DemoCamp with Howard Lindzon – June 9, 2011

DemoCamp Toronto # 28 by hyfen
AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved photo by Andrew Louis (@hyfen)

DemoCampToronto # 29 – The Dirty Details #dct

June 9, 2011
6:30 – 9 PM EST
Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, 55 Dundas St W, Toronto, ON
Register to attend:

Keynote Speaker – Howard Lindzon

Howard LindzonHoward Lindzon is co-founder and CEO of StockTwits® – a social network for traders and investors to share real-time ideas and information. StockTwits was recently named “one of the top 10 most innovative companies in web” by FastCompany and one of the “50 best websites” by Time magazine.

Mr. Lindzon has more than twenty years experience in the financial community acting in both an entrepreneurial and investing capacity. With a unique vision for starting and successfully managing innovative companies, he is the Managing Partner of Social Leverage, a holding company that invests in early stage web businesses. Howard continues to manage a hedge fund he started in 1998.

He created Wallstrip, and more than 400 original web video shows, which was purchased by CBS Corp. in 2007. He is an active angel with many success angel investments including:, (purchased by Ebay in 2005 for $415 million), (purchased by Comcast in June 2008), and Lifelock (lead investors include Bessemer Venture Partners and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers). Mr. Lindzon’s new media and internet business investments also include:,, Buddy Media, Ticketfly, Assistly, and Tweetdeck.

Mr. Lindzon received an MBA at Arizona State University and an MIM from The American Graduate School of International Management.

We are looking for amazing entrepreneurs & demos

The goal at DemoCamp has been to provide a platform for local companies to launch, get product or pitch feedback, to establish a presence for recruiting, to help with PR and social media awareness. We try to get a group of highly connected and apparently highly cynical entrepreneurs, developers, designers, marketers, investors and others in a room to watch entrepreneurs in a safe environment. It’s something between a graduate seminar and a show. The goal is to demo your product and get feedback about your demo, your design, your market, etc. You decide. (It’s a work in progress, but it’s a social event).

We’re also looking for up to 5 startups or entrepreneurs to demo a new technology. Selected presenters get 5 minutes to show us the best of their application and then ask the audience for feedback, coaching, and insight from a highly connected cynical crowd. You get market advice, technology advice, pitch/presentation advice. Startups seeking advice should apply to demo.

Apply to Demo »


We need a few sponsors to help cover the cost of food and travel. If you are looking for coverage in the newsletter, blog and at the event ping me at david at davidcrow dot ca for details. Sponsorships start at $500.

  • KPMG
  • Thunder Road Capital
  • Research In Motion
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • National Angel Capital Organization
  • Ontario Centres of Excellence
  • StartMeUpRyerson



11 responses to “DemoCamp with Howard Lindzon – June 9, 2011”

  1. Jim Rudnick Avatar

    …sigh… know – or rather should know – you’ve made a serious error in judgement, when you plan to be out of the country in early June and THEN you find out about this DemoCamp….sigh….

    can’t be there – BUT – I am hoping that someone will update this post with the URL to blog posts that chat about the event ie post-mortems or comments or rant/raves on same, eh!


  2. ElNona Avatar

    Could you please clarify the purpose and audience for this event?  I’m confused because it’s taking place at Ryerson and you state here that it is “something between a graduate seminar and a show”.  So this is an event for students and/or with a mostly student crowd?

    I’d like to know so I don’t waste my time going because as I’m neither a student, nor am I looking to hire or network with students. 

    1. davidcrow Avatar

      Students attend. It is at Ryerson University. However, It is not a student event. 

      It is supposed to be a social event. There is a main stage show, but it’s really not the reason you should be there. The main show is a keynote session by Howard Lindzon. Followed by 5 startups demoing their application and getting feedback from the keynote speaker and the audience. The main purpose of DemoCamp is to give entrepreneurs, founders, designers, developers and marketers a venue to get together and share what they’ve been working on. To be proud of the work we’ve been doing. To try to convince the audience of your awesomeness in 6 minutes (or less).The real point is to meet others in the audience. To connect with other entrepreneurs, founders, designers, developers, marketers, funders, crazy people, people who are generally excited and interested in emerging technology, emerging business models, emerging people that are enabled by the Internet, the web, the consumerization of technology, etc. 

      1. ElNona Avatar

        Hmm, since you put it like that; sold.  🙂

        1. davidcrow Avatar

          Sadly, I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. 

          I hope that you’ll come out and participate. The audience is a mix of entrepreneurs, technologists, funders, designers and crazies (like me). It is meant to be an event where people connect.

          ping me directly david at davidcrow dot ca if you need more details.

          1. ElNona Avatar

            Thanks for the clarification.  Wasn’t being sarcastic; I now plan on attending.

          2. davidcrow Avatar


            My advice is check out the attendee list and make a hit list of folks you want to talk with. Make sure that you remain open to any connections but realize that plan should be to make connections that you can build on over the coming weeks and months.

    2. Jevon Avatar

      Honestly, why would you not want to network with Students? 

      This isn’t a student event, it just happens to be at Ryerson, but we love students. They are the lifeblood of startups and startups ignore them at peril. 

      So if you don’t want to be around students, you probably aren’t going to like our crowd anyway. Transitive property in effect.

      1. ElNona Avatar

        Curb your enthusiasm; not interested in hiring/networking with students does *not* = disliking students. 

        1. Jevon Avatar

          I didn’t say that. You said you didn’t want to hire/network with them and I took exception to that fact.

          1. ElNona Avatar

            Your taking exception shows you perceived it as a negative statement and I’m not sure why.  My not looking to hire or network with students was a neutral, factual statement.  It does not mean that I “don’t want to be around students”, it just means I would not be interested in an event geared mainly for them (hence my seeking clarification).  You also seemed to assume I was a startup when I never said a word of who I am/what I do.

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