CommunityLend Raises $2.5M

Community LendSocial lending is coming to Canada. Founded more than a year ago by Michael Garrity and Colin Henderson and following the successful model of Zopa in the UK and Prosper in the U.S., CommunityLend will be launching a P2P lending service in Canada.

P2P lending works like this. Borrowers provide their details to CommunityLend, including a public profile and reason for the loan. CommunityLend performs a credit check on the borrowers and then posts the borrower’s story, profile and credit rating to a community of prospective lenders/investors in an eBay-like interface. Investors then bid on pieces of the loan (each loan is typically divided up among many lenders which mitigates everyone’s risk). After the bidding process the loan is then issued at the minimum rate required to satisfy enough lenders to fund the full amount.

The company will be offering, at first, one standard type of loan – 3 years, fixed rates to a maximum of 25k. Judging by other services like, social lending seems to fill a gap in the product offering of a traditional bank. Rates are typically in the 10-18% range, which fits above bank rates for unsecured lines of credit and below that of high interest credit cards. CommunityLend makes money by charging a small spread to both the borrower and the lender.

With the current “sub-prime” troubles in global credit markets, the timing may be perfect for CommunityLend. Banks in Canada and the US have been tightening their credit policies making borrowing more difficult, especially for marginal creditors. The transparent, market-based P2P model may well prove to be a solution than can judge and price loans in this segment better than the big institutions.

In addition to the funding announcement (of mostly non-Canadian investment dollars btw), CommunityLend is also announcing a new slate of directors including Barry Campbell, former MP and Secretary to the Minister of Finance and Jim Jones CEO of GMAC Residential Capital [100B lending portfolio].

Congratulations to the team for reaching this milestone. We look forward to providing a more thorough review of the lending service once it goes live (we’re told early to mid next year).

For the time being you can get more info at the company’s newly launched website:


39 responses to “CommunityLend Raises $2.5M”

  1. […] at  2007 was a long year, as we raised our funding, and organised the management team.  We […]

  2. […] at  2007 was a long year, as we raised our funding, and organised the management team.  We […]

  3. Colin Henderson Avatar

    Tom … thanks for the post. We are both excited, and humbled by the extent of the business opportunity, and we will work hard to live up to everyone’s expectations.

  4. Colin Henderson Avatar

    Tom … thanks for the post. We are both excited, and humbled by the extent of the business opportunity, and we will work hard to live up to everyone’s expectations.

  5. John Philip Green Avatar

    Congrats Michael, Jennifer, Colin, & Roger!

    Malgosia & I have repeatedly said that this venture is the only one that would have brought us back from San Fran to Toronto, apart from Savvica. I think P2P lending’s time has come–and I look forward to using the service.

    Stick it to those banks!

    (Congrats to StartupNorth on the scoop!)

  6. John Philip Green Avatar

    Congrats Michael, Jennifer, Colin, & Roger!

    Malgosia & I have repeatedly said that this venture is the only one that would have brought us back from San Fran to Toronto, apart from Savvica. I think P2P lending’s time has come–and I look forward to using the service.

    Stick it to those banks!

    (Congrats to StartupNorth on the scoop!)

  7. […] which strives to be the first peer to peer lending service launching in Canada, has secured 2.5 million dollar venture capital. Furthermore CommunityLend announced winning Barry Campbell, former MP and Secretary to the […]

  8. […] which strives to be the first peer to peer lending service launching in Canada, has secured 2.5 million dollar venture capital. Furthermore CommunityLend announced winning Barry Campbell, former MP and Secretary to the […]

  9. Mike McDerment Avatar


    congrats CL team!


  10. Mike McDerment Avatar


    congrats CL team!


  11. Tom Williams Avatar

    Very excited for the whole team at CommunityLend! Congrats!

  12. Tom Williams Avatar

    Very excited for the whole team at CommunityLend! Congrats!

