Category: Startups

  • Founders and Funders Toronto – February 16th, 2012

    The last Founders and Funders dinner in Toronto was almost exactly two years ago. A lot has happened in that time and we thought it was time to sit down and break bread together again.

    The Founders and Funders dinners are a series of invitation-only dinners that are held across Canada several times a year. They are a sort of summit on the state of each community and we do our best to make sure that the best startups possible have a chance to meet the most respected and active investors who are doing deals in those cities. There is always a mix of locals and people who come in for the event as a way to get connected.

    We believe that if you cannot sit down and have dinner with someone, then you probably shouldn’t invest in or take investment from them. This is a great chance to apply a social filter to the dealflow in any one place.

    What is it?: An invitation-only 3 course dinner. Cocktails before, cocktails after….

    Who is coming?: The top investment-ready startups and active investors in Canada.

    Where is it?: Downtown Toronto

    When?: February 16th, 2012 at 6:30pm

    How much is it?: Tickets range from $125 (startups) to $500 (service providers)

    We are now accepting requests for invitations and the first round of invitations will go out this week.

    To apply please use this form >>

    We have also decided to include a brief fireside chat with Daniel Debow at this dinner. We rarely do this sort of thing at a Founders and Funders but 2011 was such a great year we thought it would be fun to look back on the ups and downs of Rypple through the years and how they got to their eventual exit, some of which was written about in Forbes this week.

    Daniel and Rypple have also been a big part of the Canadian startup community and he has also been an active angel investor recently.

    We are excited to hear what he has to say about how we can help build more great Canadian companies and how to build awareness in Silicon Valley when your HQ is back here in Canada.

    We hope you will join us as we kick off another great year for the Toronto and Canadian startup community.

    We will be announcing Founders and Funders dinners in other cities soon as well.


  • While startup CEOs are scrubbing toilets, CTOs are building things

    Editor’s Note: Gavin Uhma is the CTO of, a Halifax, NS based startup. 

    Technical Co-Founders need to find their voice.

    I’ve been in the fray of building a startup for over a year now and normally I don’t think to write publicly. I usually feel like I am already too busy communicating with the team, programming, and planning. In that year I’ve come to the realization that there are not many resources out there for technical co-founders.

    We are constantly wrestling with make-or-break decisions: What should you be doing at each stage in your company? How do your responsibilities change as the team grows from the founders to the first hires? What about at a team of 10? Of 50? Of 100?

    I can’t help with 50 or 100 yet, but I can help you get from the idea to a founding team, to a team of 10, and I will continue to blog at each stage of growth as I learn what I need to do next.

    This is my second time growing a team to this size and I know for certain that we’ve created more value this time.

    Why are CEOs toilet scrubbers?
    Jevon is more qualified to answer that than me, but in the early stages a CEO needs to keep the fridge stocked and the bathroom clean (a job description Jevon reluctantly accepts as true). They create a cool office environment. They are the Janitor, Caterer, Secretary, Executive Assistant, and more. A startup CEO handles PR, HR, product management, recruiting, marketing, investor relations, accounting, and anything else that needs to be done to keep the gears of a startup moving smoothly.

    There are plenty of resources out there for early stage Business Co-Founders. Everyone loves and appreciates CEOs already. They are by default, the face of the company.

    I’m starting to blog so we can all learn more about the responsibilities of startup CTOs.

    Why are CTOs so awesome?
    Technical Co-Founders are building the product. We’re pulling late nights so that demos run smoothly the next day. We’re building what will be bought and sold. Investors are attracted to our efforts. Customers find value in what we build. We are the VP Engineering, Project Manager, Product Manager, QA Engineer, DevOps, UX Designer, UI Designer, DB Engineer, Recruiter, etc. We’re responsible for performance, security, stability, front-end, back-end, training, technology roadmaps, patent filings, and more.

    How do CTOs create assets?

    1. We solve difficult problems with new technology to fulfill a big vision.
    2. We attract engineers who are better than us to accelerate the roadmap to that vision.
    3. We secure the intellectual property and data of our applications and users.

