- New job posted: Sr. Software Engineer (potential for founder level) / Confidential / Thornhill, .. http://bit.ly/3RBrAE #
- Internet Business Models of the TechStars http://bit.ly/nrirG by @COStartups (make sure you check @pfrisella's http://bit.ly/mVWHZ) #
- RT @startupcfo: Post: Getting a Term Sheet http://bit.ly/TOp3b #
- Startup Tip of the week: You aren't proving anyone wrong, you're proving yourself right. #
- RT @dna13: Latest blog post: dna13 partners with Thomson Reuters to develop new PR tools http://hub.tm/?BFbGi #
- RT @KeeblerBlog: RT @scribblelive: ScribbleLive in the Financial Post today – "Tech Pitch With A Payout" http://tinyurl.com/ydv7guz #
- RT @startupcfo: Thousands of companies will exit next year http://bit.ly/2Pzs3H #
- RT @jaygoldman: Really interesting news for startups RT @cdixon: Presenting a new seed fund, Founder Collective http://cdixon.org/?p=1794 #
- RT @TheCodeFactory: Tomorrow at TheCodeFactory: Open Source Business Breakfast 8:30-10:00am details: http://bit.ly/2yun8F #
- Twitterpoppy was made in an afternoon at @thehubhalifax during Friday Afternoon Hack: http://bit.ly/1XFAQK details: http://bit.ly/OHssR #
- The Organic Incubator http://bit.ly/2mjrbe with comments from @tagga @bootuplabs @basilpeters @bwertz all on @techvibes #
- RT @monkchips: ESSENTIAL reading: how JBoss drove its average deal size from $10k to $50k http://bit.ly/1kdlCr #mustread #
- RT @missrogue: Great event in Ottawa for Canadian (and American if you can make it!) female entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/2edl0 #
- RT @davidcrow: Any surprises here? @CVCACanada announced 2009Q3 worst in 14 years http://bit.ly/1RArrA #canada #vc #
- Toronto's XtremeLabs launches UrbanSpoon for BlackBerry – http://bit.ly/uspoon #awesomesauce #
- RT @isfan: IMPORTANT: Founders and Funders Ottawa has been moved to Dec 3 instead of Dec 1. more details imminent. #
- RT @jaygoldman: Word! @maggie_fox: "Canada is awesome" audience member: "I've heard that" maggie: "Yes! The branding is working." #defragcon #
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