Open House at Bootup Labs

Bootup LabsJevon, Jonas and I are all heading to Vancouver for Grow Conference happening Aug 19-21, 2010. But I’m hear in Vancouver hanging out at Bootup Labs.

Bootup Labs is holding open office hours this week. Basically if you’re a startup and you’re in Vancouver and you want need some touchdown space, you should visit Bootup Labs.

Bootup Labs
163 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC

David Crow at Bootup Labs
Hanging out in the middle of Bootup Labs

This is a fantastic place. There is a fantastic vibe. There seems to be real evolution and growth of Bootup Labs since the dark days. I’ve been hanging out the past day or so with:

There are a lot of companies, entrepreneurs and things to like happening at Bootup. I am really impressed with a few things.

  1. The space – it is gorgeous. It’s the right mix of location and finish. The offices are safe, comfortable, and interactive. There’s a great mix of open working areas, private meeting rooms, a kitchen and private offices with sliding doors. The natural light. And it’s nice but not posh. As companies demonstrate traction, there is incentive to find different space, for example Dimerocker has moved out. Having Mozilla and Strutta as “anchor tenants” also reduces the risk to Bootup Labs. It also means that there’s a lot of fun interesting people flowing through.
  2. The location – it is right on the edge of Gastown. There is a great mix of restaurants and other things going on. I had breakfast at the Medina Cafe just around the corner from the office (best breakfast I’ve ever had). There’s the Fluevog store. It’s a great neighbourhood that has come a long way since I first visited Bryght in 2005.
  3. The companies – all of these companies and the entrepreneurs working there are pushing really hard and demonstrating traction. There are exits, see Layerboom acquired by Joyent. And there are a lot of good things happening.

My recommendation is that if you’re in Vancouver you come hang out at Bootup Labs with us. Ping me @davidcrow or @startupnorth or just drop by 163 West Hastings St in Vancouver. I’ll be here until August 20.


8 responses to “Open House at Bootup Labs”

  1. Pallian Avatar

    Hey David – I would love to meet up with you while you’re still in town. We’re in Yaletown, just a short stroll from Gastown and building all sort of cool things – like http://geotoko.comnnAnyways, if you’re free and want to grab lunch or a coffee… hit me up.nAdarsh Palliann@pallian

  2. Adarsh Pallian Avatar

    Hey David – I would love to meet up with you while you’re still in town. We’re in Yaletown, just a short stroll from Gastown and building all sort of cool things – like

    Anyways, if you’re free and want to grab lunch or a coffee… hit me up.
    Adarsh Pallian

  3. Chris McGrath Avatar

    find it interesting that you mention “safe” as one of the features of the Bootup Labs office space. rubber-cornered desks? lead-shielded microwaves? mice without cords? no knives? please explain.

  4. Chris McGrath Avatar

    find it interesting that you mention “safe” as one of the features of the Bootup Labs office space. rubber-cornered desks? lead-shielded microwaves? mice without cords? no knives? please explain.

  5. […] Open House at Bootup Labs ( Filed under Jobs […]

  6. […] Open House at Bootup Labs ( Filed under Jobs […]

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