Category: Site News

  • StartupNorth Jobs

    GarageCollageThe hours at a startup might be long and the pay might just cover a six inch sub, but there is nothing more rewarding than being part of a team out to change the world.

    We’ve added a job board on StartupNorth to help Canadian entrepreneurs find great people to bring on.

    Since launching a couple weeks back we’ve had 26 postings, 2667 views, 129 applications, and 16 referrals.

    Companies looking to grow their team include: FreshBooks,, Tungle, LearnHub, Fixmo, ThoughtFarmer, iNovia, and Xtreme, obviously some amazing opportunities.

    It is free to search and post, so head on over and check out: StartupNorth Jobs at

  • Because Startups Need Each Other

    “Because startup entrepreneurs need each other.”

    The Philly Startup Leaders have published a manifesto for startups. The manifesto embraces the call for community. It reminds me of the passionate call that Jevon led with "How Startups will save Venture Capital in Canada” and “I love my city, and so should you”. It is about enabling entrepreneurs! And more importantly, it is about the realization that we are a community, we need to support each other.

    Starting a company can be a long and lonely journey.

    Each milestone is a small miracle—from idea to prototype, from first employee to first customer, from first revenues to first profits and eventually to a thriving, successful business.  Most startups fail along the way.

    To survive this journey, startup entrepreneurs need many things. They need access to funding and talent.  They need support from their government and their community.  They need opportunities to educate themselves and their team.

    But more than anything else, startup entrepreneurs need each other.

    Toronto, Waterloo, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Halifax. We’re all very lucky. We have growing, thriving communities of entrepreneurs. We’re connected to each other. It is our responsibility to help each other. To make the connections. To build the fabric. To call bullshit. To build the next great thing.

    This is beyond just casual connections. We have a lot of disparate resources and individuals. I’m not suggesting that we need “one ring to rule them all” but that we need to do a better job helping entrepreneurs connect with each other. And this will requires a personal commitment to an open, creative community and conversation. We need to build something like the PSL Values.

    Philly Startup Leaders Values

    1. We know our niche: startup entrepreneurs.
      Our focus is our advantage.
    2. We are a community.
      Starting a company alone is painful.  Along the way, our greatest need is the company and support of entrepreneurs like ourselves.
    3. Our community depends on deep, open and frequent communication.
      This kind of communication is essential for our members to get to know and trust each other.  As an organization, we earn the trust and loyalty of our members by communicating with them in the same way.
    4. We believe in lean and flexible leadership.
      Bureaucracy and hierarchy tend to stifle entrepreneurs.
    5. We don’t replicate other organizations and events in our ecosystem.
      Instead, we support other organizations by partnering.  We produce only unique and complementary content.
    6. We encourage entrepreneurship within our organization.
      Any member can champion a cause they believe in.  When they do, they have access to the same resources the leaders do.
    7. We believe that entrepreneurs of all experience levels should mentor one another.
      We have all had great teachers, and it’s our responsibility to give back to our community.  This includes our fellow entrepreneurs and those who ought to be.
    8. We love our city and our region.
      We walk the same streets as Benjamin Franklin, an entrepreneur whose inventions and institutions have survived for generations.  We are inspired by our history and proud to be writing its next chapter.

    What can I do?

    1. Participate.
      This is the very first step. Blog. Tweet. Comment on posts. Share links. Attend events. There are lot of events designed to help entrepreneurs connect with other entrepreneurs and others in the community. In Toronto, check out the YouSayYeah Community Calendar. In Vancouver, check out the Bootup Labs Events page. In Montreal, check out TechEntreprise. Use social media to connect with others. The reason we started StartupNorth was to make it easier to find out about Canadian startups.
    2. Patronage.
      It might sound a little like protectionism, but it’s about supporting your community. What was the last product or service you purchased from a startup? From a local startup? If you work for an established company, you should be looking for tools, people, companies, products that give you a competitive edge. Look for vitamins or painkillers, remember this is not a charity activity (though it often feels like it). We are all looking for competitive advantages, and there are lots of startups with new solutions to problem. Look at StartupIndex to find new startups. If you’re a startup, and you want some additional coverage, drop us a note (but check out previous stories iLoveRewards, GigPark, make it easy for us to write a story about why people care). 
    3. Provide feedback.
      When you find a startup, an entrepreneur or a product that only sort of fits what you are looking for, share the information back with the company. Help them build a better product by giving them customer or potential customer feedback. What were the key features that were missing? What was wrong with the pricing model? Why won’t it work in your corporate IT infrastructure? This is valuable information that a lot of young startups need to gather to iterate and improve their offering.
    4. Celebrate failure.
      Did you take a job working for an established company because your startup failed? Share your stories about what worked, what you did wrong, what you’d do differently if you could do it again. How? See # 1. Hire a failed entrepreneur (I know I appreciate the opportunity provided by Microsoft Canada to be startup guy in Canada running BizSpark). We’re all in this together, it feels like I’ve been working with and for startups since the beginning of time. And if I’m lucky, I’ll be doing this for many years in the future. And I know I’ll have a few great stories about what I did wrong.

