- RT @startupcfo: This is why most startups should not bother pitching big VC funds http://bit.ly/1hc8r #startups #vc #pitching #
- RT @TTaxChels: Hey startups – have any tax questions you'd like help with? I'm looking for tips for a blog post I'm pulling together. LMK. #
- RT @eastcoastcanada: StartUpDrinks Halifax is on tonight Dec 21 – inaugural event for the #hfx startup community http://bit.ly/1pbpCp #
- Ten questions to ask yourself every month http://bit.ly/7SdRzh by @asmartbear #startups #bizplan #
- The Great Abdication: Consumer Internet, Venture Capital and Angels http://bit.ly/8D4gM8 #startups < sounds a lot like Canada #
- New York Startup Movement http://bit.ly/4D53YL #nyc #startups great list of manhattan startups, vcs, and events #
- More seed incubators in SF with The Start Project http://bit.ly/8Pybgg and http://bit.ly/7EWdcy #startups #incubators #
- RT @davemcclure: Startup Metamorphosis: ITERATE: learn, discover prod/mkt fit -> EXECUTE: grow, make $$$ http://bit.ly/4ngNsN by @sgblank #
- Games industry VC investment down 35% in 2009 http://bit.ly/4vs2z7 #hopeful #2010 #
- RT @SteveCase Start-Ups Are Poised to Get Cash in 2010 (WSJ) http://bit.ly/8caS1v #startups #2010 #
- RT @wattechnews Accelerator Centre Client DossierView Closes $750K Financing Round http://bit.ly/7CkAhk #waterloo #startup #
- Interested in what it means to be a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation? http://bit.ly/6mIQv8 #
- W Media Ventures predictions for 2010 – http://bit.ly/5v0Cen #
- once bitten, twice shy – http://howardlindzon.com/?p=4632 #
Author: Jevon MacDonald
Week in Review
Seed State of Mind
Seed investments into cohorts of startups (think: Y Combinator, TechStars) are popping up across Canada. And there is sure there is to be more to come…
On the tail of the ExtremeU class of three in 2009:
- Assetize enables social network users to monetize their accounts.
- Uken creates highly addictive social games.
- Locationary aims to be the World’s place database.
Bootup Labs has announced a class of six for January 2010:
- Blast Ramp is collaborative distribution platform for companies that sell and ship consumer products.
- Compass Engine helps developers create the next generation of location based games.
- FoodTree brings the community and transparency of the farmers market online.
- ReadFu brings contextual summaries for every link.
- Status.ly is a device-independent lifestream aggregator with focus on personalized customization and filtering.
- Zedmo lets you find events and social topics. Discover “channels” according to location, popularity, or topic.
It is great to see these initiatives taking shape, if not a small exodus of founders would continue to head south in search of more fertile startup pastures. Case in point: Toronto’s Christopher Golda and Mike Montano, who were recruited to participate in Y Combinator, created BackType, and received Series A funding from True Ventures.
As exciting as this investment activity is, the question remains: is it sustainable?
In terms of ROI, seed stage investing is notoriously difficult. Run the numbers yourself Johnny Appleseed: small amounts of capital + dozens of companies to manage investments in + just three months to build something = lots of work – uncertain returns. The challenges are compounded if the ecosystem lacks investment capital for follow on financing, in which case these projects might die on the vine.
So here is hoping that in 2010, and I strongly believe this will be the case, Angels continue to step up to the plate to bankroll months 4-12 and VCs make a triumphant return to Canada.