  13. Dan Matan Avatar

    Yay, happy to hear about the progress and the backing. I’ll write up a post once I finish my 7th exam 🙂

  14. Dan Matan Avatar

    Yay, happy to hear about the progress and the backing. I’ll write up a post once I finish my 7th exam 🙂

  15. […] first Peer-to-Peer lending company. We covered the funding announcement of Toronto Based CommunityLend back in […]

  16. […] first Peer-to-Peer lending company. We covered the funding announcement of Toronto Based CommunityLend back in […]

  17. […] CommunityLend Raises $2.5M | StartupNorth (tags: funding) […]

  18. […] CommunityLend Raises $2.5M | StartupNorth (tags: funding) […]

  19. […] is a guest post by CEO Michael Garrity. We have profiled CommunityLend in the past. […]

  20. […] is a guest post by CEO Michael Garrity. We have profiled CommunityLend in the past. […]

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  24. FX Avatar

    Great job on helping out the community with providing funds to be loaned to those that need it.

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  28. James Avatar

    I beleive that this is a great concept because it shares responsibilities and it shows much more trasnparency than traditional loans!

  29. James Avatar

    I beleive that this is a great concept because it shares responsibilities and it shows much more trasnparency than traditional loans!

  30. aryanmehta Avatar

    Inspiring Charity in All of Us

    I was doing my normal rounds about a month ago, looking for something to blog about, shopping, playing tug-o-war with the dog, hounding DubLi for a great deal on a fancy new webcam, when I accidentally clicked over to my iGoogle page, and saw something that snagged my attention. Jordin Sparks, of American Idol fame, apparently has been making her rounds to charity events and auctions, priming up the guests with her celebrity status.

    My mouse wandered off of the back button on the browser, and towards the celebrity news gadget on my iGoogle, and I read on. Just with her presence, the big-wigs who attend these events bid higher, pay more, order more food, the list goes on. The article specifically spoke of a dinner where a few NFL stars were being entertained, and went on to tell of Spark's busy schedule. TV appearances on the west coast, radio shows on the east, just back from an Australian tour.

    This young woman has it in her power to make millions of dollars a year. Millions, and instead of promoting herself, she went with her father to charity events. Maybe not completely selfless, I am sure she was reimbursed at least in the slightest, but still, if I was faced with a stadium of screaming Aussies that had each dropped forty dollars, or a small dinner where no one was writing a check that large, I'd have chosen shrimp on the barbie in no time flat.

    So I looked more into it, (the DubLi network and my webcam would just have to wait), and found many, many more. George Clooney, stuffing charity pockets full with his donations, Beyonce, just a sweetheart, apparently, and even Bill Gates. They all take time out of their day to see what good they can do for the world.

    Now I am not the normal “let's do it because the celebrities do” type. In fact, I usually look on Hollywood like a leper colony, with disdain and fear. But this really moved me. Their days seem so much more important than me and my boring little job, my cubicle, my dog and my webcam, yet they were not to self important to take time out to give back.

    I got an email, it was DubLi, I had the lowest unique bid, and I had just purchased the webcam. In total, with the bid cost and the final offer I had made, it cost me $13.60.

    It didn't take me long to find an animal sanctuary that was in desperate need of funds, birdfeed and office equipment. An exotic bird sanctuary, they raised endangered species for re-release into the wild population. So that's what I could give back. On my way into work the next week, I stopped by, the webcam still in its shipping package, and dropped it off.

    A few days later I saw on their website that they would soon have video of their Andean condors and great horned owls. And it just made me smile for a minute and think, thank you, Ms. Sparks. Thank You Mr. Clooney, thank you to all who act charitably in your normal day, thank you DubLi for getting me such a good price, and don't thank me … it was the least I could do.

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  32. […] a few years and a handful of blog posts, I am at a loss for words other than to say I am glad things are finally rolling and […]

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    The company will be offering, at first, one standard type of loan – 3 years, fixed rates to a maximum of 25k.

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  37. […] regulatory hurdles to become the first provider of peer-to-peer financing in Canada. They have raised over $2.5 million to […]

  38. […] regulatory hurdles to become the first provider of peer-to-peer financing in Canada. They have raised over $2.5 million to […]

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