Category: Events

  • Five-tool Players

    I loved Moneyball (the movie).  I also especially love sports analogies as they relate to technology and startups.  While well-blogged about (Fred WilsonDave McClureDharmesh Shah), I believe these analogies are representative of what it takes to create and build a successful startup.  While the premise of the book is to evaluate players based on data and metrics, I couldn’t help but tie back to the old school style of scouting in baseball to the current process we’re going through in selecting our cohort.

    According to Wikipedia, in baseball, a five-tool player is one who excels at (1) hitting for average, (2) hitting for power, (3) baserunning skills and speed, (4) throwing ability, and (5) fielding abilities.  I believe the same can be said for entrepreneurs.

    Sweetest Swing in Baseball

    Hitting for Average : Selling to Customers

    In Moneyball, Billy Beane and his sidekick focus their team (the Oakland A’s) on one thing – getting on base – because getting on base equates to scoring runs, which equates to wins.  In the startup world, scoring runs is the equivalent of getting cash, and this cash comes from customers.

    Every entrepreneur needs to sell to customers.  They need to generate revenue aka cash.  It doesn’t matter if its enterprise customers, direct to consumer, professional services, white labeling, etc.  Ultimately, if the startup is successful, they will sell to customers (which could also mean acquiring users).  Effective hitters know where to hit the ball – pulling the ball, going opposite field, hitting gaps.  Effective entrepreneurs know the gaps in the market amongst their competition and capitalize.

    Hitting for Power : Selling to Investors

    Chicks dig the longball.  So how do you generate a huge amount of cash for your startup in one shot?  You sell to investors.  Entrepreneurs should also be able to successfully pitch VCs, angels, and other shareholders.  This gives their companies cash in normally larger amounts than when selling to customers.  It takes a special person to be able to raise from VCs.  It takes a lot of time, energy, and follow-through.

    A note on specialists here.  In baseball, there are power hitters that specialize in hitting homeruns.  Traditionally, these are the most popular and most sought after players because they have a halo effect around them.  They fill seats, sell jerseys and advertising.  They are the top billers and they usually can do no wrong (unless they cheat).  In startups, this is also true because some franchises (VCs) want their own cleanup hitters at the top for the same halo effect.

    Baserunning Skills & Speed : Hustle, Agility, and Speed

    Running the bases in baseball is critical.  If you can’t run the bases effectively, you’ll hinder your ability to score runs.

    In startups, it’s critical to have that hustle and agility.  This is all about opportunity maximization once the ball is in play.  This means stretching a single into a double (crosssell / upsell, bigger contracts), stealing when possible (customers from your competition), and generally reading your competition in real-time (intuition and nuances of selling to both customers and investors).

    Throwing Ability : Teamwork

    This relates to the internal aspects of a startup.  Can you lead and work within a team?  Can you hit the cutoff man e.g. delegate when is the right time to do so?.  This is about being affective with players on your own team to maximize the position you play.  The most effective early stage startups I’ve come across have a good team rapport and play to each others’ strengths.  Especially early when there is generally chaos, playing the position you’re best at (product, sales, marketing, customer services, QA, IT, etc.) and knowing your limits is critical.

    Fielding Abilities : GTD

    Every entrepreneur can get things done, and similarly every baseball player can catch a flyball or field a grounder.  But the gold glove entrepreneurs are the ones that excel at cranking things out and simply getting things done across a broad range of domains.  JFDI (thanks @msuster)!  To borrow an American football analogy, this is the blocking and tackling that is the unglamorous and often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurialism.


    There are definitely other things that make a successful baseball player and entrepreneur – experience, drive, fire, luck, durability, clutch ability, personal circumstances.  Most things have to align for someone to be in the big leagues in baseball and technology.


    Over the last year as a VC, I’ve seen a lot of entrepreneurs with different combinations of these tools.  Some were very effective at selling to customers, but just could not raise a round from VCs.  Their pitches were too technical, they got into the weeds too much.  They needed more sizzle.  They were great at selling to customers, hitting their singles and doubles.  But when it came to closing a round, they only had warning track power and process became that much more drawn out and painful.

    On the flipside, there were companies where the only thing the CEO could do effectively was raise VC money.  This left their companies with a lot of cash in the bank and a high valuation.  Now they need to execute and build a product that would attract and acquire customers.  Stay off the roids and start bunting if you need.

