Author: Jonas Brandon

  • – know your neighborhood when buying a home

    HomeZilla, a real-estate companion site, is launching publicly today. When I first saw the site back in February of this year, it still had a long way to go in terms of usability, and it looks like they have really been working hard in the time since then.

    It is practically impossible to do anything worthwhile online for the real-estate market in Canada. The Multiple Listings Service is a monopoly and the ultimate gatekeeper of listings data. They protect themselves with anti-competitive contracts and stifle any sort of innovation. They regularly shut down websites and startups who come up against them. The most famous of which was the Real Estate Plus project by Bell Canada.

    So, what do you do if you are passionate about this market, but can’t play fair? You go around the bullies and provide value in other ways.

    HomeZilla provides neighborhood information that helps you make a decision about where you want to buy. Where are my local pubs? Schools? Child Care? LCBO? It is all in there.

    The Toronto based company has a lot of work ahead of them to get exposure during a time that has seen real estate purchased drop like a rock in Toronto (down 22% to 30% by some estimates) and other cities. That said, I think HomeZilla will play an even more important role for a new type of buyer who will be a lot more picky about where they are purchasing, and they will have time to browse around, rather than bidding on every house that comes on the market.

    I do not know exactly what HomeZilla’s revenue model is, but I can think of a handful of obvious opportunities to provide add-on value for real estate agents.

    Personally, I think we need more startups like this, who demonstrate the possibilities of what can be done in the real estate space, and who I hope will collectively give a big middle finger to the MLS monopoly.

    HomeZilla was founded by former Yahoo! manager Sandy Ward, who recently returned to Toronto from San Francisco.

  • Have something to say? StartupEmpire call for speakers

    We have launched the official call for speakers for StartupEmpire (more on the name change from Dave later tonight — you are going to have a chuckle).

    We are looking for great workshop and panel proposals as well as keynote nominations. You can fill out the form here to make your submission. We have already had an overwhelming amount of submissions, so if you have emailed us already, please consider re-submitting through this form. I will try to dig through my emails, but I am bound to miss some.

  • CVCA – Global Customers, Investors and Acquirers – October 15th, 2008

    I will be speaking at the Canadian Venture Capital Association’s upcoming professional development day on October 15th. I will be on a panel with Rob Lane, from Overlay.TV and Maggie Fox from Social Media Group.

    Our session description is

    ?Going global” is no longer an option for many companies. It is a necessity. This session will examine issues and strategies in building international networks that will lead to business opportunities and enhanced returns. Learn how to link into international networks of customers, partners, acquirers and investors to better position your companies for global success. The role that social technologies can play in fostering these global networks will also be discussed.


    It looks like a good day and if it is typical of CVCA events, the biggest value will be in having a chance to hang out with some of the other attendees who tend to be other startups (the smart ones go to CVCA events when they can afford them) and funders.

    The half-day event is $299 for non-CVCA members if you attend in-person in Toronto, and $70 if you watch it from one of the simulcast locations in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Fredricton or Halifax.

  • StartupNorth, the Conference, is off to a great start!

    So, we’ve had a bit of a name change, so forgive some of the logos, etc as we make the switch. When you run a conference like your startup, you have to learn to iterate quickly! I am sure it is not the first change we will be making.

    Tickets sales have been going on steadily since yesterday, I am really excited about it and if we run out of early-bird tickets before the deadline, we will add some more at the early bird price up until the deadline.

    We’ve received a lot of feedback through comments, twitter, email and blogs and it has almost all been really constructive and helpful. If you have emailed us about leading a session or volunteering, we will have more information for you next week. Some really incredible people have stepped forward.

    There is still a lot of work to be done to make this a great conference. While it is in Toronto (which is purely logistical for us in doing our first conference), we are trying to make this as national as possible by bringing in more speakers from across the country.

    You can get your tickets over on the website and we will be posting more updates next week.

  • Announcing StartupNorth – Canada's Conference for Startups – November 13-14

    A lot of you have probably been wondering why we haven’t announced any events lately. That’s because we have been working on something really fun.

    I am happy to finally go public with StartupNorth, the Conference.