Week in Review
- 7 Lessons from AlphaLab Experience by @Dontrepreneur http://bit.ly/6hhrdf "Demo Day is not magical" #mustread #startps #incubators #
- Getting media coverage for your startup: making the pitch by @krusk http://bit.ly/8qPWIJ at @startupottawa #startups #media #
- It's All About Selling for Survival http://bit.ly/7f55v8 by @vwadhwa on @techcrunch #startups #selling #mustread #
- Founders & Funders in Toronto on Feb 15, 2010 details http://bit.ly/8dUU3k and application http://bit.ly/8OpyPf #foundersandfunders #
- Voices.com in the NYTimes today – http://bit.ly/6HhR0j @voicesdotcom #
- RT @chrisarsenault Congrats Scott & @johnelton LegiTime $1.5M Series A with @iNovia & Connecticut Innovations http://bit.ly/5OAnex #
- RT @rayluk: Flow is hiring a Web app developer for one of our projects: http://tinyurl.com/y9yannf #
- RT @maurar: Startups, you need to get in on this: Apply for Bootup Demo Days – Vancouver & Silicon Valley http://eepurl.com/fTTn #
- RT @RedCanary: Ontario begins program to subsidize game dev. Qualified companies can receive max rebate of $150,000 http://bit.ly/6SV3Md #
- "Half the marketing battle is the product" by @seanellis on @venturehacks http://bit.ly/5a7YkC #startup #marketing #
- "No one cares about your stupid little startup" @cdixon & "5 tips to make them care" http://bit.ly/6GSIY4 by @brezina #startup #marketing #
- RT @Fin4Founders: BeyondVC: Startups and financial models for SAAS companies http://bit.ly/6Uyx1K #
- Building a Company with Customer Data – Why Metrics are Not Enough by @sgblank http://bit.ly/7cDGeA #mustread #
Week in Review
- Lessons Learned – Viral Marketing http://bit.ly/5NhoEF #viralcoefficient #
- Does a VCs brand matter? by @cdixon http://bit.ly/8TzF9Y – "the quality of the individual partner making the offer matters a lot" #
- New job posted: Software Sales Specialist / Quasar Apps / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/8AdQOF #
- RT @Jordan_Banks: Local start-up Polar Mobile and its success w/ mobile media apps: http://bit.ly/6OZWZl #
- great coverage of @polarmobile by @thehartley http://bit.ly/6JbafU and in the Globe http://bit.ly/7N9E8e #toronto #startup #
- Google Goggles is sick http://bit.ly/5ghSVk contact info looks killer for me! #
- Bridgescale invests $11M in BlueCat Networks http://bit.ly/6gCQla (missed this 30 days ago) #toronto #startup #
- Bridgescale is lead by Rob Chaplinsky a Waterloo grad http://bit.ly/5SlGVh previous experience at MDV #Canadians #siliconvalley #
- "Someone stole my startup idea, part 2 – they raised money with my slides" by @sgblank http://bit.ly/7MnlqK #mustread #
- RT @jacquimurphy@techcapital: New blog post by @timothyjackson "Time, Treasure and Talent" http://bit.ly/5QNbdP #
- RT @dapshore Can they restart Cdn tech financing? Tandem backing Canadian tech fund raises $300m http://bit.ly/4v6daM (via @StreetwiseBlog) #
- meetmehere out of Halifax. Nice work! http://bit.ly/5ANNi8 #
- New job posted: Director of Community / AdaptiveBlue / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/8sxXnc #
- RT @RedCanary 95 Per Cent of foreign investors find Canada an investment nightmare http://bit.ly/6zhK84 #
- RT @RedCanary U.S. Venture Capital Industry Says No To Funding Canadian Innovation http://bit.ly/7901AY #
- Simplycast raises a round http://bit.ly/4Dg6HY #
- RT @davidcrow: If you can't tell me what you do in 30 secs without giving up your secret sauce, you don't have any secret sauce #
- RT @maurar @bootuplabs Demo Days Event in YVR & SF. Great opportunity for early stage digital media BC startups. Apply now http://tr.im/Hm0y #
KPMG Seminar: Thinking of Going Public?
KPMG will be hosting a free seminar tomorrow morning on Going Public.
Location: Westin Prince Hotel, 900 York Mills Road, North York, Ontario (Map)
Time: 8:00am – 11:00amIf your schedule is booked, but you are still interested in receiving a guide on Going Public, register online and a complimentary copy will be mailed to you.
Gain valuable insights from a TSX representative and CFOs who have taken their companies public as they share their outlooks on current market conditions and their experience on the challenges and successes of the going public process. Together with KPMG professionals in audit, tax, and advisory, they will highlight critical matters to be addressed at each stage of the process.
Commencing with a short presentation on listing with the TSX, followed by a panel discussion, this session will help you understand what going public means for your business and the key elements you need to consider, including:
– current market situation,
– how to know when your company is ready,
– the main challenges you can expect in preparing to go public and how to address them,
– critical steps in executing a successful IPO,
– governance, accounting, and tax reporting considerations to be addressed at each stage of the process, and
– what to expect after transition to life as a public company.This seminar is designed for active audience participation and will provide you the opportunity to ask the questions you want the answers to. Our objective is to help you make a well-informed decision and map out an effective strategy and path to taking your company public. All participants will receive a copy of KPMG’s guide on Going Public.
Don’t you just love the fact that folks are even thinking about going public again? Oh sunny days!
