Refresh Analytics – Analytics and Demographics for Facebook developers

My love for Facebook Applications is no secret.

There is, however, a shining light in the world of Facebook Applications and that is the smart folks who build custom Facebook applications for other people. The business model is sound: Get paid up front to build a great application and you don’t have to worry about the business model or any of the other nasty stuff that comes along with being stuck inside Facebook.

Refresh Analytics is being launched today and it on the smart side of the Facebook platform. They provide analytics and reporting tools to the owners of Facebook applications. The tool, which is free for applications with less than 1000 users, provides tracking across 13 demographic and 6 interest categories such as geography, gender, age, martial status, music, books and more. All demographic information is collected in aggregate to protect user privacy and respect the Facebook platform terms of service.

Products like this have the potential to be very successful inside of a platform like Facebook. As more and more application developers struggle to make their applications successful, they are going to have to turn to rich data about their user base in order to build compelling and relevant features.

More successful Facebook applications will also want access to better analytics so that they can do a better job of selling ads within their applications, or so that they do a better job of targeting their users with specific messages.

The guys at Refresh have also partnered with Joyent to mitigate any sort of scaling issues. Joyent provides flexible hosting that can grow and reduce capacity as needed. Hopefully they’ll need it!

Refresh Analytics on StartupIndex


23 responses to “Refresh Analytics – Analytics and Demographics for Facebook developers”

  1. john Avatar

    sounds like a good service but where’s the direct link to their website? Seems like your pulling an arrington by directing people to the index.

  2. john Avatar

    sounds like a good service but where’s the direct link to their website? Seems like your pulling an arrington by directing people to the index.

  3. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    If you click on their name when mentioned in the post,. it will transport you to their website,. just like magic.

  4. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    If you click on their name when mentioned in the post,. it will transport you to their website,. just like magic.

  5. john Avatar

    the link was implemented when I first read the post…we both know that.

  6. john Avatar

    the link was implemented when I first read the post…we both know that.

  7. john Avatar

    sorry, meant to say, the link was not implemented when i first read the post

  8. john Avatar

    sorry, meant to say, the link was not implemented when i first read the post

  9. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    John. It was there dude.

  10. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    John. It was there dude.

  11. john Avatar

    Apologies if it was there…it’s just that tactic employed by techcrunch rubs me the wrong way.

  12. john Avatar

    Apologies if it was there…it’s just that tactic employed by techcrunch rubs me the wrong way.

  13. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    We will always link through directly to a startup. That is one of the benefits of what we do: we give exposure and send users right to the startup., but we will sometimes link right in to StartupIndex for things like further information on deals that are done, or information on investors.

  14. Jevon MacDonald Avatar

    We will always link through directly to a startup. That is one of the benefits of what we do: we give exposure and send users right to the startup., but we will sometimes link right in to StartupIndex for things like further information on deals that are done, or information on investors.

  15. The Voice of Reason Avatar
    The Voice of Reason

    Dear John – Are you paying for the content at StartupNorth? Do you care if this community continues to build? On behalf of those who do care that Jevon and the otehrs continue to volunteer their time, I suggest you quit with the sniping and try and tone more consistent with the atmosphere of collegiality that the lads are trying to build. We need hostile comments in this community like we need ratchets in a term sheet. It’s a link, for God’s sake, not stem cell research. How polarizing do you think this could possibly be? Play nice.

  16. The Voice of Reason Avatar
    The Voice of Reason

    Dear John – Are you paying for the content at StartupNorth? Do you care if this community continues to build? On behalf of those who do care that Jevon and the otehrs continue to volunteer their time, I suggest you quit with the sniping and try and tone more consistent with the atmosphere of collegiality that the lads are trying to build. We need hostile comments in this community like we need ratchets in a term sheet. It’s a link, for God’s sake, not stem cell research. How polarizing do you think this could possibly be? Play nice.

  17. John Avatar

    Dear Voice of Reason – If you followed the comments you will see that I apologized. The reason I originally called it out was my concern this blog was moving towards the techcrunch style — which I find is more about building their page views than sharing the spotlight on startups. I visit this blog a couple times a day hoping to see updates and – since it’s launch – I’ve been visiting the index often too. For the record, I’m very appreciative and have told a few people to check this blog out. I think it’s one of the better blogs out there and I’m also fine with the guys trying to make some $$ of this site…but when I couldn’t link to ( or find the link to) the site it made my hackles rise :).

  18. John Avatar

    Dear Voice of Reason – If you followed the comments you will see that I apologized. The reason I originally called it out was my concern this blog was moving towards the techcrunch style — which I find is more about building their page views than sharing the spotlight on startups. I visit this blog a couple times a day hoping to see updates and – since it’s launch – I’ve been visiting the index often too. For the record, I’m very appreciative and have told a few people to check this blog out. I think it’s one of the better blogs out there and I’m also fine with the guys trying to make some $$ of this site…but when I couldn’t link to ( or find the link to) the site it made my hackles rise :).

  19. […] The application is an analytics suite focused on social networking platforms, not unlike Refresh Analytics who we profiled several months ago. […]

  20. […] The application is an analytics suite focused on social networking platforms, not unlike Refresh Analytics who we profiled several months ago. […]

  21. Sweet_Home_Improvement Avatar

    Some good points raised in that post. Will be back to check for more.


  22. Sweet_Home_Improvement Avatar

    Some good points raised in that post. Will be back to check for more.


  23. Teaching English in Taiwan Avatar

    Nice one. I have stumbled and twittered this for my friends. My friends will enjoy reading it also.

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