    The end result is an asset of true value — An elegant and novel solution developed by a team who have grown to be absolute experts in the problem domain.

    Yin and Yang
    The truth is I can’t talk about what our technical team does at GoInstant without constantly being reminded of what Jevon, Dave and Ben do. One side is just not effective without the other.

    It’s important to emphasize that none of the assets matter if you never find your customers, investors, partners and potential acquirers. You might build a beautiful technology, but without a product focus and real customers, technology rarely wins. Business Co-Founders, do your thing.

    There needs to be substance behind popularity or you’ll wash up quickly. You create value by packaging up and presenting the collection of assets in a meaningful way.

    If you want to build a valuable company you need people to care about what you’re doing. You need customers who value your vision, but ultimately there needs to be something impressive under the hood.

    There are many startups that are solving incredible technical challenges but without a compelling go to market, they get lost in time. If you’re in this position the best advice I can give you is to find an awesome Business Co-Founder. “Build it and they will come” does not apply.

    There are also many startups with popularity and flair but no substance. At the end of the day, if you don’t have a big vision and a technology to back it up you’re going to come off as a poser. Find an awesome Technical Co-Founder. Be an awesome Technical Co-Founder.

  • When Does a Startup Stop Being a Startup?

    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Mark Evans Tech written by Mark Evans of ME Consulting. Follow him on Twitter @markevans or This post was originally published in January 11, 2012 on

    Anakin Transformation -  CC-BY-NC Some rights reserved by Tiggywinkle
    AttributionNoncommercial Some rights reserved by Tiggywinkle

    This may be a question of semantics but here’s a question for you: When does a startup stop being a startup? At what point does a startup become a small company or a plain and simple company?

    It’s an interesting question because it’s easy – and probably lazy – to describe less established high-tech companies as startups. As well, the word “startup” is lot sexier and appealing than “small business”.

    So how should a startup be defined? Does it have to do with the evolution and life-cycle of its product? Is it the number of employees? Is it linked to revenue? Does it have to do with how long a company has been around? Can a startup have 10s of thousands of customers even if none of them actually pay for a service?

    For example, is Freshbooks a startup despite the fact it has been around for several years, it has 80 employees and sales of about $10-million give or take a few million dollars? It’s sometimes called a startup but it’s more accurate to call it a small company.

    For the sake of argument, here are some possible criteria for startups:

    1. Less than 20 employees. Once you get more  than this number of employees, a company starts to have “departments”
    2. A product still in development (pre-launch) or in market as a beta for less than six months.
    3. No sales or sales of less than $1-million, which means it’s a mini-business as opposed to a small business.
    4. It’s less than a year old, although there are companies that do go from zero to sixty in less than 364 days.
    5. No customers or only a handful of customers, who may or may not be significant clients dollars-wise.
    6. It has raised more than $5-million in venture capital. With this kind of cash, a company can support having a large team.

    For more thoughts, check out this Q&A on Quora, as well as a recent blog post on Business Insider.

    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Mark Evans Tech written by Mark Evans of ME Consulting. Follow him on Twitter @markevans or This post was originally published in January 11, 2012 on

  • It’s people, people!

    Soylent Green - Tastes just like Chicken - CC-BY-NC-SA  Some rights reserved by vj_pdx
     AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved by vj_pdx

    How do I know that emerging technology is still booming? It is incredibly difficult and competitive to recruit, hire and retain people with startup experience across Canada. Just look at the number of jobs posted on the StartupNorth Job postings:

    The number one budget item for startups is headcount. For most companies, the people costs far exceed the costs associated with hosting, etc. I don’t know about you but we’re not designing our own servers or opening data centers near the Arctic to reduce the cost of computing and power consumption. It means that the people are the biggest cost for a startup as they grow.

    This is different during the initial creation of many of the startups in the bootstrapping phase. We’ve seen a lot of startups get to Minimum Viable Product and start the process of finding a scaleable business model keeping their headcount costs low or close to zero. You might infer that the experience at YCombinator or TechStars or 500Startups is designed to give entrepreneurs the bare minimum of capital and put them in a focused, competitive environment with a deadline (Demo Day) to do the customer development and build the connections necessary for the next stage. Upon exit, many of these companies raise a significant amount of capital. Have you asked yourself why?

