– Virtual Dating is the new Starbucks

OmniDate LogoOmniDate, based in Toronto, has been hard at work building a virtual date technology and it’s likely we’ll see their avatars coming to big name dating sites soon. We’ve all heard about sex in Second Life, the truth however is a lot less steamy; most people have a hard time getting Second Life installed and running on their machine.

Unlike Second Life, OmniDate intends for its avatar dating system to be used by real people who want to set up real life dates. Going on a virtual date is less time consuming, less expensive, and more secure than meeting at a local Starbucks. Once you’ve found someone you enjoy chatting with online, it is more likely you’ll enjoy meeting that person in the real world. My guess is that people will also use OmniDate to flirt, etc.

There are quite a few things to like about OmniDate’s approach:

  • It is entirely flash based, this means there is no download, installation, or PhD required. This increases adoption.
  • Rather than putting all their eggs in one basket and building a brand around virtual dating, OmniDate is starting out licensing its technology to established players with large audiences and strong brands. This increases their likelihood of success, sidesteps the cost of acquiring initial users, and removes the burden of building brands for each market segment.

OmniDate AvatarsDon’t think dating sites would be interested? Guess again. Technologies like this increase the entertainment value of dating sites (read: ad impressions), keep users subscribed longer (read: recurring revenue), and get users comfortable interacting with each other (read: higher conversion).

OmniDate is already working with some large dating sites who plan to use the virtual date technology on their sites. Is now the time for avatars to go mainstream? I can confidently say increased interaction makes sense and it is safe bet online dating will evolve past profiles to entertainment experiences. Give OmniDate’s recently launched demonstration site a try for yourself and leave your thoughts in the comments.

Taking off my rose colored glasses for a second, I think OmniDate has a few things it could improve:
– I read all about the challenges Pixar designers had with Ratatouille. Test audiences noticed if the color of lettuce wasn’t just right, Pixar spent an inordinate amount of time on the color green. Likewise 3D human avatars can go from cool to creepy very quickly. I was thrown off by the laugh an avatar makes when you type ‘LOL’, touching another person’s avatar is also a touchy matter. The avatar experience is still a little rough around the edges; that said, I think the team will iterate quickly and continue to improve the already good design.
– OmniDate has a room builder in the works, I would like to see an avatar builder also. You wouldn’t want your date thinking you are a super model would you…

OmniDate was founded by Igor Kotlyar, a serial entrepreneur who has already successfully built and sold a startup. OmniDate is a 6 person team and growing fast; they are interested in meeting with avatar designers and licensing partners.

Contact: Igor Kotlyar, Founder


23 responses to “ – Virtual Dating is the new Starbucks”

  1. Heri Avatar

    hey jonas, is that your avatar, the one in blue

    this is funny, although i have to see yet a virtual world that works with users (apart from games like wow)

  2. Heri Avatar

    hey jonas, is that your avatar, the one in blue

    this is funny, although i have to see yet a virtual world that works with users (apart from games like wow)

  3. Jonas Brandon Avatar

    I’m not that handsome…

    How about Cyworld, 2/3 of South Korea is registered!

  4. Jonas Brandon Avatar

    I’m not that handsome…

    How about Cyworld, 2/3 of South Korea is registered!

  5. […] Unlike Second Life, OmniDate intends for its avatar dating system to be used by real people who want to set up real life dates. Going on a virtual date is less time consuming, less expensive, and more secure than meeting at a local Starbucks. Once you’ve found someone you enjoy chatting with online, it is more likely you’ll enjoy meeting that person in the real world. My guess is that people will also use OmniDate to flirt, etc. Source: – Virtual Dating is the new Starbucks | StartupNorth […]

  6. […] Unlike Second Life, OmniDate intends for its avatar dating system to be used by real people who want to set up real life dates. Going on a virtual date is less time consuming, less expensive, and more secure than meeting at a local Starbucks. Once you’ve found someone you enjoy chatting with online, it is more likely you’ll enjoy meeting that person in the real world. My guess is that people will also use OmniDate to flirt, etc. Source: – Virtual Dating is the new Starbucks | StartupNorth […]

  7. Dating Tips Guy Avatar

    Type your comment here.

  8. Dating Tips Guy Avatar

    This is something you gotta wait and watch! not necessary that it will get the secondlife kinda attention.

  9. Dating Tips Guy Avatar

    This is something you gotta wait and watch! not necessary that it will get the secondlife kinda attention.

  10. Watrol Review Gal Avatar

    The new virtual dating onmidate is certainly popular. Using a avatar is a little freaky but people love it.

  11. Watrol Review Gal Avatar

    The new virtual dating onmidate is certainly popular. Using a avatar is a little freaky but people love it.

  12. Filipina Avatar

    I think the idea is great, but I wonder about its organic search engine marketing potential. I know search engines are getting better, but content v.s. flash or graphics is still king for indexing. With that said, this is still the future and in time search engines will do a better job at indexing all types of formats.

  13. Filipina Avatar

    I think the idea is great, but I wonder about its organic search engine marketing potential. I know search engines are getting better, but content v.s. flash or graphics is still king for indexing. With that said, this is still the future and in time search engines will do a better job at indexing all types of formats.

  14. Phoebe23 Avatar

    i really like this game so i was searching for a virtual online dating service,i guess this is it.

  15. leslieevan Avatar

    Wondering what your thoughts are on future of 2nd Life as for 2009? Any good posts on that one yet?Match Love

  16. Max Planck Avatar
    Max Planck

    Good One. Like it.

  17. candi Avatar

    hey this looks like fun

  18. candi Avatar

    hey this looks like fun

  19. Does He Like Me Avatar

    Good point. People may fall in love with your avatar…

  20. Does He Like Me Avatar

    Good point. People may fall in love with your avatar…

  21. Love Dating Websites Avatar
    Love Dating Websites

    My guess is that people will also use OmniDate to flirt, etc.

  22. Online Dating for Free Avatar
    Online Dating for Free

    The avatar experience is still a little rough around the edges.

  23. Web Dating Avatar

    The avatar experience is still a little rough around the edges.

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