The team behind Startup Festival (which StartupNorth is a Media Sponsor) has started the call for startups looking to pitch and launch at the festival. They are looking for startups in a variety of verticals, at a variety of stages of corporate development, and looking to raise funding or attention for their companies. It’s a great Canadian event that is guarranteed to have local, national and global investors and press attending.
Top 5 Reasons to Pitch at Startup Festival
- You didn’t get accepted to Launch, TechCrunch Disrupt or Demo
- You’ll be attending anyway, might as well get some great PR & exposure with attendees and speakers
- StartupFestival is a great bridge between North America and Europe. And you’re considering accelerating your access to European markets
- You’re actively raising funding and you want to get in front of the best investors and coaches in North America
- You’re funnier than Dave McClure and Will Ferrell should produce a webisode for Funny or Die featuring “Your Startup Life” with Claire Daines having a reoccurring guest starring role
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