    Soylent Green is People - CC-BY-NC-SA Some rights reserved by tjdewey
    AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved by tjdewey

    It’s to hire the best people. And it turns out that hiring the best people is not something that can be easily solved with a job posting, or a tweet, or free iPad. Recruiting is Hard! And at startups, it can be difficult to step away from fund raising, product development and customer engagement to focus on the thing that can make or break your business. Ben Yoskovitz wrote a great summary post of his efforts to Recruit and Hire Top People for a Startup that every founder should read:

    The war for talent across Canada is just beginning. During my time at VeloCity at UWaterloo, I was impressed at the number of US companies and startups that were actively recruiting on campus. And the established companies aren’t alone, we have seen an increase in the amount of US investments (looking at you GoInstant, Vidyard, TribeHR, Kik, Playerize, Enflick, Shopify, Hootsuite, A Thinking Ape, and others). This will undoubtedly lead to increasing salaries (see @byosko’s # 4 prediction for 2012 in Montreal). It doesn’t even take into consider the continuing recruiting efforts that companies like Rypple, Radian6, Dayforce. For startups, we are going to need to improve our culture and game to keep talent. And getting your startup to a point to raise enough money to pay competitive salaries is going to be the baseline to play in 2012.

    If you are designer, marketer or developer and you are curious at who is hiring or if you want an introduction, drop me a note with a resume (david at davidcrow dot ca) and I’ll do my best to match you with companies I know are looking.


  • Under the Hood: The Technical Setup of Upverter

    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from the Upverter blog written by Zak Homuth (LinkedIn, @zakhomuth, Github). Follow him on Twitter @zakhomuth. This post was originally published on August 1, 2011, I was just negligent in posting it.

    Who doesn’t love tech porn? And what’s better than an inside look at the architecture and tools that power a startup? That’s right, nothing. So we thought, why not put up our own little behind the scenes, and try and share a little bit about how we do what we do?

    At Upverter, we’ve built the first ever web-based, the first ever collaborative, and the first ever community and reuse focused EDA tools. This meant re-thinking a lot of assumptions that went into building the existing tools. For example, clients and servers weren’t an afterthought, but instead a core part of our architecture. Collaboration was baked in from the start which also meant a whole new stack – borrowed heavily from guys like Google Wave, and Etherpad.



    On the front-end, our pride and joy is what we call the sketch tool. Its more or less where we have spent the bulk of our development time over the last year – a large compiled javascript application that uses long polling to communicate with the API and Design Servers. When we started out to move these tools to the web, we knew that we would be building a big Javascript app. But we didn’t quite know what the app itself would look like and our choice of tech for the app itself has changed quite a bit over time… more on this later!

    On the back-end, we run a slew of servers. When it comes to our servers, there was a bit of a grand plan when we started, but in reality they all came about very organically. As we needed to solve new problems and fill voids, we built new servers into the architecture. As it stands right now, we have the following:

    • Front-end web servers, which serve most of our pages and community content;
    • API & Design servers, which do most of the heavy lifting and allow for collaboration;
    • DB servers, which hold the datums; and
    • Background workers, which handle our background processing and batch jobs.



