Ctrl Alt Compete – A startup documentary

Interesting my friends from Microsoft are hosting a screening of Ctrl Alt Compete which features our own Josh Sookman (LinkedIn, @jsookman) of Guardly and Brian Wong (LinkedIn, @brian_wong) of Kiip. It’s a documentary about building startups and the founders passion, fortitude and the shear insanity of doing this. Looks like a fun take, realistic take.

Watch the trailer.

Trailer on YouTube for Ctrl Alt Compete

The movies takes a revealing look at the startup and emerging business scene through the eyes of five founders and their teams telling a story of the passion, fortitude and insanity that is bringing a startup to life. Microsoft believes tech entrepreneurship is fundamentally changing the world. The things that developers create; the ideas that they’re able to make reality; the tangible value they deliver is reshaping the way people live their lives every day. Building a startup from nothing to something is hard—REALLY hard.

Ctrl Alt Compete

Red Carpet Event for the Canadian Premiere of Ctrl Alt Compete Screening

Join a networking crowd of investors, community start-ups and entrepreneurial students for the first Canadian screening of Ctrl Alt Compete – a Microsoft movie documentary on what it takes to be a start-up:Passion. Fortitude. Insanity.

There are lots of tech startups out there taking their shot at changing the world. There’s no shortage of ideas. The infrastructure to build quickly is cheaper and more accessible than it’s ever been…there’s lots of capital floating around for the right idea. If only it were that simple! Building a startup from nothing to something is hard—REALLY hard. There is a “story behind the story” of just how hard it is to go from inception to reality and become the products and services that we use every day.

It’s a story of the power of people pouring their passion, drive and dedication into building something that changes the world—no matter how hard.

We believe that is a story worth telling and sharing.

At this premier screening event, you’ll hear insights from industry executives, Start-Ups from the cast and local leaders in the Start-Up community.


2 responses to “Ctrl Alt Compete – A startup documentary”

  1. Johnm4douglas Avatar

      “hard—REALLY hard”

    Sure it is hard, when investors can’t make a difference between a diamond and a piece of glass. Well, soon all they have is the glass.

  2. Josh Sookman Avatar

    Thanks for the shout-out David! It was a fun (and somewhat nerve-racking) experience, with film crews following our team for 3 days prior-to and during our DEMO launch last Spring. The Producer of the film is a super nice guy — Brian Giberson — and I hope he makes it out to Toronto. They got a ton of great folks to chime in from the industry (and some others, who I’d argue have no idea what it’s like to launch and operate a startup), so I’d be curious to hear people’s feedback after watching the flick. It’s more targeted at people who don’t really live in the startup world, I’d argue, so expect some “duh!” moments… Otherwise, see you at the screening!

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