    We are currently scouting players for our franchise.  Are you a five-tool entrepreneur?  If so, APPLY and come see us at Sprouter today.  We’d love to help you develop into an MVP.

  • Founders & Funders An Update

    I think Jevon and Jonas and Karthik are getting sick of running events with me. Before StartupEmpire back in 2008, I ended up in the Emergency Room at Toronto General for another look at my ticker. This week I ended up in the Emergency Room at Toronto General as we are planning Founders & Funders. I’m ok, I was both times but it does complicate the event planning and invitation process.

    “Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better…stronger…faster.” Wikipedia

    So if you feel like you only got your invitation very recently, i.e., today. It’s my fault, I am sorry, I have been out of commission. It’s a reminder that you should do a startup before you need a body replacement.

    Founders & Funders

    Here is the update on Founders & Funders. It has been almost 2 years since we ran the last Founders & Funders (thanks for noticing William ;-). We are 7 days from the event and we have 35 remaining spots. Unlike past events, we are over inviting and over selling the event, i.e., first come first served. So if you got an invite but were waiting that might be a bad plan…

    How to get an invitation?

    “Fortune favors the connected entrepreneur.” @jcal7 #trueuniversity via @hnshah

    We’re looking for “interesting” founders. Often this means people that we’ve met at other events, as Founders & Funders are relatively small social gatherings. That doesn’t mean it is just our friends, as I’ve been often accused. But it is entrepreneurs that we’ve met, that are building interesting companies, that have interesting traction. Get someone that we think is awesome to refer you. It’s a social hack (just like me).

    Connect with other founders

    Daniel Debow

    We have also decided to include a brief fireside chat with Daniel Debow at this dinner. We rarely do this sort of thing at a Founders and Funders but 2011 was such a great year we thought it would be fun to look back on the ups and downs of Rypple through the years and how they got to their eventual exit, some of which was written about in Forbes this week.

    What’s the point?

    Jonas, Jevon and I are founders. We are not an event company. We are not a media company. We have been trying to write content on StartupNorth that is relevant to us as founders. Whether we are raising money, connecting with other where we live, finding talent, or growing a business. We generally charge very close to the cost of the ticket, i.e., there are some slight over head costs but we are not collecting salaries or generating revenues. This is an unfortunate hobby. But I know there are world-class founders and companies across Canada and while there are government supported organizations and purported lobby groups, we are just a bunch of founders trying to do the things that we find useful in building our companies.

    Founders & Funders is a social event. It is designed to connect with the people writing cheques and making investments on a social level. To talk about startups and technologies and business models without the constraints of a pitch. Will there be pitches, definitely (How do you know when an entrepreneur is dead? They stop pitching). The goal is to have a highly edited dinner party with “interesting founders” and get them out of their usual pitch oriented conversation with VCs.

    Whether this works or not is questionable, but it does bring together founders and funders in a social context.

  • GrowLab on tour

    GrowLab DemoDay 2011 - Some rights reserved by miketippett
    AttributionShare Alike Some rights reserved by miketippett

    Ok, it makes me laugh every time I read GrowLab. The only way it could be better is when someone describes the GrowLab companies as “GrowOps”. They really did a great job in creating a corporate name that has a set of nuanced meanings (well maybe it’s not so nuanced).

    Our friends from GrowLab are heading out on tour to find their next cohort. They are coming to:

    • Toronto – February 13, 2012 Register
    • Waterloo – February 14, 2012 Register
    • Montreal – February 15, 2012 Register
    • Edmonton – February 22, 2012 Register
    • Calgary – February 23, 2012 Register

    Sounds like an interesting night with Daniel Debow (LinkedIn, @ddebow), Debbie Landa (LinkedIn, @deblanda) and Jason Bailey (LinkedIn, @YVRJason) talking about startups, entrepreneurship, building companies in Canada, getting connected in the Valley, GrowConf, incubators and other fun things. The panel conversation is:

    Are you an Entrepreneur or a Wantrepreneur?

    What makes you different from other entrepreneurs trying to build start-ups? You are competing with thousands of entrepreneurs for the same resources, talent, and capital. How are you going to make sure that you attract the best people and funding? Is it about who you know or is it about how great your product is or the reach you have in the community?

