Category: Events

  • An Evening with Yossi Vardi

    BrightSpark Ventures, Microsoft BizSpark, Rogers Ventures, and StartupNorth are please to co-present “An Evening with Yossi Vardi” on September 24, 2009 in Toronto. Like DemoCamp and other events, you need to purchase a ticket to attend.

    Did you catch Yossi Vardi at TechCrunch50? Check out Yossi questioning Canadian startup StorySomething at TC50. He’s a funny, relevant experienced entrepreneur that has helped build the Israeli software/Internet industry. And he’s going to talk about starting a company outside of Silicon Valley. He’ll talk about selling a company outside of Silicon Valley.

    Sign me up!

    Who is Yossi Vardi?

    Yossi Vardi is one of the leading individuals in the Israeli software/Internet industry.  

    yossivardiYossi has extensive experience in the public and private sector. In the private sector, he is probably the most respected investor in Israel; has served on many boards including Amdocs, Maariv, Elite, Scitex, Bezeq, Arkia, Elisra. In the public sector, he has extensive experience in technology, including helping to set up the VC industry in Israel via Yozma. He serves on the board of governors of Weizmann Institute and the Technion. He was the chairman of the Jerusalem Foundation, council member of the Open University of Israel and serves on the board of trustees of the Hebrew University. Vardi acted as an advisor to the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program on issues of energy policy and strategy in the developing world. He is a member of the World Economic Forum, serves on the Research Visionary Board of Motorola, and on the Future Trends Forum of The Bankinter Foundation of Innovation. He serves on the advisory board of Blackberry Ventures in Ontario, and served on that of 3i, was advisor to the CEOs of AOL,, Allied-signal, Siemens-Albis and others.

    Yossi was the founding investor of Mirabilis, inventor of ICQ – the well known Internet-wide Instant messaging product. Among the companies he invested in, or helped to build are, Gteko (sold to Microsoft), Airlink, Tivella, Scopus, CTI2, Foxytunes, Tucows (Toronto based), and Starnet.

    In recent years Vardi has been active in fostering a culture of innovation and creativity in Israel and abroad. He founded the Kinnernet conference, an annual, three days gathering of creative people from all over the world.

    Vardi won the TechCrunch Europe 2009 "Best investor personality" award; He received an Honorary Doctorate from the Technion, Honorary Fellowship from the Open University, and twice received the Prime Minister award for life achievements in the high tech area; he was nominated as one of The Most Influential International Executives by The Industry Standard.

    Yossi, most recently, is an Angel investor in many Israeli startups and is now focusing on unique models of investing in startups. He is  currently invested in many startups. Yossi is just returning from San Francisco where he attended the TechCrunch50 conference as one of the Panel of Experts.

    Brought to you by

    brightspark-logo bizspark rogers-logo

  • StartupDrinks – August 26, 2009


    • ExtremeU Social is happening on August 26 from 5-7pm. Start out on the patio at Extreme Ventures with the ExtremeU companies and then head over to StartupDrinks at C’est What?
    • Montreal RSVP at TechEntreprise. Happening at Brutopia.
    • Ottawa RSVP at Guestlistapp. Happening at Metropolitan Brasserie.

    It’s time again. StartupDrinks Logo

    Bryan Watson of NACO and Robin Ahn of CEOFusion have stepped up to help coordinate the next installment of StartupDrinks in Toronto. Heri of Montreal Tech Watch and Raymond Luk of Flow Ventures are hosting the Montreal event. And Scott Annan from Mercury Grove is stepping up to host an Ottawa event.

    The kickoff Toronto Startup Drinks followed hot on the heels of DemoCamp and was a great event.  We are keeping the startup community alive, one pint at a time on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at local fave C’est What!

    It’s a simple concept: a grassroots effort to make sure startup folks get in touch and stay in touch.


    • Date: Wednesday, 26 August, 2009
    • Location: C’est What, 67 Front Street East, Toronto, ON (map)
    • Time: 6pm until late
    • Sign up using Guestlistapp, then join us on the night for a to meet other entrepreneurs!


    • Date: Wednesday, 26 August, 2009
    • Location: Brutopia, 1219 Rue Crescent, Montreal, QC (map)
    • Time: 6pm until late
    • Sign up at TechEntreprise, then join us on the night for a to meet other entrepreneurs!


    • Date: Wednesday, 26 August, 2009
    • Location: Metropolitan Brasserie, 700 Sussex Dr., Ottawa, ON (map)
    • Time: 6pm until late
    • Sign up using GuestListApp, the join the gang at the Metropolitan.

    Everyone is welcome.

  • StartupDrinks – July 29, 2009


    DemoCamp Toronto 21 is sold out! But that is no reason that startups in Toronto shouldn’t get together.

    Raymond Luk from Flow Ventures will be in town for DemoCamp and suggested that we host an informal StartupDrinks event the night that immediately after. July 29, 2009 coincides with the next Montreal StartupDrinks and for Ray it maximizes his time in Toronto to meet entrepreneurs and hear about the great things going on in this city.

