Author: saulcolt

  • Startup Weekend Toronto & GEW

    Startup Weekend Toronto is coming back for it’s third event in just over year. The city is making a name for itself amongst the global Startup Weekend community, having held some of the highest quality events, including last June’s which turned out to be the largest North American event held to date.

    The city has lots of great events but that’s not what gets me excited. It’s the quality, innovation and momentum that Toronto’s entrepreneurs have that is inspiring. Personally, I never had any interest in running events but I liked the idea of Startup Weekend and was inspired by Startup Weekend’s CEO, Marc Nager and his the team… at least enough to agree to run a single event. Once you’ve been involved in one, it’s hard not to keep it going. The energy, enthusiasm and drive of everyone who’s attended the last two Startup Weekend Toronto events is infectious.

    Last June’s event was a raging success with over half the teams still taking their projects forward and gaining some real traction 6 months later. is the perfect story of the possibility of a single weekend. A brand new idea gets pitched for the first time. A group of strangers come together as a new team. In under 54hrs, the team iterates, refines, pounds the pavement for customer feedback, signs up over 10,000 registered emails and puts an awesome final presentation together to take first prize. What’s more impressive is what comes next! The team decided to commit full-time and see where they can take this. As of today, they have over 300,000 registered users, have been covered in Mashable, Fast Company, TechCrunch to name a few, and have gone through a full private and now public beta program. Eugene Woo is actively speaking to investors as they run this startup out of the Ryerson Digital Media Zone.

    November’s Startup Weekend will officially close Global Entrepreneurship Week Canada (GEW) and will be part of the Global Startup Battle with over 65 Startup Weekend events happening around the world during GEW. The winning team from each city event will compete against all 65 cities with a chance to win a trip to DEMO in Singapore. Toronto is going to impress the global startup community once again with a world class event. Check out the event details from the site and by following the action on twitter using #swtoronto .

    There are still a few tickets left and StartupNorth readers can have them at a discount. See you there!

  • Startup Weekend Toronto

    Some rights reserved photo by Seattle Municipal Archives

    Startup Weekend Toronto, which kicks off June 3, is almost sold out; if you’re on the fence, don’t wait much longer, StartupNorth readers can save 20% by using discount code: STARTUPNORTHSW

    This June’s event will have a strong focus on lean startup principles. A fantastic set of speakers are lined up to provide practical advice so you can take what you learn well beyond the weekend itself. While there is no “right” way to start a company, Startup Weekend is here to help provide you with as many tools and connections as possible to help you succeed.

    A great set of speakers for Friday night will kick things off and prepare you for what’s ahead. Throughout the weekend there will be mentors dropping in helping teams with their projects. Saturday night, founders will share war stories. The judging panel includes experienced investors and entrepreneurs who you will have a chance to connect with. Startup Weekend  will round up with dinner and awards at an awesome venue to be announced shortly.

    The winner of Startup Weekend will enjoy more than just street cred, in addition there will be a cash award to help move the project forward, entry into the Ryerson DMZ for 4 months, video production to help on the marketing front, pro bono legal services, a chance to demo at the next Democamp Toronto (June 9), and more.


  • StartupWeekend Toronto – Summer Edition

    StartupWeekend is coming back to Toronto this June 3-5. After an excellent kick-off event last September, Toronto is primed to bring it again. If you don’t believe that you can get started building real companies in a weekend then take a closer look. The Toronto community showed its stuff and did some amazing work last time around: TaskAve, RateHub, N20Vuru.

    StartupWeekends are cropping up around the world, the movement is gaining momentum. Only a couple of months back, Zaarly was born at StartupWeekend LA – Zaarly has since raised $1M and was ready for launch at this year’s SXSW. More and more stories like this are emerging as these events gain traction and participants come ready to build. This June’s StartupWeekend is going to be held at the historic Burroughes Building at Queen and Bathurst and will provide an environment to promote true collaboration – not just within the teams but across teams as well.

    We will be working hard at creating an even better environment for all of you to learn, be inspired, and build great things. Just come ready to work hard and have fun. Start getting your pitches ready and watch space for more. Follow us online and via twitter (@startupwkndto) for updates.

    Tickets are on sale now, the first 20 StartupNorth readers to register receive a 20% discount – use the code: STARTUPNORTHSW