Tomorrow morning at 9am (Friday, February 8th 2008) there will be a meeting at Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada?s Toronto offices (151 Young St, 3rd floor boardroom) to discuss their subsidy for any companies who are going to be going to SxSW. From what I understand, there was a meeting about it in Montreal today. I am trying to get some more information and will post back what I can find. Read this PDF for most of the information you need.
There are a lot of Canadians going to SxSW and while the document names a few, it only scratches the surface. They mention panelists: Kris Krug from Raincity Studios, Steve Bocska from Hothead Games, Jennifer Ouano from Elastic Entertainment, Ron Thiele from Xpan Interactive, and Keith Clarkson from Xenophile Media, and I will add Ben Vinegar from Freshbooks.
Keep your eyes out for Jonas and I as well, we are working out the details as we speak.
RSVP to [email protected] if you will be able to make it.
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