    So let’s talk tech…

    • We use a lot of Linux (ub) (arch), both on our development workstations and all over our servers.
    • We use Python on the server side; but when we started out we did take a serious look at using Node.js () and Javascript. But at the time both Node and javascript just wern’t ready yet… But things have come a tremendously long way, and we might have made a different choice if we were beginning today.
    • We use nginx ( for our reverse proxy, load balancing and SSL termination.
    • We use Flask ( (which is a like Sinatra) for our Community and Front-end web servers. We started with Django, but it was just too full blown and we found ourselves rewriting it enough that it made sense to step a rung lower.
    • We use Tornado () for our API and design servers. We chose Tornado because it is amazingly good at serving these type of requests at break neck speed.
    • We built our background workers on Node.js so that we can run copies of the javascript client in the cloud saving us a ton of code duplication.
    • We do our internal communication through ZMQ ( on top of Google Protocol Buffers
    • Our external communication is also done through our custom RPC javascript again mapped onto Protocol Buffers.
    • We used MySQL () for both relational and KV data through a set of abstracted custom datastore procedures until very recently, when we switched our KV data over to Kyoto Tycoon ().
    • Our primary client the sketch tool is built in Javascript with the Google Closure Library () and Compiler ().
    • The client communicates with the servers via long polling through custom built RPC functions and server-side protocol buffers.
    • We draw the user interface with HTML5 and canvas (), through a custom drawing library which handles collisions and does damage based redrawing.
    • And we use soy templates for all of our DOM UI dialogs, prompts, pop-ups, etc.
    • We host on EC2 and handle our deployment through puppet master ().
    • Monitoring is done through a collection of OpsView/nagios, PingDom and Collectd.

    Our development environment is very much a point of pride for us. We have a spent a lot of time making it possible for us to do some of the things we are trying to do from both the client and server sides and putting together a dev environment that allows our team to work efficiently within our architecture. We value testing, and we are fascists about clean and maintainable code.

    • We use git (obviously).
    • We have a headless Javascript unit test infrastructure built on top of QUnit () and Node.js
    • We have python unit tests built on top of nose ().
    • We run closure linting () and compiling set to the “CODE FACIEST” mode
    • We run a full suite of checks within buildbot () on every push to master
    • We also do code reviews on every push using Rietveld ().
    • We are 4-3-1 VIM vs. Text Edit vs. Text Mate.
    • We are 4-2-2 Linux vs. OSX vs. Windows 7.
    • We are 5-2-1 Android vs. iPhone vs. dumb phone.

    If any of this sounds like we are on the right path, you should drop us a line. We are in Toronto, we’re solving very real-world, wicked problems, and we’re always hiring smart developers.


    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from the Upverter blog written by Zak Homuth (LinkedIn, @zakhomuthGithub). Follow him on Twitter @zakhomuth. This post was originally published on August 1, 2011, I was just negligent in posting it.

  • Who Will Be Canada’s Hot Startups in 2012?

    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Mark Evans Tech written by Mark Evans of ME Consulting. Follow him on Twitter @markevans or This post was originally published in January 3, 2012 on

    CC-BY-NC-ND Some rights reserved by Eric Brian Ouano
    AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by Eric Brian Ouano

    The flurry of high-tech deals last year saw a bunch of promising startups snapped up – Zite, Rypple, PostRank, PushLife, Tungle and Five Mobile to name a few.

    The encouraging part of the Canadian landscape is the growing number of high-quality startups being created and, thankfully, funded. It means that rather than having M&A activity “hollow” things out, there are more startups ready to step into the spotlight.

    So, who are the Canadian startups that warrant our attention in 2012?

    Who’s going to grow in a major way, attract a significant number of users and customers, launch exciting initiatives, or be acquired. Granted, it’s a subjective list but it is an interesting way to speculate on companies that will capture the spotlight this year. If you leave a comment, I’ll update the list.

    To get the ball rolling, here are some of my choices for the “Hot Startup” list:

    • ScribbleLive, the world’s leading real-time content creation and publishing company whose clients include Reuters, AP and FA.
    • WineAlign, which cracked the 100,000 unique visitor mark for the first time in December
    • 500px, one of the leading places to display and share beautiful photography
    • Pressly, whose technology is helping publishers create mobile Web sites that embrace the “swipe and read” functionality of apps
    • QuickMobile, one of the leading event and conference mobile application developers
    • Atomic Reach, which makes it easier for brand to discover, publish and market content
    • Wave Accounting, which recently raised $5-million to drive growth of its free online accounting service
    • Keek, which offers a video-based social network
    • Fixmo, a mobile security company that recently raised $23-million
    • TribeHR, which develops human resources service for small and medium businesses
    • GoInstant, which is creating technology that lets people co-browse a Web site at the same time.

