Category: StartupCamp

  • See you tomorrow night – StartupCamp Montreal

    Wow, we are just coming off a great night last night at Founders and Funders and tomorrow we are hopping on the train and making our way to Montreal for StartupCamp Montreal.

    The final lineup for the pitches are

    1. Cozimo
    2. Tungle
    3. Streametrics
    4. iGotcha Media
    5. YourTeleDoctor

    I am still trying to get over how much interest there has been in Montreal for StartupCamp. Kudos to Philippe for putting things together so quickly and so well. I will cover the night live on the StartupNorth Twitter page. Tune in!

    Now, lets see how well the iPartee widget works:

  • StartupCamp Waterloo – February 26, 2008


    StartupCamp Waterloo is set for February 26th, 2008 at the Accelerator Center in Waterloo. They are sticking to the original format, which is the DemoCamp style pitch and feedback setup.

    Signups for StartupCamp Waterloo are being handled here on the wiki. I think it would be great to see some out of town startups coming out to support what is going on in Waterloo. There is a great group of people in Waterloo who are working hard to build a startup community there. Mic Berman, Jesse Rogers and Simon Woodside organized the first StartupCamp there a few month ago and have come out to a few Toronto events.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

  • StartupCamp Montreal – January 23 2008

    Update: Wow! All of the first-release tickets (except for Service Providers, who can still get tickets) are now sold out! It looks like the Montreal event is going to be a huge hit.


    StartupCamp Montreal was announced at StartupCamp Toronto, and it is set for January 23rd at the SAT – Société des arts technologiques. The format will be similar to the Toronto and Waterloo events, but not exactly the same. Startups will have 10 minutes to present, and there will only be 5 minutes of questions (not 15 minutes of skewering this time!).

    Montreal is a wonderful city, and some of the best startups in Canada are calling it home these days. Both CakeMail and Defensio were well received in Toronto and I am hoping that we will see some startups from Toronto and Ottawa on the slate for Montreal.

    I just got an email from Philippe and he let me know that you can get more information on the web site and a first release of tickets is now available. The first batch are now up for grabs at, get one while you can!

  • StartupCamp Toronto – Thank You

    StartupCamp Toronto took place last night and the room was packed. For the main event we had somewhere in the area of 90 people, and we think about 40 showed up for the after party. It was more than we expected, but it all worked out well.

    Thanks to everyone who came out, especially those who traveled from Montreal and Ottawa. Most of all, thank you to the startups who pitched as well as those who demoed afterwards downstairs. The feedback from the demo pods was surprisingly good.

    A Big Thank You

    Once again, a thank you to our sponsors. Without them, this would have been impossible.

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    For a full recap of the evening, Anthony Carbone has the most thorough post yet and Leila has some pictures.

    This is now all in the past however, and we are moving on! We have some great announcements to make.

    StartupCamp Montreal is set for January 23rd and will be at the SAT, which looks like an incredible venue. Heri scooped me on the story, which I plan to make him pay dearly for. A wiki should be up and running for the event soon and we are planning on forming a contingent from Toronto to make the trip. We had two Montreal startups at StartupCamp Toronto, so we’d love to see a few Toronto startups make the roll call in Montreal.

    StartupCamp Waterloo 2 is planned for February 26th, 6-9pm at the Accelerator Centre. We will post more details on these events when we have them.

    More StartupCamps are coming. We are working on instigating more and have 2 others in the early planning stages. We are feeling pretty excited about StartupCamp and the startup energy in general across Canada. Each city is developing a unique flavor and niche. Instead of having one dominant city in Canada, we are seeing a handful of cities all buzzing with startup energy and working together while building up their own strengths individually.

    Who knows what’s in store, all I know is that I have a good feeling about it.

  • StartupCampToronto is tomorrow – open to all (8:30pm)

    So, StartupCampToronto is tomorrow. Jonas and I are pretty sure we have taken care of everything we possibly can. Don’t forget for those who have tickets: Things start at 6pm

    As you probably know, we have tried to keep the numbers for this event at a reasonable level. Our hope is that the presenting startups will get valuable feedback that can help their business. We have felt bad about turning down a lot of people who have requested tickets after the fact.

    If you don’t have a ticket, we still want you to come hang out. We have made arrangements to take over No Regrets at about 8:30pm to hang out and get to know all the cool startups who will be there. If you get there on time, you will be there just in time to hear a slew of really great announcements.

    What? StartupCamp After Party

    Where? No Regrets, 42 Mowat Ave, Toronto

    When? 8:30pm

    What else? Demos tables manned by a handful of fantastic startups

    You will also have a chance to hang out with the presenting companies.

    And finally, the people who put up the money to make this happen:

  • StartupCamp Toronto – More Details

    We are VERY excited to announce the line up for StartupCamp Toronto. But first, a big thank you to our sponsors. And not just because we couldn’t have put together this event without them.

