72 Hours Later….

I loved this infographics from Ken Seto, @kenseto, et al at Massive Damage, who launched Please Stay Calm a few days ago in the Canadian Apple app store. Some very useful comparative info for aspiring game makers on local Canadian app downloads.

Also I have a new request. From now on all startups should have a picture of a zombies missing an arm beside their ARPU. Especially in really serious board meetings.

How Zombie Killing Sells.


2 responses to “72 Hours Later….”

  1. davidcrow Avatar

    The only additional number I want to see is “Customer Acquisition Costs”. But this is amazing to see startups tracking real metrics.

    1. Ken Seto Avatar

      We’ll have those as soon as we start spending on acquisition.  We’re focused almost entirely on retention and figuring out where players are dropping off.  We hope to figure out a good chunk of that before we launch in the US (and globally) and the acquisition spending begins.

      Also hope to come back with 28 days later and 72 days later posts 😉

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