    It’s up to all of us to celebrate the startup successes and failures in Canada. Personally, if you’re a startup I’d love to hear what you think StartupNorth should do to help you.  Please comments with your suggestions for stories formats, events, site improvements, etc.

  • Idee's new iphone app – TinEye Music

    I am hanging out at Idee where they are demoing their new iPhone application.

    I have to say I am impressed. The application allows you to take a picture of a CD (books and other products coming soon) and the app will then come back with pricing and other information. In the case of a CD, you can sample the tracks and buy them directly from the iTunes store.

    After seeing TinEye, a lot of people have asked “what is the killer app for search?”, I really don’t have an answer, because it isn’t really the kind of stuff I think about, but this represents the kind of innovation and interesting applications that can come out of this kind of technology. This might not be the killer app itself, but it shows that there are dozens of problems that Visual Search can solve.

    The message I got tonight was that Idee is just getting started in building tools that make use of their core visual search technology, and that we are going to be seeing a lot more in the months and years to come.

    This iPhone application should be available within a few weeks, depending on how quickly the iTunes store approves it.

    Leila Boujnane, Idee’s CEO, will be speaking at StartupEmpire in November.

  • Introducing the StartupNorth Event Calendar

    We get emails just about everyday asking for a calendar of startup events across Canada. And it is a damn shame for entrepreneurs to miss a chance to meet up just because there is no event calendar. So without further ado, head on over and check it out. Right now, we just have Toronto events listed, but we’ll be adding Calendars for all the other great regions across Canada as soon as possible.

    We are using Google Calendar so people across the country can collaborate on this project. If you already use Google Calendar and would like to occasionally contribute by posting events, contact us and we?ll provide you with this super power.

    Updates: Edmonton is now onboard (thanks to Cam)! Montreal coming soon (thanks to Heri)! And Waterloo too (thanks to Thom)! Note: If you also live in these cities and are interested in contributing, please contact us as well!


    Mea Culpa. I pulled the image that originally accompanied this post. Why? Well first off, I wasn’t particularly satisfied with it to begin with. While this Calendar Project is something we?ve been thinking about for a while now, the image to accompany the announcement was just something I rushed out this morning. Yes, of course it was just a joke. No, this was not my finest work with Photoshop. For those of you curious what all the hoopla is about, you can find the image posted here.

    My hope is for this Calendar Project to help get more people (men AND women) out to events and as a result working together building great companies. I?d hate for anyone to feel left out. Two of the many things I love about Canada are its inclusiveness and that people call things how they see them. I wouldn?t change either of these things for the world.

    I hope you find the calendar useful. See you at an upcoming event.


  • – Local, niche, reviews and communities

    Lets say that you run a highly successful online community of blond vegans who have a penchant for Prosciutto. You would like to manage local reviews for that community, but you do not have the technical ability or the data you need to get it kick started.

    Montreal based Praized is an innovative solution in the heavily contested local listings and review space. Praized is designed a white-label platform that integrates seamlessly with editorial content by using either an API or plug-ins that are compatible with SixApart?s MovableType and WordPress. Bloggers and site editors can embed snippets of merchant information within posts or news articles to drive traffic to their Praized-powered local section. Praized also designed its platform to be available to Facebook application developers and others through an API.

    Praized communities enable users to search, discover and discuss places with like-minded people. Users benefit from discovering the ?long tail? of places via discussions on lesser known local merchants that struggle to be found through Web search. End-users also get real value from social tools that allow them to tag, comment, bookmark, share and vote on places that matter to them.

