Calling all enterprise startups: Enterprise 2.0 Launchpad

The Enterprise 2.0 Conference hosts a startup launchpad every year that has proven to be a great way for high quality Enterprise 2.0 focused startups to get in front of a group of potential partners, analysts, press and customers. In return, the Enterprise 2.0 conference audience has a chance to see the most promising and innovative enterprise Social Business software coming to the market. This has always been my favorite part of the Enterprise 2.0 conference.

I will be one of the judges this year and would love to see some Canadian companies in the running. Brainpark was one of the finalists last year.

To enter the first round of judging, simply tweet about your startup using the #e2conf-lp tag!

The competition invites all companies and developers, large and small, to enter their application. Their is no fee for entry, nor do do you need to be an exhibitor at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference (although if you are, that’s cool too). The bar for entry is set very low – simply Tweet to #e2conf-lp and tell us in 140 characters or less why you are ‘Launch Pad worthy.

You have until April 19th to complete your Twitter pitch – we’ll close submissions at the end of the day. Upon Tweeting your entry to #e2conf-lp, the Launch Pad Jury will make note of your entry. Our Jury will then vote to whittle down the Twitter submissions to 8.


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