Just how bad ass of an entrepreneur are you? Will you kick your friends and co-founders to the curb when the time comes? When the money is about to roll in, will you put the rub on your original startup buddies? Should we all be watching our back now before things get too hot?
According to Yves Doucet, former Vice President and partner in Spielo, a Moncton-based VLT producer, he was stabbed in the back by his partner, John Manship, when their company we on the brink of going from $5 a share to $100.
Yves and another colleague are now launching a lawsuit for just over $5million that they say they are owed, and another $10 million is losses. The story has been covered a bit by the CBC and TimesTranscript.
Spielo was, in 1991, just a small startup based in New Brunswick fighting for 60-machine contracts, run by a couple of guys who were dreaming of the big time. The Big Time came when the company was sold to GTech for $180million. In the end though, something went wrong.
It is impossible to know what really happened, and the court hasn’t made a ruling yet, but the question for me is: How can something so good go so bad?
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