Waterloo Region StartupFest

Update: The team at Communitech recognize the gafoo. They are rebranding the event Tektoberfest (which I think is an amazing fun brand that is a fun play on Oktoberfest). Great work by Phil, Iain and a group of people that should be collaborating. 

Update 2: Looks like the Communitech folks have updated their branding. Calling the event Techtoberfest and the previously mentioned Tektoberfest. They’ve also rounded out the line up with more great speakers including Devon Galloway and Michael Litt from Vidyard, Carol Leaman of Axonify. This means you’ll get 2 Hot Sh!t Listers (Devon and Eric) and 2 more incredible CEOs as part of the line up. Shaping up to be a great event.

Techtoberfest, Waterloo Region, Oct 11-13, 2012

Apparently the Communitech team went to the rip, mix and burn school of branding. Founders & Funders – check. StartupFest – check. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I gave permission for the Communitech team my support for using Founders & Funders in Waterloo Region. No bitching about that. Not sure how Phil Telio feels about his trademark being reused. I’d be upset. But I digress, maybe serves as evidence that more of the operational money goes directly to entrepreneurs and companies that Communitech helps, because it’s not going into new branding.

It looks like an amazing event!

They have a great line up featuring:

Given the strong history of Entrepreneur Week. And the speakers and types of events lined up, it is set to be a fantastic week.


4 responses to “Waterloo Region StartupFest”

  1. philgo20 Avatar

    It’s hard to believe they don’t know about Phil’s event…


    1. David Crow Avatar

      Well it’s not in Waterloo, and Communitech is Waterloo Region focused…

      No seriously, I think it was just a mistake. They are awesome. I just like the opportunity to heckle from a far.

  2. Startup Festival Avatar

    David,  thanks for bringing this to my attention.  I spoke with Iain Klugman, CEO of Communitech.  He assures me there was no mal intent, nor intention of “ripping” the Startupfest brand.  They agreed to stop using the brand (by Monday latest). The event will be re-branded Tektoberfest.  I appreciate the ease with which this all went down. Now we can continue to find ways to collaborate.

    Lessons learned:
    1) When things like this happen do not over react or get hot headed.  I was blue for a few hours, glad i didn’t comment in the heat of the moment
    2) When an issue arises, pick up the phone and speak to those in charge. Do not be aggressive, just be pragmatic and articulate your point of view in a friendly manner.  Had i approached Iain with a sledge hammer, it would not have gone so smoothly
    3) When choosing a brand, avoid highly descriptive names that can easily be reused as a definition (with or without intention)
    4) Good morals always wins. Good people always do the right thing.
    5) Always have a Raging Frog on your side. Just in case you meet immoral, bad people 🙂


    1. davidcrow Avatar

      What is a Raging Frog?

      I’m glad. I think the Tektoberfest is a brilliant name. It’s awesome. And fits well in the Waterloo Region. 

      Communitech is a great place. The offer a lot of value for Waterloo Region. And as much as I like to “heckle” their marketing/communications staff they do a lot of things that should be held up as the model for other organizations to follow. They really are leaders with top notch programs and services. 

      I’m glad to hear that things are working out. If for no other reason than it lets me be a troll on the Internet. 

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