    Praized is bringing a really novel and sensible approach to local listings. Realizing that you can bridge the gap between the hype-local and centralized business models can bring opportunities in a lot of markets, and that is what Praized is doing here.

    The first Praized-Powered community is now active at Mocolocal and they also recently announced distribution agreements with Yellowbook in the US and Yellow Pages Group Co. in Canada.

    Other Canadian local-search and review companies include iBegin, who have moved in to the data wholesale business, and ZipLocal (TSX:ZIP) who recently launched ZipDating. Praized does go beyond just reviews and listings, they also have a recommendation system that allows users to suggest places and things to friends in their social network, including Facebook.

  • It's not you, it's me!

    We are working away on a few new things, I have been wrangling some new co-authors and have been generally thinking about the direction of StartupNorth. It feels a lot like what Heri has been thinking about lately.

    I’ll be back in action soon, swear.

    In the meantime, get your butt back to work. That software isn’t going to write itself, and those pitch decks are terrible, just so you know.

  • Wanted: Startup Revolutionaries

    We have some really great stuff cooking and we want to get more people involved.

    Our goal with StartupNorth has been pretty simple: We want to write about great startups, help some get funded and also throw the occasional party.

    The truth is however that sitting here in Toronto, we have a tough time covering the great stuff that is happening East to West and North to South. I have written a bit about how much I love Canadian cities and how I think that each one is unique and ready to do great things.

    If you are like us and want to do something great for the startup community in your city, then please get in touch ASAP. I’d love to tell you what we are cooking up.

  • StartupIndex: Canadian Startup Map

    We just launched a neat new mapping feature on StartupIndex.

    As more data gets entered by the community, a lot of the entries contain address information. We weren’t really using this in any special ways until Ali really started thinking about a map.

    The map is dynamic and thanks to some slick programming, it will auto-cluster elements in order to make things more intuitive as you zoom in and out.

    Is it useful? We don’t know yet. We will constantly be trying things on StartupIndex and we will be testing them to see if they are valuable or not. So please, let us know what you think.

  • – Free our data, free the community

    Tonight at StartupCamp Toronto we are launching, an open, community-managed and free startup tracking database for the Canadian startup community. This is Version 1, and we will be putting a lot of work in to it in the next few weeks and months.

    When we began tracking startups here on Startupnorth, there was no other decent source of publicly accessible coverage of startup activity in Canada. In the last year we have tracked over 100 startups, investments and events related to the startup community. While this blog has kept us up to date on a lot of what is going on, we are still only covering a small fraction of what is really going on.

    Why are we doing this?

    Most of us have a pretty good idea of what is going on in our own city. We get to hear about new startups, rumors of the latest deals are always flying around and we have some idea of who the best entrepreneurs are, but the truth is you don’t have to travel very far until things become less obvious. From Vancouver to Victoria, Toronto to Waterloo, Ottawa to Montreal, Halifax to Moncton, we can make a very short trip but still not know who’s who and what’s new.

    By tracking startup activity nationally we can start to build more awareness of which startups are worth watching, we can also quickly find out which Investors are doing deals and which ones are less active. The “Wheat from the Chaff” as they say.

    This is also an opportunity to find out the truth about the Canadian Startup community. Is it dead or alive? We can either put grand claims to rest, or we can light a fire under them.

    A lot of startup activity and almost all of the funding activity in Canada is actively tracked. These databases are closed off from the public and charge access fees nearing $10,000 (that is seed funding for some companies!). They also offer no value back to the very community that needs this data the most. Startups and Investors, who are the basis of the data being captured, either have to pay the subscription fee or live without the data.

    We believe that this data should be free and that it is a liability if startups and Investors do not have a clear and concise place to access this information. We are betting that our open, accessible and equal approach will bring more value to more people, and that is something we think is worth doing.

    So please, head over to and make sure your startup has a profile. We will be adding new features, such as ratings, email subscriptions and commenting in the short term, and we want your help in building this as it grows.

  • I would like to thank . . . – ITWorldCanada names us in the Top 10

    ITWorldCanada named their list of the 10 best technology blog(gers) last week. We are honored to have been named in this list and can only hope we are still doing a good enough job next year to stay on it.

    Here is the list: