/06/how-to-get-funding-from-vcs-and-angels.html also see @ricksegal "Inside the process" http://ricksegal.typepad.com/pmv/2005/12/inside_the_proc.html
- @davemcclure: how to pitch your startup at a cocktail party (WSJ): http://blogs.wsj.com/venturecapital/2009/06/11/winding-up-for-the-cocktail-pitch/ by @msuster #vc
- @austinhill: Entrepreneurs Can Change the World http://www.billionswithzeroknowledge.com/2009/05/20/entrepreneurs-can-change-the-world-pass-it-on/ from @bootuplabs
Weekend Reading
- Venture Capital’s Elders Say Think Small http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/05/venture-capitals-elders-say-think-small/
- @fredwilson The Leap of Faith necessary to be a successful VC http://www.avc.com/a_vc/2009/06/the-leap-of-faith.html
- @sethgodin Don’t go to business school and the learning from the alternative MBA program
- @austinhill Simple investment philosophy. Products that serve emotional needs. Happiness,Creativity, Sharing & reducing loneliness=Meaning
- @davidcrow Stop crying and start hustling http://unhub.com/-iMt #hustleventures
- @startupcfo Startup Accelerators http://startupcfo.ca/2009/06/startup-accelerators.html
Weekend Reading
- Gigpark partners with Metro, Canada’s #1 free national daily newspaper, powering local service recommendations – http://bit.ly/pMUE5 #
- FreshBooks on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine – http://bit.ly/Fe7rh #
- Emptying the tank… My Aquarium FB App gets wound down and acquired by SpeedDate for the installs – http://bit.ly/w3EWl #
- RT @markrmcqueen: Israel’s Vertex Venture Capital has 3 current Canadian startup investments. #
Weekend Reading
- Toronto based TweetBucks launches tool to make money on twitter with URL shorteners – http://bit.ly/87ijW #
Weekend Reading
- RT @davidcrow: Interesting point about Teralys – 50% in Quebec; 25% in Canada; 25% anywhere in the galaxy http://tr.im/liTo #
Weekend Reading
- Club Penguin Founders miss target and lose $175M earnout http://bit.ly/pOXMM #
- Pitch at the upcoming Canadian Co-investment Summit: Applications due tonight at midnight! – http://bit.ly/JHRN7 #
Weekend Reading
- Quebec $700M fund of funds created, Teralys Capital, to be run by Jacques Bernier – http://bit.ly/16qX2V #
- CoolIT who recently raised $6M from @iNovia acquires Delphi Thermal Liquid Cooling IP and equipment – http://bit.ly/tEn0V #