The state of the Canadian cities in the StartupCompass Startup Ecosystem Report 2012 (Get the Report) is interesting. The Startup Ecosystem Report 2012 lists 3 Canadian cities:
- Toronto # 8
- Vancouver # 9
- Waterloo # 16
It leaves Montreal out of the top 20, it might very well be # 21. But it is very hard to determine without the full report that is due out later in the year. I also find it very strange, given the strong Montreal supporters in the “Local startup ecosystem supporters” listed in the document:
- Ben Yoskovitz Follow @byosko
- Brent Barrett Follow @Mile_End_Media
- Andy Yang Follow @andyyangstar
- Mark Zimmerman Follow @markzim
- Brian Jackson Follow @brianjjackson
- Helen Kula Follow @helenkula
- Jon French Follow @jdfrench
- Ian Jeffrey Follow @ianmtl
The data reminds me of other analyst driven research companies (think Gartner, Altimeter, etc.). The methodology leaves it open to bias. But it is a great stick in the sand based on our own community survey responses.
“The index is based on data from more than 50,000 startups around the world who are using the Startup Genome’s Startup Compass, an automated analyst in the cloud that helps businesses make better decisions via benchmarks and actionable recommendations.”
It will be interesting to continue to read the report and lessons for Canadian entrepreneurs.
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