    In Toronto that I get to host the above conversation, it means that I’m going to have to represent for the “Wantrepreneur” side. Because there is too much awesomeness with Daniel, Jason and Debbie representing the “Entrepreneur” side. It should be a fun event and a great time for entrepreneurs to get or stay connected with each other. This is a great group to provide deep insight into the experience of building companies in Canada and selling them to Silicon Valley powerhouses.

    Given the tour includes stops in Bucharest and Budapest, I can guarantee that someone will mention Summify (congrats guys).Also excited that Debbie and Jason will be joining us on Feb 16 for Founders & Funders.

  • High Tech Holidays and HoHoTO

    I can’t believe it was back in 2008 that #HoHoTO started. For the past 3 years instead of a Holiday DemoCamp or Festive Founders & Funders, we’ve sponsored and attended HoHoTO. (We’ve even helped document the shenanigans). So why the fuss about a holiday party?

    Toronto’s High Tech Holiday Party – #HoHoTO

    “Fortune favors the connected entrepreneur.” @jcal7 #trueuniversity via @hnshah

    We talk a lot about what is going on in Silicon Valley and how to make Toronto better. We can look to Helsinki, Israel, New York, Boston, Austin, and other places. But we have a strong emerging high tech culture in Toronto (and across Canada, just check out the efforts in Montreal and Vancouver). There is a strong vibrant community in Toronto that actively seeks each other out. Maybe because it’s cold and we like to snuggle, maybe because in dark of winter it’s best not to drink alone. But there are entrepreneurs that are trying to do it in Toronto and they like to get together.

    CC BY-NC-SA  Some rights reserved by smack416
    AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved by smack416 (check out the Flickr Pool for #hohoto)

    We have a great community that knows how to have a great time. And with HoHoTO the great time also supports a great cause.

    What is HoHoTO?

    Daily Bread Food BankWe often joke about startups being “ramen profitable”, but for many this is not a choice. We are working with HoHoTO and the Daily Bread Food Bank we hope to improve Toronto. HoHoTO is a Holiday party to raise sorely-needed funds for Toronto’s Daily Bread Food Bank. It brings together the hyper-connected tech, marketing, PR, social media and startup communities  to raise attention and support around a core idea:

    “People in our town are hungry – damnit – and we can make a difference.”

    Here is the call to all Toronto startups, you should attend HoHoTO and support the Daily Bread Food Bank. It’s a great way to initial meet and connect with other readers of StartupNorth and give back to those less fortunate in Toronto.

    It’s easy to sponsor, it’s easy to attend, it’s easy to donate.

    Get Tickets Now!

    PS this is a call out of our friends to match or beat our sponsorship/donation:

    We’re hoping to see everyone on December 15.



  • CIX TOP 20

    This morning Rick Nathan, Robert Montgomery, and Chris Arsenault announced the 20 Canadian technology companies that have been selected to present at this year’s CIX conference. Many you’ve heard of, a few are well on their way, all definitely worth connecting with December 1.