    David and I wanted to create something that would give us all a place to come together, connect, learn and that we would all walk away from feeling inspired.

    We will be making announcements here over the next few months as we get closer to the conference. We are still working on bringing on more great speakers and a day of pragmatic, hands-on, workshops.

    We are going all out to give you a world-class conference right here at home, and we will be asking you for your help, a lot. In the next few days and weeks we will taking your votes on what sessions and workshops you want to see and really need.

    What is it? Canada’s conference for Startups
    Who will be there? Students,?Entrepreneurs?and Funders
    When is it?? November 13th and 14th, 2008 in Toronto, Ontario
    Day 1: Practical hands-on workshops and speakers to help entrepreneurs learn how to get started or, for those with a startup, how to take it to the next level.?Workshops will include:
    ? Asessing your market opportunity ? Why should I use your product?
    Strategies for getting users
    ? Presentation skills for developers ? Legal pitfalls for startups
    ? Shaking the money tree ? Pricing Models
    ? Product Design ? First customers and other business development pitfalls?
    Day 2: Networking, speakers and in-depth panels with a focus on Canada’s role in the international startup ecosystem.
    Speakers include:

    Can’t wait to see you there, this is going to be fun!

  • – BrightSpark is back to catalog your collection

    Back in January we broke the news that Brightspark, previously one of the most visible VC firms in Canada, was changing how they did business. Instead of looking for deals to invest in, which they complained were too few and far between, they would instead create web-based businesses themselves, or they would partner with other entrepreneurs to start businesses. Which BrightSpark would have an operational role in.

    Tomorrow Toronto based Brightspark 3.0 will be announcing their first new business,, which is described like this: 

    Collectionbuddy?s ambition is to be the world?s largest living, user generated catalog of collectible items – The definitive encyclopedia of collectibles.

    It is a tool for researching any collection or collectible, from McDonald?s toys, Airport Postcards to Delftware pottery.

    The site?s content is user generated in much the same way as Wikipedia. The categories of collectibles are very similar to that of eBay?s.

    Brightspark is also announcing that they are able to help build web-apps for your startup.

    I have to admit, it is a little bewildering to see one of the most aggressive and interesting VCs in Canada turn in to a web consulting shop in the last 8 months. I am not sure why they didn’t just drop the Brightspark name completely and start fresh.

    When I spoke to Mark Skapinker in January, he lamented that they literally just could not find enough good deals here in Canada and that was the primary reason they had for heading down this path.

    In the last year we have seen this re-creation of Brightspark, turmoil at Celtic House, a gutting at VenturesWest (read the comments for some interesting analysis), and rumors are swirling about several other firms. This is a time of change, and we have to work hard to make sure that it is good that comes from it. You can’t blame Brightspark for not getting creative at least.

    In the coming days I plan to chat with the BrightSpark team to find out how this transition has been going, and if it has been worth it.



  • Akoha Starter kits – get'em while they're hot

    Montreal based Akoha, who are going on stage tomorrow at the TechCrunch50. We have previously profiled their angel round and I have been watching their progress closely. 

    We can’t say much about what Akoha is, but what I can do is give you all an exclusive invitation to get a free starter kit. These kits, which will only be available until tomorrow, will be mailed out to you right away. 

    Head over here to the Akoha store (powered by and sign up for the starter kit, and remember to tune in to to Akoha’s presentation tomorrow.

    I also came across a vote for who will be the most promising startup presenting at TechCrunch50. You can vote for Akoha, as they are neck and neck for 1st place.  

  • 7 avoidable capital raising mistakes

    Mark McQueen, the guy behind Wellington Financial is quickly becoming a blog rockstar, and his latest post is no exception.

    Mark deals in the Venture Debt business, a similar product to that of Silicon Valley Bank and a few others. He is the kind of guy you might end up talking to down the road when you need some growth capital. Who knows. All I know is that when I have asked Private Equity guys about Mark and Wellington, they have always gotten a little scrappy, so I take it as a good sign.

    Here is his post, 7 avoidable capital raising mistakes. It is worthwhile advice for anyone pitching to VCs, angels or potential business partners.