    What is StartupDrinks?

    A simple concept: startup culture in cities around the world gathers around a bar to have a pint and discuss what they are working on, what they need help with and what they can do for each other.

    Basically, the idea is that if you are involved in a startup or looking to get into a tech startup, come have a drink, meet new people and discuss startups. No rules, no keynotes, no schedules, no sponsors, nothing fancy, just some plain good old drinks, great people, hopefully good weather, hopefully awesome startups to talk about 🙂

    Where is StartupDrinks Toronto?

    The location is still up in the air. It’s looking like it will be at Pogue Mahones at 777 Bay St starting at 7pm.

    Where do I register?

    Really simple. Sign up for the Canadian Startups! Facebook Group and then RSVP on the event page.

  • Extreme University

    extremevpExtreme Venture Partners is hosting a summer program for start-ups called Extreme University. It’s reminiscent of the Trilogy University, which should come as no surprise given Farhan Thawar is ex-Trilogy Software (TU98 to be exact). The Extreme University program is a rapid start 12 week program that aims to bring the rigor and mentoring and connections for start-ups. The program is based in Toronto, but given Extreme’s strong ties to Silicon Valley, New York, and around the globe you can imagine that these companies will gain access to their network.

    Applications are due by June 12, 2009. The program runs June 22 to September 4, 2009. And will conclude with a Demo event on September 12, 2009.

    What: A summer technology start-up program that focuses on industry networking, technology mentoring and above all delivering a product to potential follow-on funders after only 12 weeks.

    Who: We are looking for four smart and fast moving teams to participate. Typically all members of the two-three person team will be deep technically, but at least one of the founders should have a technical background.

    How: After you apply and are accepted you will:

    • Get $5,000 (US) per founder in exchange for a 10% ownership stake in your company
    • Move your team to our shared ExtremeU office space at Yonge & King (downtown Toronto)
    • Have weekly mentoring sessions by industry experts in technology, funding, legal, PR, marketing and HR
    • Meet a who’s who of experts at our weekly socials and have an opportunity to practice your pitch and demo your in-progress prototype
    • Have access to local shared resources to accelerate product development (mentors, servers)

    When: Applications are due by Friday June 12th, 2009. The program starts Monday June 22nd, 2009 to Friday September 4th, 2009 at the ExtremeU offices in Toronto at Yonge and King. The final demo day will be Tuesday September 15th, 2009 at Demo camp.

    It’s a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and founders to come to Toronto. Work with a group of people at Extreme Venture Partners, gain exposure to a local, national and international network to help you build and grow a new company and product.

    Apply Now!

  • Up-Start Competition 2009

    Update from Tony Redpath at MaRS:

    “An important correction – the actual competition runs from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the 29th, with the class party starting at 5:00 PM and running to 7:00 PM. (12 pitches x 15 minutes = 3 hours, hence the 2 – 5). Anyone can attend to watch the pitches – but they will have to sign an NDA at the door since many entrants will have to disclose confidential ideas in order to make their pitch. The party is wide open however …and the winner of the competition will be announced, a large cheque handed out etc. I will have non-confidential summaries of each pitch available for interested parties, and they can buttonhole any team that interests them. We’ve got a great crop this year.”

    CIBC_Ent101-250px The MaRS Entrepreneurship 101 is coming to a close for the 2009 season. The season ending wrap party, aka Up-Start Competition, is happening on April 29, 2009 from 5:00-7:00pm at MaRS. Twelve (12) companies will be pitching a 10 minute presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions to a panel of three judges. Unfortunately, the judges are not currently listed on the site. However, a quick assumption is that it is probably someone from MaRS Venture Group (Tony Redpath or Peter Evans), a successful past entrepreneur and a local venture investment professional.

    The twelve entrants selected from the executive summary stage each give a 10-minute presentation, with a further five minutes for questions, to a panel of three judges on a day in late April (date to be confirmed). Presentations will be made under cover of a non-disclosure agreement that all audience members will be required to sign. The judges will pick the winner on that day and the first prize of $10K will be awarded. (Note that the prize will be paid out against an approved expenditure program that advances the business upon which the pitch was based.)

    All of the presentations will be judged against the following criteria:

    • Has the summary/presentation clearly articulated the value proposition?
    • Has the summary/presentation demonstrated competitive differentiation/intellectual capital?
    • Has the summary/presentation demonstrated a business model that makes money?
    • Has the summary/presentation demonstrated market awareness?
    • How effective was the overall presentation?
    • Would you invest?

    Should be a great night of pitches from the Entrepreneurship 101 class. See you there.

