A year in the life

GuestlistHappy 1st Birthday Guestlist!

Guestlist has had a couple of weeks. On July 12, 2010 they launched their paid service which finally allows the company to generate fees for the great service they provide. We started using Guestlist for events starting on September 24, 2009 for DemoCamp Toronto # 22 aka An Evening with Yossi Vardi.

“What began as a dare between three friends to actually finish a software product has turned into full-fledged web service that has helped hundreds of event organizers sell tickets online and keep tabs on their cash flow. Over that period we’ve collected half a million dollars on behalf of our users, a near-majority of which was delivered directly to charities. All powered by word of mouth.” – Ben Vinegar, Guestlistapp

It’s been a great year for Guestlist enabling over $500,000 in transaction revenue. This is great traction for the small team. Sure it’s only $10,000 using the 2% paid service fee. But this is fantastic traction given that this is a part time project with all 3 team members working other jobs. The demonstrated traction helped the team realize the potential of Guestlist as a business.

“That’s the story of what our team put together, part time, over one year. We can’t say it was easy; building and maintaining a quality application part-time requires a lot of dedication and free time. That’s why we’re excited to announce that 2/3s of our team has opted to work full-time on Guestlist going forward.”

If you’re planning an event and you want a great event application, I can highly recommend Guestlist.


15 responses to “A year in the life”

  1. brydon Avatar

    we've been happily using guestlist at http://democampguelph.com since they demo'd it at our event about a year ago.

  2. rupjolly Avatar

    Great guys and a great app…I've seen some of Jaco's work myself and he's super talented and good at what he does…

  3. brydon Avatar

    we’ve been happily using guestlist at http://democampguelph.com since they demo’d it at our event about a year ago.

    1. Ben Vinegar Avatar

      Time moves fast – that presentation feels like ages ago now. Just wanted to say that DemoCampGuelph was probably the first large-ish community event to side with Guestlist, and we’re very grateful for it. Thanks Brydon.

  4. rupjolly Avatar

    Great guys and a great app…I’ve seen some of Jaco’s work myself and he’s super talented and good at what he does…

  5. Ben Vinegar Avatar

    Hey David,

    You're right, $10k in one year isn't much to sneeze about, but it's worth pointing out that roughly 70% of that figure came from Southern Ontario alone. We think if we can effectively spread the word and get exposure in other markets, we've got a chance to turn Guestlist into a real business. At least, we hope so.

    Also – thanks for your continued support David. We appreciate it.

  6. Ben Vinegar Avatar

    Time moves fast – that presentation feels like ages ago now. Just wanted to say that DemoCampGuelph was probably the first large-ish community event to side with Guestlist, and we're very grateful for it. Thanks Brydon.

  7. Ben Vinegar Avatar

    Hey David,You’re right, $10k in one year isn’t much to sneeze about, but it’s worth pointing out that roughly 70% of that figure came from Southern Ontario alone. We think if we can effectively spread the word and get exposure in other markets, we’ve got a chance to turn Guestlist into a real business. At least, we hope so.

    Also – thanks for your continued support David. We appreciate it.

    1. davidcrow Avatar

      Hey Ben,I think I sounded a little tougher than I intended. $10k is not a lot. But the $500k in flow-through-revenue built by 3 individuals in their spare time, that’s impressive as all hell! I can’t wait to see what’s next, and will continue to be a big proponent of Guestlist.

      1. Mike McDerment Avatar

        agreed and well said David. what’s small is big at this stage.

        congrats guys!

  8. davidcrow Avatar

    Hey Ben,

    I think I was a little tougher than I intended. $10k is not a lot. But this is $500k in flow-through-revenue built by 3 individuals in the spare time. That's impressive as all hell!

    I can't wait to see what's next, and will continue to be a big proponent of Guestlist.

  9. davidcrow Avatar

    Hey Ben,

    I think I sounded a little tougher than I intended. $10k is not a lot. But the $500k in flow-through-revenue built by 3 individuals in their spare time, that’s impressive as all hell!

    I can’t wait to see what’s next, and will continue to be a big proponent of Guestlist.

  10. Mike McDerment Avatar

    agreed and well said David. what's small is big at this stage.

    congrats guys!

  11. Mike McDerment Avatar

    agreed and well said David. what’s small is big at this stage.nncongrats guys!

  12. Life Insurance Australia Avatar

    Hi David, we are very happy to be a part of this blog.

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