    Note: ScribbleLive and Atomic Reach are digital marketing clients of my company, ME Consulting.
    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Mark Evans Tech written by Mark Evans of ME Consulting. Follow him on Twitter @markevans or This post was originally published in January 3, 2012 on

  • Shit, that was a big year. Now we make our move…

    2011 was an important year for Canadian Startups.

    We had some exits. Over $1bn worth. We needed that. The more important thing is that a lot of those exits were by entrepreneurs who “get it” and who are going to be re-investing in startups here in Canada.

    Now we have a handful of funds who have money to deploy. Many of you probably don’t remember the good old days when there was no money to go around. I once saw a startup panhandling on Queen St West to raise money for some Dell servers. No joke.

    This was also a big year because it was one of the first in which we saw deals getting done in Canada by US based investors. That’s good because it keeps us all on our toes and it forces local investors to compete on market-driven terms.

    The biggest problem now, as far as I can tell, is that we are out of excuses. There is money, talent, and the need to build more quality startups.

    So get to work.

    In the early days of Democamp there was an obsession with quality. I think it probably stemmed from our (Toronto’s) own insecurity with itself. There was no identity or real history to draw from, so we had to be careful to make sure that everything that came from the community was world class. It wasn’t always but we tried. We need to get really obsessed with the quality of stuff we turn out in Canada in the next year. No more being cheerleaders for mediocre shit. We need to be OBSESSED with setting the bar high.

    We need to go a step further now. We need to set the bar for world class. Now is not the time to slow down.

    Part of the problem is that we don’t have a single voice to tell our story. Techvibes is doing an amazing job covering EVERYTHING, but it doesn’t have personality. Startupnorth is editorial and a lot of preaching (like this post). That doesn’t help much either. I hope a voice emerges in the next year that has the time and economic model to really tell the story in Canada. It would be good if Mark MacQueen quit his job as a banker and just blogged fulltime. That guy has it right.

    If you are still reading, you should put your name in for the founders and funders dinner in toronto in February. I promise it will be good.

  • How a Canadian startup took investment from a european incubator

    This is a guest post by Patrick Hankinson, the CEO/Founder of a Halifax based startup building an online IDE which has almost 100,000 users. Patrick is also a co-founder of

    In early 2011, I met an entrepreneur and angel investor from London, at a Starbucks in my small province. He literally just took the red-eye from London, I could tell by his blood shot eyes. He wanted to know what I was working on and I explained what I was working on an “online IDE for programmers”. I could tell immediately he didn’t know what an IDE was…

    Talk about a pivotal experience. I was a programmer turned marketer, yet I still used very technical terms to describe what I was working on. The angel investor looked at me with a blank stare; he didn’t understand exactly what I was working on.

    After another couple of minutes of questions, I explained and tweaked my value proposition. He finally understood what I was working, but exclaimed that I definitely need to work on my non-technical elevator pitch. Naively, I responded I’ll never need to pitch to non-technical people.

    Now, I know that a non-technical pitch is critical. You may end up with non-technical investors like doctors, who will want to brag to their friends what they are investing in. You don’t want to put your doctor in a situation where they can’t explain exactly what you’re product does, killing viral potential. This is sometimes the case, because the investor is more in love with the team than the product.

    After this, he explained an incubator from London was putting a session together in New York. The incubator was called Seedcamp. I’ve never heard of them before, I looked at them online, saw they had invested in a several companies and were considered a European Incubator. They definitely didn’t have any credentials like Y-Combinator or Techstars. In fact, the only acquisition that I saw, to date had beenMobclix.

    I decided to apply to Seedcamp anyway since it New York was literally a 2 hour flight away (I had never visited New York, gave me an excuse). Plus it was at Google’s office in New York. Our product, Compilr, was definitely potentially a product to someday be acquired by a company like Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, Facebook, and the list goes on. Any visibility I could get at this stage was definitely worth it.