    • Massive Damage – Founded by veteran app developers Ken Seto and Garry Seto, Massive Damage is building next generation location based massively multiplayer games for mobile devices.
    • Arcestra – Arcestra is a new cloud-based technology and business platform that streamlines commercial real estate transactions unlocking tremendous value for tenants, landlords, brokers, designers and suppliers in the multi-billion dollar commercial real estate market.
    • Vanilla Forums – Vanilla is open source community forum software that powers discussions on over 500,000 sites around the world.
    • Woozworld – Founded in 2010, Woozworld created and operates, a Web 2.0 innovative social virtual world, specifically designed to answer the needs and expectations of tweens.
    • Wattpad – On Wattpad users discover a new form of entertainment where you can interact and share stories across text, video, images and through conversations with other readers and writers.
    • Infersystems – Infersystems has developed a proprietary, automatic predictive analytics engine based on non parametric statistics. The Infer RTB Optimizer enables marketers to effectively and efficiently optimize display media campaigns at the impression level in order to maximize CPA, CPC and/or profit.
    • Recoset – Recoset is a predictive analytics company that allows marketers to bring 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data together in real time and use economic models to make purchase decisions across multiple digital marketing channels.
    • ClearRisk – ClearRisk helps the insurance market by giving them a way to win in the mid market by providing the needed risk management solutions to medium sized companies.
    • Achievers – Achievers is an employee recognition solution that helps companies recognize brilliant performance and empowers employees to choose their own rewards.
    • Bitheads – An award-winning product development company that is creating a unique cloud-based solution for a large and emerging entertainment market.
    • Shoplogix – Shoplogix envisions a manufacturing industry where every manufacturer has access to the right information to make the right decisions.
    • True Voice – True Voice Technologies caters to organizations that recognize the importance of live conversation and how it can play a pivotal role in their business.
    • Polar Mobile – Polar Mobile provides media companies globally an industry-leading Platform that makes it fast and easy to launch branded mobile Apps across every smartphone.
    • Wave Accounting – Wave Accounting is the fastest-growing online accounting tool for small businesses around the world. Wave is 100% free, offers complete accounting made ridiculously easy, and is designed for the real-world needs of small business owners.
    • Nexalogy Environics – Nexalogy Environics is a leading Canadian provider of social media/ research technology and consulting services. Nexalogy takes the guesswork out of social data analytics.
    • Quickmobile – QuickMobile is a software development company that builds interactive, engaging mobile applications and mobile websites for audiences at conferences, trade shows, film festivals and other events.
    • Responsetek – ResponseTek helps organizations see the link between poor customer service delivery and retention and growth problems.
    • Nexj Systems – NexJ Systems (TSX: NXJ) is a leading provider of enterprise private cloud software, delivering customer relationship management solutions to the financial services, insurance, and healthcare industries.
    • TribeHR – TribeHR provides a Software as a Service human resources management tool for small and medium businesses to reduce the time, cost and aggravation resulting from managing human resources on a tight budget.
    • Evoco – Evoco is an enterprise class, software-as-a-service provider that integrates real estate management, project data management, and facilities management solutions for multi-location real estate owners.
  • Startup Weekend Toronto & GEW

    Startup Weekend Toronto is coming back for it’s third event in just over year. The city is making a name for itself amongst the global Startup Weekend community, having held some of the highest quality events, including last June’s which turned out to be the largest North American event held to date.

    The city has lots of great events but that’s not what gets me excited. It’s the quality, innovation and momentum that Toronto’s entrepreneurs have that is inspiring. Personally, I never had any interest in running events but I liked the idea of Startup Weekend and was inspired by Startup Weekend’s CEO, Marc Nager and his the team… at least enough to agree to run a single event. Once you’ve been involved in one, it’s hard not to keep it going. The energy, enthusiasm and drive of everyone who’s attended the last two Startup Weekend Toronto events is infectious.

    Last June’s event was a raging success with over half the teams still taking their projects forward and gaining some real traction 6 months later. is the perfect story of the possibility of a single weekend. A brand new idea gets pitched for the first time. A group of strangers come together as a new team. In under 54hrs, the team iterates, refines, pounds the pavement for customer feedback, signs up over 10,000 registered emails and puts an awesome final presentation together to take first prize. What’s more impressive is what comes next! The team decided to commit full-time and see where they can take this. As of today, they have over 300,000 registered users, have been covered in Mashable, Fast Company, TechCrunch to name a few, and have gone through a full private and now public beta program. Eugene Woo is actively speaking to investors as they run this startup out of the Ryerson Digital Media Zone.

    November’s Startup Weekend will officially close Global Entrepreneurship Week Canada (GEW) and will be part of the Global Startup Battle with over 65 Startup Weekend events happening around the world during GEW. The winning team from each city event will compete against all 65 cities with a chance to win a trip to DEMO in Singapore. Toronto is going to impress the global startup community once again with a world class event. Check out the event details from the site and by following the action on twitter using #swtoronto .

    There are still a few tickets left and StartupNorth readers can have them at a discount. See you there!

  • Oct 12, 2011 – DemoCamp feat. Elmer Sotto

    #DCT30 Details

    Date: October 12th, 2011

    Time: 6:30 – 9:00 PM EST

    Location: Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University: 55 Dundas St. W, Toronto, ON

    Register to Attend:

    Keynote Speaker – Elmer Sotto

    Elmer Sotto (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) is the Head of Growth for Facebook Canada, where he is responsible for setting strategy to further grow and engage the Canadian user base. He also helps key strategic partners understand and leverage the Facebook platform.

    Prior to this, he was the Vice President of Product and Operations for JumpTV. Mr. Sotto also spent more than five years at eBay Canada as Director of Marketplace Development.

    We are very excited to be hosting Elmer as the keynote speaker for DemoCamp 30 and looking forward to another exciting event! Please make sure to register before tickets are sold out.