Week in Review
- 240 applications have been sent through jobs.startupnorth.ca so far in 2 months. Glad to see the community is using it. #
- "On the border, a hard line." http://bit.ly/76jtx3 #
- RT @davidcrow Looks like next Toronto Founders & Funders will be in Jan 2010 follow @foundersfunders #toronto #startups #founders #funders #
- New job posted: Interaction Architect / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/5COi7q #
- RT @chrisarsenault: Great job guys! iNovia's latest investment Vizu closes $6.75M round http://bit.ly/5puJe2 #
- RT @howardlindzon: happy to tell you that Stocktwits has closed on $3 million in funding from Foundry and True Ventures http://stk.ly/6gPcZM #
- Last chance for Founders and Funders Ottawa http://bit.ly/7k5neI #
- New job posted: Web Interface Developer / FreshBooks / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/6jvg0x #
- RT @CVCACanada VC deals: Vizu closes $6.75M round from iNovia Capital, Greycroft, DFJ & Esther Dyson http://bit.ly/8kOW7h #
- New job posted: Director of Software Development / Kovasys Inc. / Montreal, QC, Canada http://bit.ly/5LkUMC #
- New job posted: QA Engineer / Kovasys Inc. / Montreal, QC, Canada http://bit.ly/8nVxip #
- RT @sklive: #SirTerry: I start about five companies a year. I'm about to scale it up. Never in my life have I seen such opportunity #CIX #
- RT @sklive: #SirTerry: In China new grads are $5,000 year. In India they're $8,000. Why do I hire Canadian grads? They're better. #CIX #
- Screenscape http://screenscape.net/ in the news http://bit.ly/6HyM9e #
- New job posted: Star Ruby Developer / Eqentia / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/7OIvQJ #
- RT @bwertz Join the movement! RT @CATAAlliance Canada's tech industry wants tax law change (116 Campaign) http://bit.ly/68Hoq2 #
Week in Review
- RT @techstars Applications are now open for #Boston! -> http://www.techstars.org/apply #
- RT @dharmesh How To Price Software Without Just Rolling The Dice http://bit.ly/4qzu33 #
- RT @markpeterdavis: @NYTech Bootstrapping vs. Venture Funding http://bit.ly/6rblZg #
- RT @confusement Startup Drinks Waterloo is in 1 week, Dec 1st 6pm at McMullan's: http://bit.ly/4cov2k RSVP: http://bit.ly/g6qnG #
- RT @davidcrow: DemoCamp Toronto #24 Demoers @timtoronto @thody @5blocksout @jamesstanden @wmougayar @jayair http://bit.ly/62kUyu #democamp #
- RT @byosko Finally decided to offer FREE career site reviews to anyone that wants 'em: http://bit.ly/8EYwxi #montreal #startup #
- New job posted: Web Developer / Suntra Consulting Inc / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/87tlUO #
- A lot of people talk a big game in the startup world, but DOers are rare. Doers win every time. #
- New job posted: Hot Developer (RoR, Python / Django) / JazLabs, Inc / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/7OcMXq #
Week in Review
- .@innovacorp adds a new investment manager: http://tiny.cc/j1OKO #
- RT @propelict: Accelerator program expanding : http://bit.ly/1aM5R << Call me when you get the incubator thing figured out 😉 #
- MIT Startup Bootcamp YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/mitbootcamp features @dharmesh @asmith @rmchase @aaronsw #
- RT @DuncanKinney: Running a start-up outside of the Valley. http://ow.ly/CR0b – h/t to @techvibes #
- Democamp Edmonton is on for this coming Thursday http://bit.ly/k5Kn6 #
- RT @Jordan_Banks: As the big boys try and figure it out, @Welldotca (portfolio company) continues its online dominance: http://bit.ly/yENZr #
- RT @austinhill @venturehype: Five Early-Stage Alternatives to the Traditional Investment Model of Growing Startups http://bit.ly/vEazn #
- New job posted: Product Architect – Consumer electronics / Allerta / Waterloo, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/2lvqoB #
- RT @byosko @libernie: Steve Hurwitz explains the maddening structure for US VC's, who want to invest in Canada: http://tinyurl.com/y9r4axp #
- "2010 will be a huge year for ThoughtFarmer. If our 4th quarter is any indication, we’ll double or triple our revenue." http://bit.ly/3Ym7En #
- Founders & Funders Ottawa is happening December 3, 2009 http://bit.ly/4dsBiV ping @isfan for details #
- RT @leilaboujnane: Celebrating the TinEye API release http://bit.ly/1bTeX7 #
- RT @kenseto: Arcade Solitaire made it into the Top 30 Card games on US app store. Ok I'll shut up now (unless of course we break Top 20 😛 #
- RT @davidcrow: I want to hear about CDN incorporation hacks: Delaware S corp that pays a Cdn federal corp as contactors? Other thoughts? #