    Compilr was accepted to present in New York to the Seedcamp list of mentors. We presented at Google’s office in front of 100 mentors or so. Presenting in front of 100 people was definitely not on my bucket list, but I got through it. It actually has helped in a lot ways. I’m definitely not worried presenting in front of 100s of people as much as I thought.

    The day after, Compilr was invited to pitch to some of Seedcamp’s core investors. The room had maybe 15 people but I was more nervous than the day before. In all honesty, I thought I blew it because I was being asked a ton of questions. I answered them all, but Carlos, one of the main guys from Seedcamp had asked a question and I got sidetracked with an answer, when someone basically said “Well, ok thanks for your time, we’ll be in touch.” I still feel like a total d-bag because I didn’t answer his question…

    At this stage I became defensive in my mind, even though I hadn’t received a yes or no to their investment. In reality, I didn’t care if I received Seedcamp’s investment or not. Personally, I was funding the company out of my own pocket, almost $150,000 a year, their small investment would only really marginally accelerate my company. I was hoping to get visibility in front of the right potential acquirers.

    A few weeks later, I was in total shock when Seedcamp told me they were willing toinvest in Compilr. Even though, I personally felt like I blew the follow up meeting in New York. When I told several of my advisors, most of them were eager for me to take the funds. While some opposed to the idea, stating the same facts I alluded to earlier, onlyone successful exit, etc…

    Our team decided to go ahead and take small investment from Seedcamp to use towards accelerating our business. Our end goal was that Seedcamp would present our company to potential acquirers like Facebook, Google to hopefully stimulate an exit, producing a positive ROI for them.

  • Should We Drink the Local Kool-Aid?

    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Mark Evans Tech written by Mark Evans of ME Consulting. Follow him on Twitter @markevans or MarkEvansTech.comThis post was originally published in December 15, 2011 on

    CC-BY-NC Some rights reserved by Eric Constantineau -
    AttributionNoncommercial Some rights reserved by Eric Constantineau –

    In the post I wrote earlier this week about the demise of Thoora, there was a comment suggesting that “Toronto failed Thoora” due to a lack of community support to make it a “winning formula”.

    It was a puzzling comment because it suggests a community has an obligation to support a startup so it can thrive. This strikes me as an absurd idea because startups should succeed or fail on their own merits, and the ability to attract an audience near and close.

    Sure, it’s good to drink the local flavour of “Kool-Aid” but only if a startup is offering a product or service that meets a need or interest. There are lots of local startups, including some that pitch me directly, that don’t resonate because nothing something interests me or the product/service doesn’t resonate enough to warrant further exploration.

    It doesn’t mean I’m not supporting the local community; it just means a startup has a service that didn’t pass the sniff test.

    At the same time, I do think Toronto’s startup community is extremely supportive. There’s no lack of enthusiasm, energy and a willingness to share ideas, feedback, resources, real estate and time to provide startups with a boost.

    This has been a fact of life for the past five years, even before we started to see a flurry of startups appear on the scene. There has always been a strong, support community that has pulled together in different ways. A great example is tonight’s HoHoTo party, which has become a major fund-raising machine due to tremendous support from the community.

    The bottom line is if a startup needs to rely on the community to make it, it also suggests what it’s offering can’t survive  without artificial support.

    For startups, the market has to be bigger than its own backyard. It needs people to support it or not based on what’s being sold as opposed to a sense of duty or obligation.

    Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Mark Evans Tech written by Mark Evans of ME Consulting. Follow him on Twitter @markevans or MarkEvansTech.comThis post was originally published in December 15, 2011 on

  • Location, location, location

    Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Lymbix founder and CTO Josh Merchant (LinkedIn, @joshmerchant). Josh was born and raised in Brampton, before relocating to New Brunswick to attend the University of New Brunswick. Josh and the team at Lymbix are based in Moncton, NB but spend time on planes between Toronto, San Francisco and New York. Disclosure: David Crow sits on the Board of Directors for Lymbix Corporation. 

    Idea – check. Cofounder – check. Home base – che-… hmm?

    CC-BY-NC-SD Some rights reserved by jcolman
    AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by jcolman

    At a company’s inception, what factors do entrepreneurs consider before deciding on a location to set up shop?