    Amazing entrepreneurs & demos

    The goal at DemoCamp is to provide a platform for local companies to launch, get product or pitch feedback, establish a presence for recruiting as well as help with PR and social media awareness. We aim to gather highly connected and talented entrepreneurs, developers, designers, marketers, investors and others to watch and critique entrepreneurs in a safe environment.

    We have a list of amazing demos, companies and founders presenting. These are some of the best in the world, and guess what they are all located in the GTA. We have 2 companies that have participated in YCombinator, the first startup out of IAC’s Hatch Labs, a leading e-book platform and a hot social hardware application. It’s a great list of local entrepreneurs.

    Sponsored by our friends at:

  • Apply for Strata Launch Pad

    Some rights reserved by GibZilla

    It’s no secret that Big Data is hot. At O’Reilly’s upcoming Strata conference in New York, a panel of VC judges will be choosing the top firms with a Big Data story, who will present on stage during the Strata Summit on September 22.

    I’m one of the organizers of Strata, and it’s a fascinating sector of the industry. New ventures live or dies by their ability to analyze data. Big companies can revitalize ailing product lines with data-driven sales. And elastic computing atop public clouds make new kinds of services possible.

    If you’re a startup with a story to tell around data, or an established business that’s disrupting its industry with a new approach, we’d love to hear from you. You can apply at, but don’t delay! Applications close on Monday, August 22 at 11:59 PM.

    If you’re chosen, you’ll get access to the Strata Summit, gain exposure to hundreds of industry influencers, and get a chance to launch at the leading Big Data event.

  • More GrowConf tickets via ShinyAds & Nokia

    Grow Conference - August 17-19, 2011 - Vancouver, BC

    Need a ticket for the Grow Conference?

    The generous sponsors of the Grow Conference are continuing to offer a few free tickets to some starving startups over the next week. We call this Conference Ticket – Ramen Class.

    Today’s tickets comes from and Nokia. These are two very different companies. One is the largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world, the other is a small startup trying to get companies on to their ad serving platform. They see the benefits for startups to attend Grow.

    To win these passes tweet the following today:

    RT to enter! “Hey @nokia – Please send me to the @growconf #growconf in Vancouver .

    Tuesday August 9th, Grow Conference organizers will pick the winners who will get a pass for Days 2 and 3 at the 2011 Grow Conference. *Note that travel and accommodations are not included, pay for your own flights and hotels and drinks you cheap and resourceful founders.

    The Grow Conference is a unique three-day conference that brings together the top minds in business, entrepreneurship, technology, and capital to inspire and engage the next generation of disruptive entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter if your business is on or offline, the next-gen entrepreneur knows where their customers are and how to engage them. Today’s entrepreneurs are creating new opportunities, disrupting age-old markets, leveraging technology on their path to being tomorrow’s leaders. The Grow Conference is bringing the best minds of Silicon Valley and Canada together to share lessons learned and inspire action. Be part of this entrepreneurial revolution as we work together to drive innovation for the future. GROW is more than a conference, it’s a movement.

    Follow #growconf on Twitter @growconf

  • Can’t make it to GrowConf? Try TechTalksTO

    Tech Talks TOWe’re big fans of all of the technical community efforts going on across the country. I have the privilege of going to Vancouver next week for GrowConf, but we want to return the favor to local entrepreneurs and students in the GTA. We have 5 tickets for TechTalksTO.

    The effort to encourage participation by local students was led by the team at Uken Games.

    Uken is planning on sponsoring tickets for 3-4 students to attend We’ll also be sponsoring the event in general. I was wondering if we could promote this giveaway through an article on StartUpNorth. We haven’t figured out the criteria for selection but we’re thinking either a short paragraph of why we should choose you and a short code puzzle.

    I have purchased my ticket for the event, but I am unable to attend. We will give away one ticket per day starting today until all 5 tickets are gone. Someone else can figure out when that is.

    Uken Games

    How to win a ticket TechTalksTO?

    To win these passes tweet the following until Thursday:

    RT to enter! “Hey @startupnorth @ukengames – Please send me to the @techtalksTO Underground ($INSERT_LINK_TO_YOUR_BLOG/COMPANY).”

    This is a great local event. For developers by developers. Must attend, like the venerable events like FutureRuby and RubyFringe. It is great to see Toronto Ruby Brigade, TechTalksTO, TechnologicTO, AndroidTO, HTML5 Web App Developers and others engaging and supporting the community.