    In this first attempt to stick to the script, we?ll address seven of the more obvious mistakes that entrepreneurs make when trying to raise capital (this is not to sound patronizing, but to help make the capital-raising process a success):

    1. False Sense of Urgency

    Imagine the excitement when the email comes in: ?Can I see you tomorrow to discuss a new deal?? As a firm that prides itself in operating in real time, the natural desire is to say ?yes?. Drop everything and see what the fuss is about. Our natural request is for a corporate overview or something similar – gives us a chance to learn about the business prior to the session. Unfortunately, not everyone is as prepared for the request. If you don?t have the powerpoint / business plan ready to share, you shouldn?t be booking meetings for the next day.

    Worse, if you aren?t currently looking to raise capital, there?s no need to try to get on a VC?s dance card for 24 hours from now.

    2. Hurry Up and Wait

    The ugly sister of #1 above. When you book a meeting with a capital provider, you have to assume that they?ll like the story as much as you do. Why else are you pitching the story? Which means they will invariably ask for detailed financial information. Like the financial model that formed the backbone of the powerpoint presentation. Far too often, the response is: it?ll be a couple of weeks. Why the rush for the 1st meeting if the financials weren?t ready?

    We always wonder about that. What will take a couple of weeks? Did you not have a forecast when you presented the business plan? Or are the forecasts not yet sexy enough for sharing?

    The other mistake is the: let?s get the NDA signed up right now. But 10 days sometimes goes by before the first volley of information is sent. Any hint of disorganization is a bad first impression.

    3. ?Not Board Approved?

    Then there are the financial models that ?haven?t yet been approved by the Board?. Having had the meeting, and received the financial forecasts, VCs are often told that the budget they?ve been given hasn?t yet received the sign off of the company?s Board of Directors. But you should still value/analyze the business on the basis that this is the working forecast.

    Which begs the question: if the financial budget that is being shared with would-be capital providers isn?t Board-approved, what is it? Management-approved? Does the Board even know you are talking to potential outside investors? And how does this budget compare to the one that is currently ?Board approved?? Is it better or worse?

    4. The Five Alarm Fire

    Unlike #1 above, this meeting truly is incredibly urgent. The problem is, no one comes clean about just how urgent it is until the meeting is underway.

    Imagine the scenario. Company (or Agent) requests a meeting. It goes well. Good story and strong management. The problem is, they ?need to close? the financing in less than two weeks. Huh? Whatever it is, acquisition, deposit, customer order fulfillment, etc. The timeline is critical. Assuming it is a new story to the firm, and not a follow-on, I can?t think of any institutional firm in the country that can do the primary due diligence, negotiate the deal, draft legals, and cut a cheque in 8 or 10 business days.

    Serious case of lunch bag letdown. Having spent two hours on an interesting meeting, it turns out there is no way to do the deal.

    5. Cell Phone Conference Call Pitch (aka persons of no fixed address)

    This is a personal favourite. The virtual powerpoint presentation. They usually come via a known referral, who is less concerned about you wasting your time than you might be.

    The scheduled one hour pitch comes from someone you?ve never met, and they sound as though they are lying down the entire time. They are relaxed alright, almost too calm. It can be disconcerting.

    As the pitch continues, your mind wanders and you ask yourself – do they even have an office? How do they oversee the staff if they?re always elsewhere? What city are they calling us from right now? And why are they looking for money from us, residents of a foreign country? How do we due dili the deal if there?s no office? Etc.

    just think of how it looks in a police report on television: the assailant had no fixed address (i.e., no job, can?t cover the rent, parents kicked them out of the basement long ago). Has a certain aura to it.

    6. Thanks For Nothing

    It may strike you as hard to believe, but this happens from time to time. A meeting is booked. The story is told. It goes well. Due diligence is done, and a term sheet is issued for a potential financing. Then, radio silence from the person who was looking for the capital. Perhaps they found the money elsewhere. Perhaps they changed their mind. Perhaps an existing investor did the deal instead.