    What: Up-Start Competition 2009
    The Up-Start Competition is a business pitch competition open to participants enrolled in CIBC Presents Entrepreneurship 101. Individuals, or teams of individuals, have to give a ten minute presentation on an idea for a technology based business that they wish to implement (or, if appropriate, for a business that they have already started). They are expected to apply the concepts that they have learned from the course to their business idea, and to make a compelling case that this will lead to a very successful business.
    When: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    Where: MaRS

    101 College St
    Toronto, ON   Canada
  • OCE Elevator Pitch contest at Discovery 09

    discovery2009_logo The Ontario Centres for Excellence is hosting an Elevator Pitch contest on May 12, 2009 at Discovery 09 event. First place prize is Cdn$5000 and second place is Cdn$2000. Not shabby for a 700 word entry.

    Step into OCE’s Elevator Pitch contest – 12 May 2009
    Metro Convention Centre, Toronto

    Venture capitalists and angel investors can spot a good business pitch in roughly the time it takes to ride an elevator. Test your pitch by getting in on the Elevator Pitch at Discovery 09. Go one-on-one, face-to-face with leading VCs and angel investors and deliver a compelling overview of your tech-based business idea in five minutes or less. Capture their attention, advice, and a chance to win cash prizes for best pitch.

    To enter, visit

    Startups need to submit a 700 word maximum submission that covers the following:

    • Describe the product or service and its underlying technology
    • What is the market need – what is the value proposition to your intended customers?
    • What is the sustainable competitive advantage of your product or service?
    • Describe the market and market size.
    • What is your market entry strategy?

    Submissions are due by April 16, 2009.

  • MeshU/StartupNorth party – April 6 2009

    We are slowly emerging from our cave, and finally setting a date. On April 6th, MeshU, the startup and developer conference that runs the day before the Mesh Conference, will be having a social. It is a chance to hang out and talk startups.

    There really haven’t been many events in Toronto lately, so this is a chance to start things up again after a successful Democamp last month.

    Here are the details. See you there?

    The beer o’clock at the Drake Hotel brought to you by meshU and StartupNorth

    Time: 6 p.m. to close
    Where: The Lounge & Dining Room
    Drake Hotel, 1150 Queen St. West

    Everyone is welcome. Space is limited. There is no charge for this event.

    Thanks to our hospitality sponsor and host: Drake Hotel

  • Upcoming Events

    After what seems like *forever* there is suddenly a lot of events scheduled: LaunchParty Vancouver, DemoCamp Guelph, StartupCamp Waterloo, DemoCamp Toronto, the list goes on… but be sure register and / or get your tickets soon, cause seats are going to go fast. It will be great to catch up and see what everyone has been hard at work on!

  • MeshU speakers announced – April 6 2009

    The Canadian media conference, Mesh, started a spinoff conference last year focused on startups, designers and developers and they have just announced some of the speakers who will be there this year.

    MeshU is a very distinct conference from the larger Mesh Conference. Where Mesh is focused on networking, media and web, MeshU is all about the nuts and bolts of building for the web and running a dev shop.

    Mike Mcderment is the driving force behind MeshU and he brings all the street cred you could ask for. As the founder of Freshbooks he has grown the company from 2 people to well over 20 and they have become one of the biggest players in online finance applications, let alone Online Invoicing which is a market they helped define.

    The feedback from MeshU was great last year and I am glad to see it moving ahead this year.

  • Boot Camp for Technology Start-Ups

    From Boris at Bootup Labs in Vancouver.

    plugandplaytechcenterThe Canadian Trade Commissioner Service is hosting a Canadian Regional Boot Camp for Technology Start-Ups featuring Silicon Valley experts and investors. The event features the Plug and Play Technology Center in Silicon Valley. The Plug and Play Tech Center now features a Canadian Incubator at the 3 offices in the valley. I’m assuming that this means that Canadian start-ups can get access to real estate while they are working in Silicon Valley doing business development and fund raising.

    The Boot Camp event happening March 16-20, 2009 in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa,Toronto, and Waterloo features Chris Gill of SVASE helping entrepreneurs with pitch preparation and a final pitch review session.

    • Funding Pitch Preparation. Topics will include:
      • What are US investors looking for?
      • Is your business fundable?
      • How to effectively present the problem, the opportunity and the solution.
      • Presenting your go to market strategy and your business model.
      • Presenting who’s on your team, establishing credibility etc.
      • How to present your evaluation of the competition.
      • How to present your financial projections.
    • Pitching Session to a Review Board
      • 10-minute company pitch to local, US and Silicon Valley VC investors
      • Instant pitch feedback by the Board

    The event is happening:

    • Halifax, Monday, March 16, 2009
    • Montreal, Tuesday, March 17, 2009
    • Ottawa, Wednesday, March 18, 2009
    • Toronto, Thursday, March 19, 2009
    • Waterloo, Friday, March 20, 2009

    If you are a startup looking to get help developing your funding pitch this is a great opportunity. Even better if you think raising money in the Valley is easier than Canada (it’s not), you can find out about the process for Canadian companies and start to build relationships that can help you.