Weekend Reading – February 22, 2009

Changed behavior an indicator of customer satisfaction vs. requiring a change of behavior as a sure way to fail.

Success is never a straight line, Mark MacLeod on iskoot.

When asked for an employee number… here is what to say.

And some great announcements you might have missed:

SmartHippo added 200 new lenders to its mortgage comparison engine.

GigPark announced a great new partnership with Autohound.ca, where they are powering a dealer testimonial tool. This partnership is part of a bigger strategy to open up GigPark so other companies can use their social recommendation tool.

fOTOGLIF announced making available over one million free images for embedding across the web.

Akoha launched TED inspired mission cards.

Airborne Mobile raised $2M from iNovia Capital.

Mashup Arts raised $1.6M in seed financing.


2 responses to “Weekend Reading – February 22, 2009”

  1. Saad Avatar

    should have posted before the weekend 😉

  2. Saad Avatar

    How did mashuparts raise so much money? I’ve never heard anything about them, are they Canadian?

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