- RT @DeanPrelazzi: Root'n for Stuart!! RT @bcbusiness: Flickr cofounder tries his hand at another tech startup: http://is.gd/4ZICA #
Week in Review
- New job posted: Sr. Software Engineer (potential for founder level) / Confidential / Thornhill, .. http://bit.ly/3RBrAE #
- Internet Business Models of the TechStars http://bit.ly/nrirG by @COStartups (make sure you check @pfrisella's http://bit.ly/mVWHZ) #
- RT @startupcfo: Post: Getting a Term Sheet http://bit.ly/TOp3b #
- Startup Tip of the week: You aren't proving anyone wrong, you're proving yourself right. #
- RT @dna13: Latest blog post: dna13 partners with Thomson Reuters to develop new PR tools http://hub.tm/?BFbGi #
- RT @KeeblerBlog: RT @scribblelive: ScribbleLive in the Financial Post today – "Tech Pitch With A Payout" http://tinyurl.com/ydv7guz #
- RT @startupcfo: Thousands of companies will exit next year http://bit.ly/2Pzs3H #
- RT @jaygoldman: Really interesting news for startups RT @cdixon: Presenting a new seed fund, Founder Collective http://cdixon.org/?p=1794 #
- RT @TheCodeFactory: Tomorrow at TheCodeFactory: Open Source Business Breakfast 8:30-10:00am details: http://bit.ly/2yun8F #
- Twitterpoppy was made in an afternoon at @thehubhalifax during Friday Afternoon Hack: http://bit.ly/1XFAQK details: http://bit.ly/OHssR #
- The Organic Incubator http://bit.ly/2mjrbe with comments from @tagga @bootuplabs @basilpeters @bwertz all on @techvibes #
- RT @monkchips: ESSENTIAL reading: how JBoss drove its average deal size from $10k to $50k http://bit.ly/1kdlCr #mustread #
- RT @missrogue: Great event in Ottawa for Canadian (and American if you can make it!) female entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/2edl0 #
- RT @davidcrow: Any surprises here? @CVCACanada announced 2009Q3 worst in 14 years http://bit.ly/1RArrA #canada #vc #
- Toronto's XtremeLabs launches UrbanSpoon for BlackBerry – http://bit.ly/uspoon #awesomesauce #
- RT @isfan: IMPORTANT: Founders and Funders Ottawa has been moved to Dec 3 instead of Dec 1. more details imminent. #
- RT @jaygoldman: Word! @maggie_fox: "Canada is awesome" audience member: "I've heard that" maggie: "Yes! The branding is working." #defragcon #
Week in Review
- Status.Net closes $875K seed financing round – http://bit.ly/KsZVM @msu #
- Startup Tip of the Week: Your sacred cow will be delicious with some veggie sides #
- #toronto #startup @filemobile is working with VisionTV to launch new On Demand video service http://bit.ly/4sKk4u #
- RT @thody: Request voting has been patched up & reactivated on http://www.DataTO.org Get in there and support your causes! #opendataTO #
- Thinking someone needs to do this with the proposed Canadian iPhone plans http://bit.ly/2P3HcA @tpurves #
- RT @jrodgers: StartupCampWaterloo7 is Wednesday November 18th http://bit.ly/3oNBDN #
- RT @fredwilson RT @bussgang shows what makes the Boston startup scene special: http://bit.ly/905VV Great list of resources for startups #
- RT @rayluk: New strategy post: Playing to Lose http://bit.ly/4lIrBP #startup #strategy #
- congratulations to @pagerduty they are in Springboard http://bit.ly/4FWxeL we covered them in August http://bit.ly/1qvRvp #toronto #startups #
- New job posted: Admin Assistant / Xtreme Labs / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/2NN71N #
- Sorry to anyone we unfollowed in the last few days. Slip of the button. #
- New job posted: Python Software Developer Intern / BackType Inc / San Francisco, CA http://bit.ly/1yPPuW #
- Great news @GigPark + CanPages integration is complete. GigPark now powers recommendations on Canpages.ca – http://bit.ly/45ujzn #
- Competition Bureau of Canada taking steps in the right direction http://bit.ly/OpenMLS must be exciting for @Zoocasa #
- New job posted: IT Administrator / Zerofootprint Software Inc / Toronto, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/1ArNp0 #
- RT @kenseto: #Toronto #iPhoneDevs #GameDevs, join us for Unity3D Mixer+Workshop: Nov 10-11 details & 50% off codes: http://bit.ly/3DXVeB #
- Conversion vs Retention: Lifetime value & the impact on revenue http://bit.ly/4kyNGe by @scoutapp #freemium #bizmodel #
- RT @jacquimurphy: Ontario investing up to $26.4M in The Communitech Hub: Digital Media & Mobile Accelerator http://bit.ly/digitalmediahub #
- Waterloo has qualified for a federal albatross. http://bit.ly/2jg2vH #
- Canadian iPhone Fund launched by Pho3nix New Media http://bit.ly/NHB2H (via @techvibes) < I'm wondering about the legality of fund? #
- New job posted: Sr. Web Developer / Confidential / Thornhill, ON, Canada ($500 Referral Reward) http://bit.ly/1OfyMw #