    These folks are in the business of making startups successful, without them a startup’s chances drop significantly… and then we’d have nothing to write about! So get to know these guys and gals at StartupCamp.

    Presenting Companies
    The five presenting companies have been chosen, thanks for all your votes! Drum roll…

    Albert Lai, who has started more companies than you have fingers, will be kicking things off with some thoughts on the state of the Canadian startup scene. If we get a few beers in him, Albert might even give us the inside track on his latest venture.

    StartupCampToronto1 will be held at No Regrets, which is located at 42 Mowat Ave in the West end of the city. Parking is free in their lot starting at 6pm, and the King and Queen Street streetcars will get you there from downtown as well.

    More Tickets!
    Now that the details are worked out, we have put the last set of tickets up for grabs. This batch is for Startups and Gurus only. Service Provider sponsorships are also still available.

    There’s an After Party… AND EVERYONE IS INVITED!
    We really hated having to turn people away… so we decided to throw an after party at No Regrets! Everyone is invited. Doors open at 8:30pm. The after party is about more than free flowing beer (there will be plenty)… over a dozen startups will be giving demos all night!

    An incredible, but secret, announcement…
    Woah, have to keep a lid on this one. We have a huge new announcement to make at StartupCampToronto, you won’t want to miss this. Whether you just have an idea, or have been slaving away at your startup for years, something is about to happen in Canada that you want to know about.

  • StartupCampToronto 1 – Now taking submissions

    startupcamplogo_small.pngWe have 3 slots remaining for startups to present at StartupCampToronto and we have decided to let the audience vote on who those companies will be.

    StartupCamp is almost completely sold out, and in looking over the list of people who have tickets, I can see that it is a really high quality group. The mix of Startups, experienced entrepreneurs, experienced investors (both VC and Angel) as well as eager students, all has me feeling pretty excited and optimistic that there will be a lot of value in presenting at StartupCamp.

    The primary benefit of presenting is that you will get candid feedback on your pitch from a crowd that is made up of both other entrepreneurs, experienced investors and people who have successfully exited their previous startups.

    I know that when I was getting my first few startups off the ground, I would have loved the opportunity to have the core of my business plan assessed by such a great crowd.

  • StartupCamp Toronto – December 6th

    Update #5: All tickets are currently sold out. We plan to release any remaining tickets this coming Friday at 2pm ET.

    Update #4: 4 Service Provider tickets remain. Some people have been asking why we service providers are expected to purchase a sponsorship. The basic reason is that we have a very limited amount of tickets available, and in our experience (and we did ask for advice on this): tickets can be snatched up by service providers pretty quickly. Instead of shutting them out completely, we chose to offer a limited amount of spots to the most serious and dedicated of the group.

    We will not let this event grow to the size of a FaceBookCamp or a DemoCamp. Because of the format and intent of startupcamp, startups will not benefit from a large group. Please feel free to drop us a note if you have any questions.

    Update #3: Student tickets are now sold out.

    Update #2: Guru tickets are now sold out.

    Update: The Entrepreneur Round 1 tickets have sold out. We will be releasing a second round soon as well as doing a re-release of any tickets which were claimed by people not involved in startups. Stay tuned for updates about the second release of tickets.

    If you aren’t able to get a ticket for Startupcamp, please remember that there is Democamp just a few nights before which has less of a startup focus.

    startupcamplogo_small.pngI am extremely happy to announce that we will be holding StartupCampToronto on December 6th.

    After we had such a great time in Waterloo, we knew the time was right to do it right here in Toronto.

    We are simply announcing the event now and intend to fill in a lot of the blanks over the next few weeks. We have put together a small group to work out the details and that has been coming together nicely.

    There are loads of great startups in Toronto and even more future entrepreneurs with great ideas and a great work ethic. Building a startup in Toronto is no picnic, and we think the best thing to do is to create an opportunity for those who are committed to their startups to share with and help each-other.

    The format will be relatively simple. There will be 5 pitches by existing or soon-to-be startups. Each pitch is limited to 5 minutes and it is expected to cover the extent of your existing business plan. This may change, but it is the format right now. It worked extremely well in Waterloo a few weeks ago.

    Entrepreneur, Student and Guru tickets are now available here. And of course, we aren’t charging for admission, but we are limiting the amount of tickets available.

    We will email updates to ticket holders and post updates on the wiki.

    Note: We have created specific ticket types in order to make sure that there is enough space for Students and Entrepenurs. If you are a consultant, web developer, lawyer, accountant or other type of service provider, we have created a special type of sponsorship opportunity for you. Please purchase the type of ticket that describes you accurately. We will be checking tickets and re-releasing any which are invalid.

    We aren’t doing this to be jerks, we realize that a lot of people are excited about startups, but our focus is on helping existing startups who need advice now.