    Scenario A:
    Some may automatically choose their hometown, whether it is Halifax, Brampton, or even Hazelton, as a default location. With this option, entrepreneurs have the potential advantages of already knowing the city’s particular market quirks and tapping into a network of home-grown connections.
    Scenario B:
    Conversely, others flock to a major city such as Toronto, New York, San Francisco or Palo Alto, which have a thriving tech communities. This is a great option, as we see many acquisitions and exits coming from these startup hubs.

    Is there any benefit to laying a company’s foundations in an “out of market”[1] (non-traditional) city, like Moncton? Definitely. Here are some reasons for why you might choose to set up your next startup in a location other than a major city.

    Keep Costs Low

    The average office rent and employee salary are noticeably lower in a city such as Moncton, especially compared to Toronto. The ability to limit the rate at which a young company burns through cash can be a major advantage right out of the gate. An “out of market” city injects new meaning into the phrase “cost of living.” In these locations, emphasis is shifted to the “living” part, and entrepreneurs don’t have to uniformly dread the “cost” part.

    “One of the big advantages I see, and have been privy to is the political support. In a “smaller pond” with a limited amount of startups and successful IT companies, it is easier to get quickly noticed….We have been extremely fortunate to have the local and provincial government assist in opening doors for us, providing us with early incentives to stay in NB and shine the spotlight on us, which in turn helps raise capital and grow our business.” — Matt Eldridge, CEO & Founder Lymbix

    Low Competition for Early Sources of Funding

    Getting started is cheap, but eventually everyone needs money to keep that ball rolling. Hopefully by this point, you’ve already got traction and your idea is gaining momentum. Without some form of traction, it doesn’t really matter where you are. If you do have it, however, it is easier to secure government and angel funding in a province like New Brunswick. Why? You will encounter significantly less competition – if any – for what money is available.

    Low Competition for Talent

    “If you build it, they will come.” Well, it isn’t quite that easy in a small tech community. However, there is a greater chance that there aren’t as many companies drawing the interest of the local, tech-minded talent. Your company could be one of only five fishing in the talent pool in a particular city. Let’s face it, there are smart people living all across this country – not just in Toronto.

    I can’t say for sure, but I would venture a guess that there is less employee turnover in a city like Moncton as well. This translates to less time wasted worrying about knowledge transfer, and more time invested in building a strong, diverse team that you can count on.

    “Building a company out in a growing tech community is great – it’s like a talent magnet! The more news that’s pushed out of prospering areas like San Francisco, Vancouver and Toronto, the more talented developers want to jump on an opportunity locally without having the resources to relocate.”

    If you could do it all over again?

    If you were starting out or had to do it all over again, what city in Canada would you call home for your startup? Why? 

    Acquisitions across Canada

    I wonder where Anand Agarawala (@anandx), Nick Koudas (@koudas), Ray Ready (LinkedIn), Albert Lai (@albertupdates) will set up shop for their next venture?


    FN1. An “out of market” city seems to be a great ecosystem in which to nurture a startup.

    However, deciding on such a location does have its drawbacks:

    • In the early days, working closely with new clients and prospects can be a challenge in a small market. It is more difficult to have those valuable face-to-face feedback sessions away from large urban centres.
    • If and when an opportunity arises for rapid growth and expansion, you may be hard-pressed to find the quantity of talent your company suddenly requires. After all, startup life isn’t for everyone.
    • Ideas are contagious. It is easy to observe the community-created inspiration in the valley or in Toronto. A twenty-minute coffee break with an intelligent peer can spur an eight-hour hackation thanks to a flood of ideas. Motivation automation.

    Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Lymbix founder and CTO Josh Merchant (LinkedIn, @joshmerchant). Josh was born and raised in Brampton, before relocating to New Brunswick to attend the University of New Brunswick. Josh and the team at Lymbix are based in Moncton, NB but spend time on planes between Toronto, San Francisco and New York. Disclosure: David Crow sits on the Board of Directors for Lymbix Corporation.