DEMO Innovation tour returns

Some rights reserved by The DEMO Conference
AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by The DEMO Conference

The Demo Innovation is Everywhere tour is coming back to Canada with stops in Toronto & Montreal. The event includes 2 parts, a chance to pitch/present to local VCs (Rogers Ventures) and a social party. Last years event was fantastic.

We invite you to submit an application for a 30 minute private meeting with the DEMO team and leading Venture capitals in a city near you. We have ten spots available per tour stop. Each company selected will also have the opportunity to address a larger audience at the DEMO Tour party in the evening open to the entire DEMO community of VCs, investors, media and PR professionals.

Location Date Register
Vancouver, BC Canada June 23rd, 2011
Toronto, ON Canada June 28th, 2011


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