    That is generally just fine by us, as we look at 500 opportunities a year and understand that just as we can?t give every company money, not every company utilize our services.

    But to have gone through the process to size up an opportunity and issue a term sheet, just think of how easy it would be to pen a two sentence email saying: ?thanks, but we are going a different direction?. The VC market is small, and while folks keep confidential business information to themselves, a reputation for rudeness is worth avoiding. It is so easy to say ?thanks but no thanks?.

    7. ?These Forecasts Are Ultra Conservative?

    I?m sure you are surprised that people would use the phrase ?conservative?, particularly at a time when 80% of private companies are missing their forecasts. But, you?d be wrong if you didn?t think it happened every week. At some point during the pitch, someone from the company says ?these forecasts are conservative?. Sometimes you?ll get the ?ultra? modifier as well.

    This is certainly the ?#1 guaranteed to generate a laugh? line in the business. It is almost as good as the follow-up ?I know everyone says their forecasts are conservative, but these really are.? Just like you would never say ?I?m really good in bed? on a first date, just hide the conservative nature of the forecasts for the due diligence period. Some VCs won?t take a second meeting if they hear that line in the first go ?round; they assume, fairly or not, that you?re wet behind the ears.

    If the entire pipleine is already contracted, have the VC figure that out during due dili and say ?wow, are these ever conservative forecasts!? You?ll catch a lot more fish that way.

  • September: New Year's Resolutions and a few events

    The summer is usually a time when things go a little slower, a little less gets done and people are hard to get in touch with. I’m not sure what is in the water this year, but it seems like nothing has slowed down for the sunny weather. People are still scheming, startups are launching and I am still hearing a dozen new ideas a day. Love it.

    September is the January of the Startup world. If there was ever a time to restart, give it one last shot, or to set new goals, September is that time.

    Take some time and look back at what you’ve accomplished since this time last year. Did you get a failure under your belt? Did you start something, but didn’t take it all the way? Did you raise your first round? Did you get your first exit?

    A lot of people seemed to spend the last year just finding out about the Startup community in Canada. Connecting, learning and sharing. Now is the time to start to create something of your own. We’re all here, waiting to hear about it, and we want to help.

    With September about to swing in and kick our butts, there are a handful of great events already lined up.

    DemoCamp Edmonton 3 is on September 17th. There were over 100 people at the last DemoCamp in Edmonton. That is some of the best news this year. Cam Linke has been doing a great job organizing and promoting DC Edmonton. I can’t wait to get out to one.

    Launch Party Vancouver is the first one, taking place on September 18th. Launch Party is such a great name, and there are always incedible startups on the lineup.

    StartupCamp Waterloo is happening on October 8th at the Accelerator Center. I have said it before: This is the orignial and most community-focused StartupCamp.

    And then there is StartupCamp Montreal, on November 27th. Patrick Lor will be coming down from Calgary to talk about what he is up to and share about his experience at iStockPhoto. The guys at Embrase always run a fantastic event. Thanks again Phillipe and Vincent.

    What about Toronto you say? Oh, we have some great things planned. Founders and Funders, StartupCamp, DemoCamps, and even something a little bit secret. I say we kick it off with some beer, a patio and some big ideas. I’ll post details soon.

  • backtype – Search blog comments from all over the web

    Comments on blog posts have always been the forgotten son of web content. When you make a comment, you never know how it will be read, where it will end up, and because of spam issues, they rarely show up in search engines. Also, because of NoFollow, your links don’t matter either.

    BackType, a YCombinator funded company started by Toronto’s Christopher Golda and Mike Montano is the first tool that just may solve these problems. Some have gone in this direction before, but have had technically top-heavy models.

    Instead of creating a new standard, or trying to convince blog authors to make changes to their site, BackType scours the web just like other search engines and it scrapes the comments, or they pick up the comments RSS feeds, which tools like WordPress output on request.

    The moment I used BackType for the first time, I had a total “aha!” moment and I knew exactly when and why I would use the service.

    Chris and Mike’s first startup was iPartee, a beautiful but underused (at least in Canada) event tool. Austin Hill also interviewed them here on StartupNorth just over a month ago.